ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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Well-known member
What crappy "translation" is that?
Mar 7:18-20 KJV And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; (19) Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? (20) And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.
At that TIME they were still under the Law of Moses and were lawfully unable to eat certain foods.

And He was teaching them that the Law was passing...



Well-known member
Thanks for the continued psycho babble, and emotional blubberings, Maharishi. Put your bong down.

And that "accusation of hate" spam of yours "gets to me" every time, as I'm stunned, every time I see it. TOL has never seen such brilliance before......

Still can't have a conversation, can you?

Keep on praying for me...

Arsenios the dim...


Well-known member
fat Craigie
fat, wimpy Craigie
sodomite Craigie!
sponging off your wife,
habitual liar?

But those things which proceed out of the mouth
come forth from the heart;
and they defile the man.

God's Own Words, John W...

I will shudder FOR you...



Well-known member
You did well not to capitalize "one"...

Will you give me your blessing and pray for me?

You are my brother, whether or not you acknowledge me as yours...

God Bless you Mysterion the nameless...


The only basis for a family relation in Christ IS in Christ. We are not both in Christ. It's that simple.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Every word he spoke is the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

Here are Jesus OWN words of His Gospel:

"Repent and be Baptized...
The Kingdom of Heaven...
Is at HAND!"

I mean, really...
Do you actually think...
In your very own mind...

"Through His name...
Whosoever believeth in him...
Shall receive remission of sins..."

That THIS in not the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I mean, what are you thinking??


"Every word he spoke is the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

Here are Jesus OWN words of His Gospel:"-Maharishi Jeff

Fine. Sell all you have. That's good news. Do it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
But those things which proceed out of the mouth
come forth from the heart;
and they defile the man.

God's Own Words, John W...

I will shudder FOR you...


Thanks for the complement!!! A junkie and wolf not approving of me!

"vipers...hypocrites...brood of vipers....whited wall...child of the devil...pervert....dogs..."-the Lord Jesus Christ...John the Baptist...Paul...Peter

The Maharishi is a prime example, of what happens to a man/woman, who does not survey and study the book, and isolates himself from intelligent members of the boc, and instead relies on "Feelings..Nothing more than feelings....," after a few tokes, and employs the "One verse Wonder" technique-He logs in, gets high, and loses his mind.
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TOL Subscriber
Thanks for the complement!!! A junkie and wolf not approving of me!

"vipers...hypocrites...brood of vipers....whited wall...child of the devil...pervert....dogs..."-the Lord Jesus Christ...John the Baptist...Paul...Peter

The Maharishi is a prime example, of what happens to a man/woman, who does not survey and study the book, and isolates himself from intelligent members of the boc, and instead relies on "Feelings..Nothing more than feelings....," after a few tokes, and employs the "One verse Wonder" technique-He logs in, gets high, and loses his mind.

Why does it come into your mind to accuse everyone who confronts your lack of knowledge, as being dopers? Why is that your repeated and constant frame of reference?

Is that all you know?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why does it come into your mind to accuse everyone who confronts your lack of knowledge, as being dopers? Why is that your repeated and constant frame of reference?

Is that all you know?

Do you have a need to know, PigPen? No? Then, take a seat. I don't recognize you just right now.


How did I do, evil one?


New member
This is so true Levolor. It takes much discipline to state one's case in a respectful manner.

Good exercise for that discipline. :)
What we have here is so much pride. This is not true evangelizing. Otherwise, we would hear testamonies of new conversions and hearts turned to Christ.

Yes, yes and yes.

I admit it is hard to stay away from contentious threads.

The drama is a draw, for sure. If the armor is securely on, a difference can be made. It is slow and arduous though! Almost agonizingly slow, but progress has been made and will continue to be made. :)

Let us always remember to pray for the saints. They truly need the support and we receive it in the same way.

God bless!


New member
Hello, Friend...

That is indeed my worst fear for them...

On the one hand, they are convinced, one with another, enough to create this site as their witness to the Lord, that they have figured out the Truth after all these years, 2000 of them, that no one else got right, and this "truth" of theirs is their treasury, and they love it and guard it... And they are protecting their treasury by attacking personally the persons who approach who do not conform themselves to it... They have demonized the persons of those who hold a differing understanding, and they attack with very little restraint...

