So do you really think that every disagreement should then be engaged by name calling?
And bad behavior by worse behavior??
And everyone calling everyone else turds???
Can a person simply say that name calling is sinful without calling the person name-calling the dirty name name-caller?
Sure, they can say it.
It is the MAD folks here who love to name-call
And sometimes it's not MAD folks.
It is the hall-mark of this site... Nick does it out of sheer boredom, no doubt... And do you want to accuse those who ID this behavior as just as bad as those who do it as a matter of policy?
It is kinda nuts, Tam...
It's reality.
Most everyone does it in one form or another.
Even you.
No way to see it in a good way...
I do, cause the bible says so.
"Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed."
You can hide it and be coy with words, or just be truthful and say what's really on your mind.
Either that or keep your mouth shut. And we know that ain't gonna happen, now don't we.
And for Pete's sake, don't fall for the lie that you, me, Nang, IMJ, STP, Nick, etc., haven't said anything derogatory about others here.
I know I have. And I don't try to make excuses that I'm so much "nicer" than others.
I call folks stupid and foolish because that's what I really think and believe about them. Why should I lie about that?