the church


Check that.

Anyone who believes...AND OBEYS.

Do you obey while in the Catholic church?

Catholics do not obey.
The Catholic Church infallibly teaches that anybody who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is an individual member of the Body of Christ.

And you don't.


The Catholic church does not obey God.

They bow to the works of their hands.

They pray to others besides Jesus.

They call their brothers in Christ 'father'.
The Catholic Church infallibly teaches that anybody who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is an individual member of the Body of Christ.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
stp asked me a trick question about the church in the wilderness in the days of moses
-biblegateway has 55 versions of the bible
-only 8 use the word church in acts 7:38
-what do you think stp was trying to prove?

Nope. Your "doctrine" determines what the book should say. If it does not agree with it, you change the word/words.

"Originally Posted by chrysostom View Post
and king james told you there was a church in the wilderness during the days of moses
-good luck with that"-you

The word "church" is correct. Your doctrine cannot stand that word, so you change it, find "versions" that change it, to support/"prove" your doctrine.

What else would you like to attempt to "prove?"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
=check other translations....eventually you will find one, that agrees with/supports your doctrine...
now I know king james teaches that there was a church in the wilderness in the day of moses
-how did I get around without that bit of information?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
now I know king james teaches that there was a church in the wilderness in the day of moses
-how did I get around without that bit of information?

Translated: I do not understand how there could be a church, in the wilderness; what I cannot understand, I will not believe; therefore, there is no church in the wilderness, and I am a bible corrector, not bible believer. It's also called humanism.

And this is how atheists dismiss the concept of hell. Nice company....nice....


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Translated: I do not understand how there could be a church, in the wilderness; what I cannot understand, I will not believe; therefore, there is no church in the wilderness, and I am a bible corrector, not bible believer. It's also called humanism.

And this is how atheists dismiss the concept of hell. Nice company....nice....

you are out there in the wilderness
-you won't find paul there
-he ended up in rome with peter


you are out there in the wilderness
-you won't find paul there
-he ended up in rome with peter
In the Bible there are no popes or priests to rule over the church. Jesus Christ is our High Priest (Heb. 3:1; 4:14-15; 5:5; 8:1; 9:11), and all true Christians make up a spiritual priesthood (I Pet. 2:5). Jesus Christ has sanctified all Christians who believe on Him (Heb. 10:10-11), so all priests today are unnecessary and unscriptural. Furthermore, the practice of calling a priest "father" is forbidden by Jesus Christ in Matthew 23:9. There is only ONE mediator between God and men (I Tim. 2:5).
The Catholic church teaches that Peter was the first Pope and the earthly head of the church, but the Bible never says this once. In fact, it was Peter himself who spoke against "being lords over God's heritage" in I Peter 5:3. Popes do not marry, although Peter did (Mat. 8:14; I Cor. 9:5). The Bible never speaks of Peter being in Rome, and it was Paul, not Peter, who wrote the epistle to the Romans. In the New Testament, Paul wrote 100 chapters with 2,325 verses, while Peter wrote only 8 chapters with 166 verses. In Peter's first epistle he stated that he was simply "an apostle of Jesus Christ," not a Pope (I Pet. 1:1). The Roman papacy and priesthood is just a huge fraud to keep members in bondage to a corrupt pagan church.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
you are out there in the wilderness
-you won't find paul there
-he ended up in rome with peter

Translated: I do not understand the word "church," in "the church in the wilderness," so there is no "church in the wilderness," and atheists are right re. their assertion, that there is no hell.

You talk like a humanist atheist; they talk like you. And they are also not bible believers, like you.

God's Truth

New member
"We must always obey Jesus....We must always obey everything Jesus says...I always obey Jesus..."-you

Sell all you have-"everything...always..."

Scammer. Fraud.

Paul says, "2 Corinthians 2:9 Another reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything.

God's Truth

New member
I heard today that you are a Judaizer

I am not interested in your childish games.

I gave you scripture and you reject the scriptures from the Bible.

You have shown that you are not a Christian and that you are merely playing games.

Are you really Patrick Jane?

What is with all your thanks? 10,000 thanks is a dead give away that something is down with you.

Mark M

New member
I am not interested in your childish games.

I gave you scripture and you reject the scriptures from the Bible.

You have shown that you are not a Christian and that you are merely playing games.

Are you really Patrick Jane?

What is with all your thanks? 10,000 thanks is a dead give away that something is down with you.

I thank nearly every post I see.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul says, "2 Corinthians 2:9 Another reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything.

Quite irrelevant.

"We must always obey Jesus....We must always obey everything Jesus says...I always obey Jesus..."-you

Sell all you have-"everything...always..."

Scammer. Fraud.