I know and I know that you know.
They remind me of Iron Mike Tyson, the rapist and ex-boxing champion, picking a fight with anyone... He would say anything to get them to fight, including lurid descriptions of conjugal relations with their children, and worse... And all Mike wanted was for someone to give him a good fight... And what he said helped him to get it... Lennox Lewis, of course, gave him "the whipping he so eloquently longed to receive", as the British fighter stated the matter... But for Mike, he just wanted a result, and whatever he said that might help attain it was justified...

Much that is similar happens here...

Get a reaction... get the light that is in another dirty. You do know that the demons and their imps feed on the light from the saints IF they can get them re-acting poorly?
Patrick Jane has been acting as a mediator -

Matthew 5:9
And would not have us judge long term posters by their on line words and behavior - Citing a RECORD that is being established here, and urging us to address issues, and not the persons of the long time MAD posters who are attacking people willy nilly and viciously all over the boards here...

But it is this behavior that IS the issue... Because it IS demonic...

Agreed. The issues cannot be discussed because disagreement brings attacks and ugliness.

John W knows it is demonic,

He does? And he revels in it! Galatians 5:19-21

I find his avatars to be quite revealing too.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God***.
Galatians 5:19-21

***Note here that this verse, from St. Paul, mentions the "kingdom of God". So much for the separation of the kingdom and grace statements being made.

and he is its most vicious practitioner... GM is perhaps its most passive aggressive practitioner... But the practice, and its gentle defense at the hands of Patrick Jane,

I think that PJ is trying to encourage a more gentle, peaceful forum. I could be wrong though.
is clearly born of a culture of spiritual violence which pervades and runs and self-justifies on this board... There IS, within it, an ethical line of self rule that has been drawn... I found it with John W, in a rebuke that he was forced to honor, by giving me his blessing... I can't imagine how much it grieved him, and his action of blessing me constituted his confession and apology - He himself never said: "Forgive me, I was wrong to refuse to bless you, and you convicted me with Paul's very words: 'Being reviled, we bless...', so Bless You my brother..." He was not capable of those words, for he does not have the Spirit of those words controlling him... Demons do not do humble very well, but it is the foundation of the Godly... "Be as I am, for I am meek and lowly of soul..." [Christ's words...]


And you are right: Demons do not do humble very well.
So they commit this violent and personal and spiritual attack on their "enemies" and then have folks like PJ to soften its impact, and still others who man the nets to catch the pieces of the souls of their victims as they fall into outrage, anger and despair, and then seek to "re-educate" them in the true gospel of Paul...

I too have seen the ranks.

And it is all sick, sick, and sicker...


I PRAY that you are wrong, my Beloved Friend...

Please God, let her be wrong...

I can be wrong and would love to be wrong about this. I do hope and pray that God destroys these enemies by making them His friends.
Let their evil behaviors on line NOT be who they truly are in their inward parts... And give them repentance from their culture of spiritual violence demonically engendered...


And you as well...


Thank you my dear friend, brother and partner in prayer.


Well-known member
The only basis for a family relation in Christ IS in Christ. We are not both in Christ. It's that simple.

I suffer, you see, from an abundance of Love... And that abundance causes me, even against my will, to call even them that hate and despise me, even these, to call them Brother...

I am your friend, and I pray that some day you will become my friend as well... That is how God desires us to be - Brothers and friends of one accord, united in one Love, in one Gospel of Jesus Christ...



Well-known member
"Every word he spoke is the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

Here are Jesus OWN words of His Gospel:"-Maharishi Jeff

Fine. Sell all you have. That's good news. Do it.

I keep looking for something else to sell, and give to the poor...

How about my lovely socks? They are the only holy things I have...

Would you like them?

Do you obey Paul's commands, his desires for you?

Did you READ ABOUT Jesus Christ preaching His Own Gospel of the Good News?

Matthew 4:17
"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say,
Be ye repenting:
For already hath drawn near...
The kingdom of the heavens."

So do you imagine, in your fecund recesses,
that the Gospel which Paul preached
DIFFERED from this
The Gospel of Jesus Christ??

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