the church


New member
-religion is preserving traditions
-each industry has standards based on what works
-the church has all that and more
-the church teaches
-like the shepherd feeds his flock
-it is what peter was asked to do
-three times

Jesus nor the Apostles were big on tradition.. why are you?

The Catholic Italians = Satan... that is all.

I worked for them for a number of years.. I know of what I speak.

The RCC is the perfect example of when you repeat a lie earnest and often enough, you will find gullible people to believe it.
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New member
Jesus represents a new covenant, a new testament, a new tradition
-it has been preserved by the church
-the church Jesus built on a rock

hmm.. no.

It is a New Covenant, but it is an expansion/revision of the Old Covenant. No new tradition is involved... it was an extension from the Jews to include Gentiles. True Christianity is much more Jewish than Roman... Rome knew that and did all it could to exterminate as many Jews as possible so its self imposed authority could not be questioned.

If you cannot convince or convert them... murder them... that was the mantra of the RCC for centuries.

The rock of Jesus' church is Jesus himself... the chief cornerstone and bedrock of his ekklesia.


New member
Jesus said
-do this in memory of me
-what do you do in His memory?

I do as he and his apostles commanded. I have meals at my house and make sure everyone is fed, then we set aside some bread and wine to take a few minutes to remember what he did for us.

You cannot serve communion until you make sure that there is no one hungry present.


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Hall of Fame
He sacrificed himself willingly in our place so that no more blood sacrifices would be needed and he defeated death and rose again to sit in heaven at the right hand of God the father and sate God's anger toward us by standing in our stead.

I really don't know what you said there
-here is how I would answer my question to you
-Jesus suffered and died so we might be saved
-can you agree with that statement?


New member
I really don't know what you said there
-here is how I would answer my question to you
-Jesus suffered and died so we might be saved
-can you agree with that statement?

That is a very incomplete answer.. its only part 1.

But coming from a Romanist, it was to be expected since you guys are infatuated with only the suffering part. You seem to relegate his time in hell and victory over death to the back seats.


New member
what does that mean?

His defeat of Satan and victory over death are just as/if not more important than his suffering on the cross... yet all your crosses still have Jesus hanging on them which signifies his incomplete work.. your 14 stations of the cross once again dwells on only his suffering.

The cross is empty and the grave is empty, that IS the victory he accomplished!

I am against icons/symbols of any kind... but only an empty cross should be in christian churches if you are going to allow symbols... as it signifies our victory.. our hope!

Showing Christ on the cross still suffering, implies guilt and implies that we too must suffer, which of course is a lie.

patrick jane

I really don't know what you said there
-here is how I would answer my question to you
-Jesus suffered and died so we might be saved
-can you agree with that statement?
You don't know if you're saved yet, you live in unbelief never trusting in the finished work of Christ. And your political views are a shambles


New member
what is this based on?
-who told you that?

Common Sense... Jesus does not need to be crucified over and over again. He was crucified, dead and buried and rose again!... Hallelujah!

Should we not be like the Apostles and celebrate his VICTORY on our behalf. Or do we want to live in a world framed by the constant suffering of Jesus?

His suffering took place once and is over! And he did it out of sense of duty and not passion! Passion would not allow Jesus to be afraid and plead with his father to let this cup pass. He did it out of love, duty and necessity!