the church


New member
So you're either Beloved57 or you're trying to look like Beloved57.

So either you're dishonest or you're dishonest.


Nope , I leave the lying and dishonesty to deceived lost and confused Roman Catholics.



NO mention of Jesus or the Holy Spirit just Mary.

YOU can place yourself in Mary's care for salvation and still go to hell. Mary never paid for one sin Jesus paid for all sin of those that are in Him.
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You correct nothing, because you have no authority, nor do you represent anyone in authority.

Get over yourself... Screwtape!
This is truly sad. Rome believing that one obtain salvation by works, never submitting to the authority of Christ, and inherit eternal life.


New member
You correct nothing, because you have no authority, nor do you represent anyone in authority.
My statements represent the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, unlike yours which merely parrot the entirely non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect. Big difference there.

Back to Post #3505.


New member
This is truly sad. Rome believing that one obtain salvation by works, never submitting to the authority of Christ, and inherit eternal life.
Your ignorance is showing, since Catholics do not believe that they "obtain salvation by works," nor that we don't need to submit to the authority of Christ which---according to Jesus himself---is embodied in the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church (Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15). Try again.

Back to Post #3505.


Hey, we Catholic's don't worship Idols..??? Really, what's this photo reveal..?? Catholics lying to me every day and engaging in Idolatry and then lying about it.....adding lying to the sin of Idolatry...that is a Idol they are kneeling before...what can that filthy Idol do for them..?? NOTHING..


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Hey, we Catholic's don't worship Idols..??? Really, what's this photo reveal..?? Catholics lying to me every day and engaging in Idolatry and then lying about it.....adding lying to the sin of Idolatry...that is a Idol they are kneeling before...what can that filthy Idol do for them..?? NOTHING..


Isn't that silly?

Human beings, designed by God Almighty Himself, bowing down before a thing crafted by the hands of a man.

God's Truth

New member

What you say is garbage, dung from mere men.

God does choose, but He does not make that choice based on NOTHING, as you teach.

THE BIBLE says God chooses those who believe and obey Him.

Acts 10:35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
487 What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ.

My good sir, how dare you use reason and facts. Can't you see that the protestants want insults and goofy pictures instead?


Catholicism has turned Mary into 'Queen Regent of God'. She's their go-to for when they can't get their way with her son :plain:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hey, we Catholic's don't worship Idols..???..........
That's right.

.......what's this photo reveal..?? ....
It reveals your ignorance and stupidity.

An idol is a false god or something a person places above God. Mary is neither. What you have there is a piece of art depicting Mary, and people kneeling in prayer. Only a pinhead like you would draw the conclusion you have drawn.

How many of you have been following the anti-police riots in the news. Many of you know that little cell-phone videos of police often result in false conclusions and false allegations about the police, right? The picture can seem to be something it is not.

This is no different. What this slimy liar Tulipbee is doing is exactly what the liberal news and Black Lives Matter does with cellphone videos of the police: Using them to make false allegations, and claiming that they show something which in fact they do not..


My good sir, how dare you use reason and facts. Can't you see that the protestants want insults and goofy pictures instead?
If there were no Jesus, then they'd have a point.

But, there is Jesus.

Who is Mary, if Jesus is nobody? She'd also be nobody; and again, they'd have a point.

But Jesus is the Son of God, and the King of kings; making her both the Queen Mother and the Mother of God, which is what the Church has always believed, for centuries, without controversy.

I also find it really ironic how much Protestants will use the Old Testament to impugn the Church, all the while, ignoring how condemned they are according to that same standard, and ignoring multiple New Testament passages that condemn them for condemning the Church, and, ignoring straight forward, unambiguous New Testament commands and doctrine.



What you say is garbage, dung from mere men.

God does choose, but He does not make that choice based on NOTHING, as you teach.

THE BIBLE says God chooses those who believe and obey Him.

Acts 10:35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.
God knows who his people are
Isn't that silly?

Human beings, designed by God Almighty Himself, bowing down before a thing crafted by the hands of a man.
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