the church


New member
Your faith is in squat. You lie, you deceive, and from what I've seen you don't have a speck of Christ's love in you.

If I hated you I would NOT tell you to flee the coming wrath and the lies , idolatry, and deceptions that you are living under.

I would prefer you hate me for telling you the truth than love me for lying to you/

Love tells the truth !


New member
No exaggeration is to far out for you is it?
Your claim is that Catholics are not Christians. Yet, Catholics were the only followers of Jesus Christ---the only Christian Church---in existence for the millennium-and-a-half prior to the 16th-century Protestant Rebellion (the Eastern Orthodox churches possess a valid Apostolic Succession, and so may be historically included along with Catholics). Therefore, by your logic, there were no Christians prior to the 16th century---Christianity began with Martin Luther in 1517! That's the ridiculous implication of your claim.

Christians have been here since the moment that Jesus was crucified , and even before that.
Name them. Where are they located in history? Post their writings. Where are their church buildings being excavated? Post your evidence for these supposed non-Catholic "Christians."

The RCC did her very best to destroy Christianity during the dark ages, but God would not allow that to happen.
Proof, please.

Remember the RCC during the inquisitions murdered many , many, many christians...
Again: name them, etc.

Then their next plan was to control the word of God and for many years made it a crime punishable by death to even have a bible in ones home.
Are you drunk, or just stupid? You have exactly zero comprehension of Christian history. Start educating yourself HERE.

But Thanks and Glory be to God that he made the RCC plan FAIL !


New member
How have you managed to deal with these guys for years without losing your mind.
I take occasional breaks. Actually, I think I have just about humored dodge long enough. He posts little more than strings of unsubstantiated claims and anti-Catholic propaganda that he's been fed by his chosen man-made non-Catholic sect. Unproven claims really require no refutation, so it's really a waste of my time to keep hammering away at his vacuous parroted screeds. I'll place him on "ignore" before long, and let him rave into the wind to his heart's content.

Boy, following 1 Peter 3:15 is difficult, isn't it? (Especially the end of verse 15!) ;)


New member
Cruciform;4763782]Your claim is that Catholics are not Christians. Yet, Catholics were the only followers of Jesus Christ---the only Christian Church---in existence for the millennium-and-a-half prior to the 16th-century Protestant Rebellion (the Eastern Orthodox churches possess a valid Apostolic Succession, and so may be historically included along with Catholics). Therefore, by your logic, there were no Christians prior to the 16th century---Christianity began with Martin Luther in 1517! That's the ridiculous implication of your claim.

There have always been Christians that would not pray to Mary or submit to a pope. Your C***** did their very best to MAKE them change and murdered many , many , many Christians that would not submit to Rome.

You suggested I study history, and I have that is why I know the horrible and evil history of the Roman Catholic C*****.

Name them. Where are they located in history? Post their writings. Where are their church buildings being excavated? Post your evidence for these supposed non-Catholic "Christians."

John-Paul-Mark-Matthew-John, and the rest of the Apostles many of whom were Jews ! There was no Roman Catholic church in the beginning that would NOT start until 325 A.D. when a Roman emperor started the RCC.

Are you drunk, or just stupid? You have exactly zero comprehension of Christian history. Start educating yourself HERE.

Neither drunk nor stupid ! Informed and a follower of Jesus.

Your church had 2 popes at the same time in the past.

One of your popes was a drunken womanizer.

To study the lives of your popes is to study a long list of debauchery and evilness.

You can stay in la la land but I would pray that you would seek God and His truth, which has eternal rewards.


New member
And the Roman catholics say they don't worship Mary and never say she is their saviour! This shows they are liars like their father Satan
Now go ahead and indicate exactly where your selected quotation says a single word about "worshiping" Mary.

(Wait for it...) :yawn:


New member
We don't, a fact of which you're well aware, which means that your statement above is a deliberate LIE (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5).

The next time you pray to Mary or bow before a statue of Mary ask God to reveal His truth to you.

If you are sincere and honest with God HE will get you out of the idolatry you practice and promote.


New member
I take occasional breaks. Actually, I think I have just about humored dodge long enough. He posts little more than strings of unsubstantiated claims and anti-Catholic propaganda that he's been fed by his chosen man-made non-Catholic sect. Unproven claims really require no refutation, so it's really a waste of my time to keep hammering away at his vacuous parroted screeds. I'll place him on "ignore" before long, and let him rave into the wind to his heart's content.

