the church


it is man made
Backed with quotes you're looking for but you'll deny the Word. You're a pimp promoting a whore. I see two different who is completely sovereign and can't lose you, and one who can let you fall through his fingers. One who loves everyone yet people go to hell...and one who only loves the elect.

This is the difference between the Romanist Jesus and the one of the Bible.


-can you trust john trapp?
-can you trust tulipbee?
-can you trust the church Jesus gave us?
I'm in the church Jesus gave us.
A lot of people are except you.
Who makes the difference in the salvation of sinners?*
Is it the sinner himself by his inherent goodness and/or*
free-will? Not according to God’s Word. Sinners by*
nature have no inherent goodness and no will or desire to*
believe and come to the true and living God as God*
reveals Himself in salvation totally by His grace through*
the Lord Jesus Christ and based on His righteousness*
imputed alone. This excludes the sinner’s works and*
will as making the difference between saved and lost.*
Who makes the difference?*
(1) ONLY GOD in His sovereign electing grace*
and love whereby He chose His people in Christ*
before the foundation of the world (Rom. 9:6-16).*
This is the SOURCE of our salvation.*
(2) ONLY GOD in His sovereign redeeming grace*
and love whereby He redeemed His chosen people by*
the blood of Christ, their Surety and Substitute (John*
3:14-18). This is the GROUND of our salvation.*
(3) ONLY GOD in His sovereign regenerating*
grace and love in Christ whereby He sends the Holy*
Spirit to given the life and bring them to faith in*
Christ (John 1:11-13). This is the EFFECT (FRUIT) of*
our salvation. -- Pastor Bill Parker


paul is no longer here
-Jesus is no longer here
-all we have is the church Jesus gave us
-you can trust this church

You tell me you have put all your faith and trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and then I hear you praying to Who..?? St.Who..??..