The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
Israel didn't have to earn their election, nor did they have to earn the keeping of their election.

Never said they did. Election is unconditional.

But you are not distinguishing sanctification under the Law, from salvation by the grace of God. The nation of Israel was elect unto holiness, while a remnant were also elect unto salvation. These are the two results of the offspring of Isaac to which you refer.

Esau was sanctified by God, but only Jacob was saved.

Esau represents the nation, and Jacob the believing remnant within.

The verse you omitted:

"As it is written, 'Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.'" Romans 9:13


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Never said they did. Election is unconditional.

But you are not distinguishing sanctification under the Law, from salvation by the grace of God. The nation of Israel was elect unto holiness, while a remnant were also elect unto salvation. These are the two results of the offspring of Isaac to which you refer.

Esau was sanctified by God, but only Jacob was saved.

Esau represents the nation, and Jacob the believing remnant within.

The verse you omitted:

"As it is written, 'Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.'" Romans 9:13
The scripture says there were two nations in the womb, not one nation divided into faithful and unfaithful.


TOL Subscriber
The scripture says there were two nations in the womb, not one nation divided into faithful and unfaithful.

You are correct making this point, and I was only speaking figuratively to show that it is the love and grace of God alone, that causes a biological, natural brother to spiritually differ from his twin.

Such distinction between receiving sanctification and salvation, is seen between Ishmael and Isaac and continued to manifest in the tribal houses of Israel and Judah.


You are correct making this point, and I was only speaking figuratively to show that it is the love and grace of God alone, that causes a biological, natural brother to spiritually differ from his twin.

Such distinction between receiving sanctification and salvation, is seen between Ishmael and Isaac and continued to manifest in the tribal houses of Israel and Judah.

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You are spiritualizing Ismael as the verbiage of Galatians that is used as an analogy by Paul. You are spiritualizing Isaac as well.

The fact remains that Ishmael was prophesied to be a "wild *** that rose against all". Where have Ismaels descendants resided for many years? The Arabic Middle East, primarily.

Are there two major factions of believers in the Abrahamic faiths? Yes there are.

Jews and Christians primarily reside in free and democratic republics, while Islam (which claims to be Ismaels descendants and the true elect / Jews) have utter chaos on a mass scale that is spilling far beyond the borders of the Middle East.

Do you not see this literal occurrence, or have you had your tele turned off for the past 30 years?

The claim to the dome of the rock and Kuba of Islam tie to Abraham in the theology of Islam.
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Literal lunatic

You are spiritualizing Esau / Ismael as the verbiage of Galatians that is used as an analogy by Paul. You are spiritualizing Jacob / Isaac as well.

The fact remains that Ishmael Esau was prophesied to be a "wild *** that rose against all". Where have Esaus descendants resided for many years? The Arabic Middle East, primarily.

Pure speculation.

Esau's father and mother were not Arabic.

Neither was Ishmael or his mother.

Ishmael was the progenitor of the Arabic nations, before him there were none.


Pure speculation.

Esau's father and mother were not Arabic.

See corrected post. I have reduced scope to Ismael and Isaac. I simplified the post that is now altered to correlate with religious claims and theological scriptural claims from Islam, Jews and Christians who know their biblical archeology, sociology and literal geographical correlation.

A foot note to this is that it was common for scribes to add addendum to scriptures when a place changed names and citizenship. Original intent was for biblical geography to never be "Spiritualized" in reference to prophecy.

I initially posted on Esau because of the typical thrust of Nangs foreseeable direction with her last post.

However, I noted that it was out of scope and corrected myself. Please re read as now edited.


Literal lunatic
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You are spiritualizing Ismael as the verbiage of Galatians that is used as an analogy by Paul. You are spiritualizing Isaac as well.

The fact remains that Ishmael was prophesied to be a "wild *** that rose against all". Where have Ismaels descendants resided for many years? The Arabic Middle East, primarily.

