The Burning of Jerusalem


Did you get around to reading Hosea 11:1 as fulfilled in Matthew 2:15?

There, no less than the child Jesus, is divinely referred to as Israel.

Jesus Christ, the promised Seed, is named Israel. Read Isaiah 42:1-8 and Galatians 3 with that authoritative Truth in mind, before you say more against God's Election!

Did you get to the part of 1 Corinthians where Paul is upset by people dividing Christ and exalting anyone but Christ?


Only with a blinded mind can one think that Israel is the BOC.

Christianity being New Israel is the most fundamental aspect of Christianity- Jesus is the King, we are Israel.
Been established as such since Christianity began, because it's that simple- but you all have taken it all and pretty much chopped it to pieces, all in the spirit of convenience as far as I can tell :plain:


Are you saying you want no discussion/dissension in threads you start, and if there is disagreement with the OP it is spam?

I'm saying John Calvin has become a God to many, unbeknownst to him. By lifting up literal Israel, dissent comes.

I don't mind discussion or dissent, but to know that people are collaboratively orchestrated from human regurgitated, extra biblical commentaries and unified praise of a man........

Wait... am I discussing Muslims who venerate a man who theologically defined god for them and opposes literal Israel, or Calvinists?

This feels like De Ja Vu


No, the dispensationalists do not teach that all Israelites throughout history will be saved. Instead, we teach that this prophecy foretells of a time in the future when all Israelites will be saved:

"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more"

First, we can understand that those who will belong to the houses of Israel and Judah will be the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is because their "fathers" were the ones who broke the Lord's covenant and those people were the physical descendants of Jacob.

Next, we can understand that all of the physical descendants of Jacob which will belong to both houses will know the Lord, "from the least of them unto the greatest of them," and they will all have their sins forgiven.

It is obvious that there has never been a time when all of the physical descendants of Jacob have been saved so therefore the Dispensationalists place the fulfillment of this prophecy in the future.

Nang, please cease from misrepresenting the teaching of the Dispensationalists.

That is pretty... pretty clear and straight from scripture. Thank you!

I'm understating, by the way. Fantastic explanation!


Comparing Calvin to Mohammad :rotfl:

I've seen it all now. I guess we'll just have to see if Calvin flies back down the same way he went up, horse and all!


You are posting politics, not religion.

This thread was started in the wrong forum . . .

You are spamming a pro Israel thread with Calvinist anti Semitic rhetoric that seeks to be elect, in place of the Jews.

You are denying thousands of pages of scripture and prophecy.

Perhaps you are on the wrong thread.

Maybe ToL needs an "Exclusively Calvinism" forum, so you won't be offended when people don't bow to Calvin for their biblical understanding.


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Christianity being New Israel is the most fundamental aspect of Christianity- Jesus is the King, we are Israel.
Been established as such since Christianity began, because it's that simple- but you all have taken it all and pretty much chopped it to pieces, all in the spirit of convenience as far as I can tell :plain:
Israel is an enemy of the gospel, but still elect and beloved by GOD.

Romans 11:28 KJV
(28) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

And it tells us why.

(29) For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.


Comparing Calvin to Mohammad :rotfl:

I've seen it all now. I guess we'll just have to see if Calvin flies back down the same way he went up, horse and all!

Comparing Muslim hatered of the Jews to Calvinist hatered of the Jews. Comparing Calvinist veneration of Calvin to Islams veneration of Mohammad.


Literal lunatic
Christianity being New Israel is the most fundamental aspect of Christianity- Jesus is the King, we are Israel.
Been established as such since Christianity began, because it's that simple- but you all have taken it all and pretty much chopped it to pieces, all in the spirit of convenience as far as I can tell :plain:

Absolutely, when the temple was destroyed flesh Israel lost their pedigree.


Literal lunatic
Israel is an enemy of the gospel, but still elect and beloved by GOD.

Romans 11:28 KJV
(28) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

And it tells us why.

(29) For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

So either God put his calling on hold or everyone is now called.


Israel is an enemy of the gospel, but still elect and beloved by GOD.

Romans 11:28 KJV
(28) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

God wasn't dealing with anyone innocent- Paul was surrounded around a bunch of fallen God revilers which God didn't owe anything to but damnation. That was Rome.
In Israel, they crucified Jesus because they had pretty much lost sight of their own God. AND IT STAYED, AND WILL REMAIN, THAT WAY.
They don't worship the same God anymore than the Muslims do- same name, different deity.
That's something most people seem to not get, and will continue to not get so long as you keep looking at physical Israel as more than what it is.


Absolutely, When the temple was destroyed flesh Israel lost their pedigree.

Um.... temple? Which time?

Did you catch the part where Jesus was the true temple?

He rebuilt it in 3 days. Flesh Israel as you call it is literal Israel. Pedigree? This isn't a dog show!

This is a literal nation of people that span the entire bible and are now under global threat. Do you honestly think God has nothing to do with Israel that is being discussed here?