The Burning of Jerusalem



Westboro has TULIP on their official site. It's ok Crucible... They hate Israel too.

# Birds of a feather

# Protest any veteran deaths lately?


For God's sake, biblical political accounts are historical events that led to or have to do with the incarnation of the Christ.

The OP wants to talk current/secular events.

Nope... biblical foundation and discussion of how modern Israel correlates with scripture.

# Whining falsely

# Is the book of Daniel fulfilled already? Nope

This OP was originally about prayers for Israel and people have continually been negative towards the idea that modern Israel is part of prophecy.

I believe you are siting against this thread because Calvinists are anti Israel and anti Semitic.


TOL Subscriber
And we all know that the group of people (plural) were the people (plural) that GOD rescued from Egypt.
And they (plural) were the nation of Israel.

Being prophetic does not mean that the original story and the prophetic fulfillment were the exact same person doing both.

The promised Seed (who fulfilled this prophecy) was present as a seed in the loins of Judah; the same as He who came in flesh to save His people; the Son of God; the Elect Servant of God. Isaiah 42

The Holy Spirit explicitly says in Matthew 2:14-15 Jesus Christ fulfilled Hosea 11:1 where the "child" Israel, is called "My Son."

Which reveals the name "Israel" means and refers to much more than just a nation of Hebrews mixed with Egyptians.

Why would you argue this Truth?


For God's sake, biblical political accounts are historical events that led to or have to do with the incarnation of the Christ.

The OP wants to talk current/secular events.

Are you saying God has no place in modern events?

Also, your opinion that Israel is "secular" is in opposition to this threads proposal that it is not.

Trying to have this thread shut down as "political" is again trying to get ToL to deny modern Israels place in scripture.

# nice try

# This thread is about the implications of events in the world that parallel prophecy and it requests PRAYERS and support for Israel. Perhaps your push of Calvins views is political because he was a mere man in a secular world.


TOL Subscriber
Nope... biblical foundation and discussion of how modern Israel correlates with scripture.

# Whining falsely

# Is the book of Daniel fulfilled already? Nope

This OP was originally about prayers for Israel and people have continually been negative towards the idea that modern Israel is part of prophecy.

I believe you are siting against this thread because Calvinists are anti Israel and anti Semitic.

I am responding to this thread because of your hatefulness and false accusations made against those of the Reformed Faith ("Calvinists").

I do not hate Israel. I love all that God has revealed and accomplished through them. The promised Seed and Saviour Jesus Christ came from their lineage.

What I hate, is inaccuracy in handling of the Word of God, and you have done plenty of that . . using Holy Scripture as a political sales pitch for what is now an ungodly and non-Christian country.


The promised Seed (who fulfilled this prophecy) was present as a seed in the loins of Judah; the same as He who came in flesh to save His people; the Son of God; the Elect Servant of God. Isaiah 42

The Holy Spirit explicitly says in Matthew 2:14-15 Jesus Christ fulfilled Hosea 11:1 where the "child" Israel, is called "My Son."

Which reveals the name "Israel" means and refers to much more than just a nation of Hebrews mixed with Egyptians.

Why would you argue this Truth?

And what mechanism did that "Seed" use? The Jews and Israel. Are you saying God uses people to only discard them as trash?


I am responding to this thread because of your hatefulness and false accusations made against those of the Reformed Faith ("Calvinists").

I do not hate Israel. I love all that God has revealed and accomplished through them. The promised Seed and Saviour Jesus Christ came from their lineage.

What I hate, is inaccuracy in handling of the Word of God, and you have done plenty of that . . using Holy Scripture as a political sales pitch for what is now an ungodly and non-Christian country.

No politics here. Absolute belief that God isn't done with literal Israel.

Israel is under global attack. It is hateful to deny their biblical heritage and claim it for ones self.

Answer one question and you will personally be off the hook.

What is your opinion of the holocaust?


TOL Subscriber
Are you saying God has no place in modern events?

Also, your opinion that Israel is "secular" is in opposition to this threads proposal that it is not.

Trying to have this thread shut down as "political" is again trying to get ToL to deny modern Israels place in scripture.

# nice try

# This thread is about the implications of events in the world that parallel prophecy and it requests PRAYERS and support for Israel. Perhaps your push of Calvins views is political because he was a mere man in a secular world.

I have made no attempt to shut down this thread, even though it is in the wrong forum. I am simply responding to your political views, while you prove to be the only one talking about Calvin in order misrepresent his beliefs.

I pray and trust God will save His Jewish remnant, even in this present day. But as a nation, they are secular, and unbelieving.

They only fulfill prophecy by being unfaithful to their Maker and His Word.


I have made no attempt to shut down this thread, even though it is in the wrong forum. I am simply responding to your political views, while you prove to be the only one talking about Calvin in order misrepresent his beliefs.

I pray and trust God will save His Jewish remnant, even in this present day. But as a nation, they are secular, and unbelieving.

They only fulfill prophecy by being unfaithful to their Maker and His Word.

Hmmmm..... Do you realize that you just validated Tambora, Stelio, Jerry, Glorydaz and myself in agreeing that Israels rejection of Christ is prophetic? Also, there are many Christian's and Messianic Jews in Israel.

Why stop there Nang?


TOL Subscriber
And what mechanism did that "Seed" use? The Jews and Israel. Are you saying God uses people to only discard them as trash?

Israel was cast away for her spiritual adulteries and unfaithfulness.

And please stop asking me questions that attempt to put words in my mouth. It is disingenuous, provocative, and worthy of report.


TOL Subscriber
No politics here. Absolute belief that God isn't done with literal Israel.

Israel is under global attack. It is hateful to deny their biblical heritage and claim it for ones self.

Answer one question and you will personally be off the hook.

What is your opinion of the holocaust?

I am not on any "hook" with you . . .


Israel was cast away for her spiritual adulteries and unfaithfulness.

And please stop asking me questions that attempt to put words in my mouth. It is disingenuous, provocative, and worthy of report.

My point is that God used Israel in a major way and has promises unfulfilled to the Jews. Are you in agreement that God's promises are irrevocable?

And... perhaps... do you see John Calvin as authoritative as Paul?


Probably the same as yours. Yes?

I loath the holocaust and see it as a pivotal moment in the history of the Jews that brought forth Israel from the shame it had been plunged into for thousands of years.

My relitives died and fled Germany.

As in some were slaughtered and some fled. Obviously I'm descended from the ones that fled.


TOL Subscriber
My point is that God used Israel in a major way and has promises unfulfilled to the Jews.

All promises from God to both Jews and Gentiles, has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Are you in agreement that God's promises are irrevocable?

Have you ever met a student in Covenant Theology? If so, you would not bother to ask the question.

And... perhaps... do you see John Calvin as authoritative as Paul?

Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and inspired to author Holy Scripture. It is the Holy Scripture that has authority, no mere man. Calvin was never given such authority from God.