Are there two major factions of believers in the Abrahamic faiths? Yes there are.

Jews and Christians primarily reside in free and democratic republics, while Islam (which claims to be Ismaels descendants and the true elect / Jews) have utter chaos on a mass scale that is spilling far beyond the borders of the Middle East.

Do you not see this literal occurrence, or have you had your tele turned off for the past 30 years?

The claim to the dome of the rock and Kuba of Islam tie to Abraham in the theology of Islam.

I have no problem with believing there is envy between Ishmael and Isaac. ;)


Pure speculation.

Esau's father and mother were not Arabic.

Neither was Ishmael or his mother.

Ishmael was the progenitor of the Arabic nations, before him there were none.

Your last statement about Ismael being the progenitor tells me what I remember about you. You are no scholarly slouch. You extend beyond Calvinism and pay attention to scriptural goings and comings.

What can I say?

We both notice the literal upheaval that Ismaels "nation" has caused and is causing.

Instead of arguing to be of one doctrine in human understanding... I simply want to say...

Solid studying and looking out.


Maybe so but Paul said otherwise.

You refer to one of my favorite passages in Galatians.

There is much fantastic discussion on this, but for now, the geographical agreement is peace between us. Not 1 mind of docterine, but spiritual peace in a fairly back and forth dialogue.


The physical descendant of Abraham Israel are not the children of God Rom 9:8

The thing is, Nang has suggested that election can be removed and bypassed the idea of denying passage after passage in scripture where the Jews are specifically called elect by their birth heritage.

I'm keeping it simple here by citing one place where they are called elect, but you are holding to a place 2 chapters earlier which is explained 2 chapters later.

You either must concede that election can be removed, or that there is merit to the Romans 11 verbiage in light of the way it explains these things.

You have a quote under every post you make that suggests Calvin is the final say in the Gospel. How can we further discussion about scripture and it's literal meaning when you feel obligated to defend the theology of a man that came 1500 years after Jesus?

In denying literal Israel, you are fighting for ground to defend Calvin.

Here's the question... How much is in the Bible about Israel and the Jews and how much is in the Bible that says John Calvin would come and clarify Jesus's message as a prophet of final theological word?

In fact, Jesus merely warned that many would come after Him and that following them in place of Him would be bad.

Are you sure you want to continue this thread?

It appears you may be headed for some theological scars you weren't intending to bear.

1 Chronicles 17:20-21

"O LORD, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. "And what one nation in the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make You a name by great and terrible things, in driving out nations from before Your people, whom You redeemed out of Egypt?

...... This is one verse out of many that specifies the election of the people brought from Egypt.

The fact is, when you set your faith on a mere man, you have a middle man between Jesus and the Scriptures when you read. Are you here to deny Israel the literal as elect so that you may usurp their election, to defend John Calvin's theological opinions, or to discuss these verses in their literal context as they were written in exegesis of OT verses that contest your claim of Israel never being elect?

I see you as thoughtful and capable of going straight to scripture without a need to gratify a dead mans theology. I see you as serving the risen Savior alone.

But... if your final scriptural measure is summed up in the quote you have chosen to define your voice, I can only move forward with the knowledge that you are as inflexible as those that choose Joseph Smith or any human form of biblical intercession in their understanding of scripture.

It will be impossible to really discuss this factually and openly with you when you are denying literal world events in place of defending one mans efforts that stood for a movement to eliminate all men from all intercession positions in theological understanding.

I sense that our back and forth will become exceedingly rocky if you trade historical accuracy and scriptural search of personal vigor with Christ alone for the sermons of men and the defense of an ism that is contained within volumes of bible commentary that assemble scripture in theologically annotated order and format to bolster doctrines of men.
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Well-known member
The thing is, Nang has suggested that election can be removed and bypassed the idea of denying passage after passage in scripture where the Jews are specifically called elect by their birth heritage.

I'm keeping it simple here by citing one place where they are called elect, but you are holding to a place 2 chapters earlier which is explained 2 chapters later.

You either must concede that election can be removed, or that there is merit to the Romans 11 verbiage in light of the way it explains these things.

You have a quote under every post you make that suggests Calvin is the final say in the Gospel. How can we further discussion about scripture and it's literal meaning when you feel obligated to defend the theology of a man that came 1500 years after Jesus?

In denying literal Israel, you are fighting for ground to defend Calvin.

Here's the question... How much is in the Bible about Israel and the Jews and how much is in the Bible that says John Calvin would come and clarify Jesus's message as a prophet of final theological word?

In fact, Jesus merely warned that many would come after Him and that following them in place of Him would be bad.

Are you sure you want to continue this thread?

It appears you may be headed for some theological scars you weren't intending to bear.

1 Chronicles 17:20-21

"O LORD, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. "And what one nation in the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make You a name by great and terrible things, in driving out nations from before Your people, whom You redeemed out of Egypt?

...... This is one verse out of many that specifies the election of the people brought from Egypt.

The fact is, when you set your faith on a mere man, you have a middle man between Jesus and the Scriptures when you read. Are you here to deny Israel the literal as elect so that you may usurp their election, to defend John Calvin's theological opinions, or to discuss these verses in their literal context as they were written in exegesis of OT verses that contest your claim of Israel never being elect?

I see you as thoughtful and capable of going straight to scripture without a need to gratify a dead mans theology. I see you as serving the risen Savior alone.

But... if your final scriptural measure is summed up in the quote you have chosen to define your voice, I can only move forward with the knowledge that you are as inflexible as those that choose Joseph Smith or any human form of biblical intercession in their understanding of scripture.

It will be impossible to really discuss this factually and openly with you when you are denying literal world events in place of defending one mans efforts that stood for a movement to eliminate all men from all intercession positions in theological understanding.

I sense that our back and forth will become exceedingly rocky if you trade historical accuracy and scriptural search of personal vigor with Christ alone for the sermons of men and the defense of an ism that is contained within volumes of bible commentary that assemble scripture in theologically annotated order and format to bolster doctrines of men.

Look, Israel Abraham's descendants according to the flesh, they are not Gods Children, they are not Gods Chosen Rom 9:8 ! The Promises of God were made to Gods children Israel, a Spiritual Israel. Any promise of God to Israsel, it didnt include Israel the physical descendants of Abraham !

Thats why Paul wrote Rom 9:6

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

​Everyone keeps overlooking the fact there were Two Israels ! Im here to keep reminding folk of that !


Look, Israel Abraham's descendants according to the flesh, they are not Gods Children, they are not Gods Chosen Rom 9:8 ! The Promises of God were made to Gods children Israel, a Spiritual Israel. Any promise of God to Israsel, it didnt include Israel the physical descendants of Abraham !

Thats why Paul wrote Rom 9:6

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

​Everyone keeps overlooking the fact there were Two Israels ! Im here to keep reminding folk of that !

So there it is... all that effort into a response and Calvinist support scriptures and Calvinist Dogma are all you can muster back.

# Will get back to you

# Overestimated you Beloved 57

# More Calvin-tary

# Seriously disappointed

Adding reply despite circular response.

There is a "New Jerusalem", but that is different.

There is one Israel and only one.

Israel split into a North and South kingdom, but this was called Samaria.

The Spiritual Israel verbiage is abused arrangement of scriptures that denote elitism and support elitism in modern beliefs.

Please note that Spirtual Israel talk is a doctrine of man and unscriptural, but your reliance on AMR, other Calvinists say so and Calvin commentary, devotion and assembly have given substance to ideas that aren't theologically real.

Assembled fragments of scriptures lead you to believe an idea. Honestly...

You stuck with Romans 9 and are now suggesting election is revocable.

# You Shouldn't Drink the Kool-Aid
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