Boy, following 1 Peter 3:15 is difficult, isn't it? (Especially the end of verse 15!) ;)

Bye ! You will not be missed.


There have always been Christians that would not pray to Mary or submit to a pope. Your C***** did their very best to MAKE them change and murdered many , many , many Christians that would not submit to Rome.

You suggested I study history, and I have that is why I know the horrible and evil history of the Roman Catholic C*****.

John-Paul-Mark-Matthew-John, and the rest of the Apostles many of whom were Jews ! There was no Roman Catholic church in the beginning that would NOT start until 325 A.D. when a Roman emperor started the RCC.

Neither drunk nor stupid ! Informed and a follower of Jesus.

Your church had 2 popes at the same time in the past.

One of your popes was a drunken womanizer.

To study the lives of your popes is to study a long list of debauchery and evilness.

You can stay in la la land but I would pray that you would seek God and His truth, which has eternal rewards.
The Catholic Church is really NOT apostate when you consider that it's really HERETICAL from the start....,the worlds oldest, most recognized and respected PSEUDOCHRISTIAN group.


New member
Now go ahead and indicate exactly where your selected quotation says a single word about "worshiping" Mary.

(Wait for it...) :yawn:

O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou art the dispenser of all the goods which God grants to us miserable sinners, and for this reason, has He made thee so powerful, so rich, and so bountiful, that thou mayest help us in our misery. Thou art the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners who have recourse to thee; come, then, to my help, dearest Mother, for I recommend myself to thee. In thy hands, I place my eternal salvation and to thee do I entrust my soul. Count me among thy most devoted servants; take me under thy protection, and it is enough for me; for, if thou protect me, dear Mother, I fear nothing; not from my sins, because thou wilt obtain for me the pardon of them; nor from the devils, because thou art more powerful than all hell together; not even from Jesus, my Judge Himself, because, by one prayer from thee, He will be appeased. But one thing I fear; that, in the hour of temptation, I may neglect to call on thee, and thus perish miserably. Obtain for me then the pardon of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace always to have recourse to thee, O Mother of Perpetual Help.
NO mention of Jesus or the Holy Spirit just Mary.

YOU can place yourself in Mary's care for salvation and still go to hell. Mary never paid for one sin Jesus paid for all sin of those that are in Him.


New member
This will be my last reply to dodge before he goes on the "IGNORE" list. I explain why in Post #3485 above. Reading through this latest collection of canards and ignorance kind of settled it for me. Now let's see what brilliant gems dodge has for us today...

There have always been Christians that would not pray to Mary or submit to a pope. Your C***** did their very best to MAKE them change and murdered many , many , many Christians that would not submit to Rome.
So you claimed in your last post. Where is the proof I requested that would substantiate your claims? (Answer: he doesn't have any, nor IS there any.)

You suggested I study history, and I have that is why I know the horrible and evil history of the Roman Catholic C*****.
And your proof is...where, again?

There was no Roman Catholic Church in the beginning that would NOT start until 325 A.D. when a Roman emperor started the RCC.
You're a patented moron. (Since this is my last reply to you, I'm employing a little "tough love." ;) Hope some of it gets through to you.) This claim has already been categorically refuted in several posts above. You're therefore either stupid, or a liar. So which is it?

Your church had 2 popes at the same time in the past.
Wrong. The Church had one Pope and one anti-pope (i.e., a false claimant to the papal office). You've never heard of an "anti-pope"? So much for your supposed "study" of Catholic history. Try again.

One of your popes was a drunken womanizer.
Popes are capable of committing personal sins---where have you been? The Church has never taught or claimed that popes can't or don't sin. St. Peter himself certainly sinned, as did all the apostles and bishops after them---as does every Protestant leader. See THIS.

To study the lives of your popes is to study a long list of debauchery and evilness.
...declares one who is willfully and vastly ignorant of all things Catholic, especially its history.

"IGNORE" :wave2:


New member
Cruciform;4763826]This will be my last reply to dodge before he goes on the "IGNORE" list. I explain why in Post #3485 above. Reading through this latest collection of canards and ignorance kind of settled it for me. Now let's see what brilliant gems dodge has for us today...

See ya would not want to be ya on judgement day !