The Burning of Jerusalem


Absolutely, when the temple was destroyed flesh Israel lost their pedigree.

They lost their existence, too.
There is no lineage from Jews today to the Jews of the 1st Century- they dissolved into us evil goyim :rolleyes:

Fair point by Hitler, I suppose :idunno:
It's nevertheless true.


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Did you get around to reading Hosea 11:1 as fulfilled in Matthew 2:15?

There, no less than the child Jesus, is divinely referred to as Israel.
The people (plural) that GOD led out of Egypt was the nation of Israel.
Some of which (including Moses) were not allowed to enter the promised land.
To try and make these people the BOC is ludicrous.

Jacob/Israel was the elect nation of GOD.

Genesis 25:23 KJV
(23) And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.


They lost their existence, too.
There is no lineage from Jews today to the Jews of the 1st Century- they dissolved into us evil goyim :rolleyes:

Fair point by Hitler, I suppose :idunno:
It's nevertheless true.


Your mention of Hitler is perfect...

You just fouled up every word your fellow Calvin friends wrote here.

Thank you

# holocaust supporter

# Jews are Semitic... biblical and archeological proof

# Diaspora

# Hatred of Jews obvious


The people (plural) that GOD led out of Egypt was the nation of Israel.
Some of which (including Moses) were not allowed to enter the promised land.
To try and make these people the BOC is ludicrous.

Jacob/Israel was the elect nation of GOD.

Genesis 25:23 KJV
(23) And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

On the money!



Your mention of Hitler is perfect...

You just fouled up every word your fellow Calvin friends wrote here.

Thank you

# holocaust supporter

You just appeal to simple-minded emotion rather than reality, is all.

If Hitler said the sky is blue, does that make the sky not blue?

The fact is that your beleif concerning Israel is a product of racial paranoia. You all ran straight to an idea of Jews returning to Israel being some miraculous prophesy to counter the reality that they aren't really Jews- right after WWII.

I mean, damn, that pretty much fouls up you MADists altogether- making reality tell the Bible rather than the Bible telling reality, all in trying to make yourself look holy.


The people (plural) that GOD led out of Egypt was the nation of Israel.
Some of which (including Moses) were not allowed to enter the promised land.
To try and make these people the BOC is ludicrous.

Jacob/Israel was the elect nation of GOD.

Genesis 25:23 KJV
(23) And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

: ) Perfect!

Coupled with Crucible's new contribution, we are now sitting pretty.

# will the other Calvinists denounce Crucibles error?


No sir.

You quoted Hitler on a pro Israel thread.

You are held accountable.

Godwin's law takes no precedence here, stop acting like an atheist, as if you win if someone mentions his name.

The fact is that the Jews have no lineage to the 1st Century Jews.
Your defense: You Nazi!

Just can it, dude :chuckle:


You just appeal to simple-minded emotion rather than reality, is all.

If Hitler said the sky is blue, does that make the sky not blue?

The fact is that your beleif concerning Israel is a product of racial paranoia. You all ran straight to an idea of Jews returning to Israel being some miraculous prophesy to counter the reality that they aren't really Jews- right after WWII.

I mean, damn, that pretty much fouls up you MADists altogether- making reality tell the Bible rather than the Bible telling reality, all in trying to make yourself look holy.

I'm not a madist

I'm a Sola Scripture, follower of Christ.

Do you recall your reference to Hitler as a mistake?


Godwin's law takes no precedence here, stop acting like an atheist, as if you win if someone mentions his name.

The fact is that the Jews have no lineage to the 1st Century Jews.
Your defense: You Nazi!

Just can it, dude :chuckle:

My defense is that you are anti Semitic and Calvin breeds this.

You're doing a lousy job of helping your cause.

: )

# Atheists have more sense than to step into the noose you did.


Godwin's law takes no precedence here, stop acting like an atheist, as if you win if someone mentions his name.

The fact is that the Jews have no lineage to the 1st Century Jews.
Your defense: You Nazi!

Just can it, dude :chuckle:

Shut your anti Semitic mouth while you're ahead.

# Israel rising from the ashes of war... sound familiar?

# Jericho


I'm not a madist

I'm a Sola Scripture, follower of Christ.

Do you recall your reference to Hitler as a mistake?

My reference to Hitler is valid. He stated the reality that the Jews are not really Jews, and it's fully relevant to the fact that immediately following WWII, you all try to make their return to Israel a proof in your resounding heresies.

You're sitting there making a poor attempt at trying to crucify me for bringing up Hitler, and it's not working out.
Just as any liberal moron would do- in fact, that's really your bag altogether, nobody can actually defend dispensationalism and not be a dispensationalist- you saying you're 'Sola Scriptura', while defending them, pretty much sums it up, hombre :rotfl:


My reference to Hitler is valid. He stated the reality that the Jews are not really Jews, and it's fully relevant to the fact that immediately following WWII, you all try to make their return to Israel a proof in your resounding heresies.

You're sitting there making a poor attempt at trying to crucify me for bringing up Hitler, and it's not working out.
Just as any liberal moron would do- in fact, that's really your bag altogether, nobody can actually defend dispensationalism and not be a dispensationalist- you saying you're 'Sola Scriptura', while defending them, pretty much sums it up, hombre :rotfl:

# You're my own, personal Jesus Christ

# Too proud to recognize the damage you have done

# stop by any time and help show the truth behind Calvinist Anti Semitism


# contradiction

# contradiction

My reference to Hitler is valid. He stated the reality that the Jews are not really Jews, and it's fully relevant to the fact that immediately following WWII, you all try to make their return to Israel a proof in your resounding heresies.

You're sitting there making a poor attempt at trying to crucify me for bringing up Hitler, and it's not working out.
Just as any liberal moron would do- in fact, that's really your bag altogether, nobody can actually defend dispensationalism and not be a dispensationalist- you saying you're 'Sola Scriptura', while defending them, pretty much sums it up, hombre :rotfl:

Sola Scripture means Scripture only...

As in... void of commentary

Funny how Calvin embraced this and then made commentary

Now that sums it up


# You're my own, personal Jesus Christ

# Too proud to recognize the damage you have done

# stop by any time and help show the truth behind Calvinist Anti Semitism

Jews and Papists are ungodly wretches; they are two stockings made of one piece of cloth.

~Martin Luther

Guess who authored 'Sola Scriptura' :chuckle:

Martin Luther speaks against the Catholic Church in that quote, and yet even the Catholic Church is, at this time, criticizing the influence in Israel that you few have been perpetuating.

The fact is that you can single out whoever you want, but Christianity has always been 'antisemetic'. They are all Jews and Muslims hijacking God and denying the Trinity, and you all forsake your religion to prop them up.


Jews and Papists are ungodly wretches; they are two stockings made of one piece of cloth.

~Martin Luther

Guess who authored 'Sola Scriptura' :chuckle:

Martin Luther speaks against the Catholic Church in that quote, and yet even the Catholic Church is, at this time, criticizing the influence in Israel that you few have been perpetuating.

The fact is that you can single out whoever you want, but Christianity has always been 'antisemetic'. They are all Jews and Muslims hijacking God and denying the Trinity, and you all forsake your religion to prop them up.

So you suggest anti semitism is legitimate... this suggests the existence of semites. : )

Semites which you used Hitler to suggest didn't exist.

Are you from Colorado?