the church


New member
I didn't say what you accuse me of saying. I said the pagans, Hindus, and Buddhists BOW to THEIR OWN statues, and they ALSO say what the Catholics say, they say they are really bowing to the god their statue represents.
Which statues do you imagine that Catholics are bowing toward as a means of honoring God...?


New member
Protestants were called.
Where? When? Document your claim from history. Post your proof.

A distinction without a difference. The Catholic position stands either way. :yawn:


Where? When? Document your claim from history. Post your proof.

A distinction without a difference. The Catholic position stands either way. :yawn:

Who Gave Us the Canon? Catholics say we would not have the Bible if it were not for the Catholic Church who gave us the canon. We must inform them that the canon was determined by God and discovered by man. The church did not create the canon, it simply recognized the letters that were already accepted as Scripture by the first century church. We have proof that letters were circulated and accepted before the canon was formally established. Paul wrote: "After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans" (Col. 4:16).

To collect various letters and books of Scripture into one volume was the task given to Christians already converted to Christ by the Word of God. These early Christians did not give us the Word of God. The Word of God gave us these early Christians. They were under conviction and illumination of the Holy Spirit from the writings of the Apostles and oral teachings of Jesus long before any Council pieced together the Bible. Hence, the Word of God established the Church.

The actual gathering together of the Scriptures into one volume took place in God's providence, under the supervision, persuasion, and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Christians labored together to identify spurious letters and keep them out of the canon. We have confidence that the canon contains only the books with divine inspiration.


New member
Wow ! Going to catholic answers for answers about IDOLATRY is like going to a rapist for rape counseling.
Going to a Protestant source for answers about Catholicism is like turning to Fidel Castro for an accurate explanation of free market capitalism.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the church has over 200,000 churches
-over 100,000 schools
-over 10,000 orphanages
-over 5,000 hospitals
-over 400,000 priests
-over 1,000,000,000 catholics


Why is the Lord on the cross in Catholic parishes?

Because the Church listens to Paul:

"...we preach Christ crucified...."

"...I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

" often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes."