The Burning of Jerusalem


All promises from God to both Jews and Gentiles, has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Have you ever met a student in Covenant Theology? If so, you would not bother to ask the question.

Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and inspired to author Holy Scripture. It is the Holy Scripture that has authority, no mere man. Calvin was never given such authority from God.

Then I am forced to respect you as reasonable by the wisdom of your answer.

One big difference though...

When you say Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises, I believe we differ in the what and how towards the Jews.
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So what :idunno:

The Presbyterians hold to TULIP, and they have gay marriage in their church.

They HATE modern Israel and Jews, along with ice cream, Apple pie and all things outside of their church.

I was merely being difficult and posting towards your Hitler reference.


TOL Subscriber
So what :idunno:

The Presbyterians hold to Tulip, and they have gay marriage in their church.

Tulip is not moral doctrine, it deals with predestination and election.

Not all Presbyterians allow gay marriages. There are liberal Presby churches that do, but these groups have abandoned the historical creeds of the Reformed Faith . . which spiritual guidelines are totally moralistic and much more edifying than a mere reiteration of TULIP.

Not wise to paint with too broad a brush . . .


Not all Presbyterians allow gay marriages. There are liberal Presby churches that do, but these groups have abandoned the historical creeds of the Reformed Faith . . which spiritual guidelines are totally moralistic and much more edifying than a mere reiteration of TULIP.

Not wise to paint with too broad a brush . . .

I was merely pointing out how a hateful cell of Christianity gets their theological fuel.

God bless the bikers that stood up to them at those soldiers funerals!

To condemn men that die for a country that fights against terror is truely wicked.


Yeah, and Jews hate you to. It's just hard to see when you live in a society where all the so called Jews are liberal atheists.

I have many friends from Israel that are full on Judaism and they are Loving. We discuss and disagree, but maintain friendship.

; )

As for those that do hate Christians... there is hate in all things per the heart of the person or there is love in all things per the love of the person.


Not all Presbyterians allow gay marriages. There are liberal Presby churches that do, but these groups have abandoned the historical creeds of the Reformed Faith . . which spiritual guidelines are totally moralistic and much more edifying than a mere reiteration of TULIP.

Not wise to paint with too broad a brush . . .

The Presbyterian church is built a lot like the Catholic church- when their assemblies pass something, the super majority goes with it. That's just how communions tend to go.

Eagles Wings

New member
I am responding to this thread because of your hatefulness and false accusations made against those of the Reformed Faith ("Calvinists").

I do not hate Israel. I love all that God has revealed and accomplished through them. The promised Seed and Saviour Jesus Christ came from their lineage.

What I hate, is inaccuracy in handling of the Word of God, and you have done plenty of that . . using Holy Scripture as a political sales pitch for what is now an ungodly and non-Christian country.
Well said.


Well said.

Note: "inaccuracy in the handling of the Word of God" denotes that by my not viewing scripture through the Calvinists lens I am "handling... the Word of God" inaccurately.

Who is the final say on "the Word of God" in that statement?

Hence... Anti Israel rhetoric courtesy of John Calvin receives anti Calvin Rhetoric from me.

I'm ok with disagreeing. I don't hate Calvin or Calvinists. However, numbers and an extra biblical script aren't going to cow support for the land of Israel and her people and you can bet your bottom dollar that the source of the rhetoric that is being cited against literal Israel which "is" biblical, will continue to get what for.

I believe quid pro quo is the phrase.


Literal lunatic
Um.... temple? Which time?

You're one really mixed up dude.

I was referring to the physical temple in the burning Jerusalem spoken of in your OP.

Did you catch the part where Jesus was the true temple?

Sure did.

He rebuilt it in 3 days.

No,God raised him up.

Flesh Israel as you call it is literal Israel. Pedigree? This isn't a dog show!

Back to the topic, thank you.

Jesus had a pedigree, you don't.

His birthday was recorded in the temple the same as Mary and Joseph's wedding.

That's why the religious zealots accused him of being born in fornication.

This is a literal nation of people that span the entire bible and are now under global threat.

Sorry, but they are no longer Israel.

Do you honestly think God has nothing to do with Israel that is being discussed here

There is nothing going on under the whole heaven as well as in it that God doesn't have something to do with.


You're one really mixed up dude.

I was referring to the physical temple in the burning Jerusalem spoken of in your OP.

Sure did.

No,God raised him up.

Back to the topic, thank you.

Jesus had a pedigree, you don't.

His birthday was recorded in the temple the same as Mary and Joseph's wedding.

That's why the religious zealots accused him of being born in fornication.

Sorry, but they are no longer Israel.

There is nothing going on under the whole heaven as well as in it that God doesn't have something to do with.


I quoted Jesus and you totally corrected me for it.

Rebuild and raise are interchangeable in the English. He said: I will raise / rebuild it.

If you nit pick so rapidly that as you quote me Line by Line you argue over this, I have no interest.

Temple? The only temple in Jerusalem are the two Islamic temples. The OP addresses the literal fires Islamic terrorists set in Jerusalem within the past month or so. You did read the OP before you criticized it.... right?

Please quote my OP where you are referring to...

Otherwise... what your talking about Willis?

And.... Jesus is God, so again, He raised it up and He said He would in the scriptural quote. Please don't try to nit pick when you should clearly be able to catch my meaning.

Lastly, Jewish decent and specific lineage guided by God is more than a "pedigree".

# Not horses or dogs discussed here

# Argumentative somebody

# Israel is Real


Literal lunatic

I quoted Jesus and you totally corrected me for it.

No, you quoted his accusers.

Rebuild and raise are interchangeable in the English. He said: I will raise / rebuild it.

If you nit pick so rapidly that as you quote me Line by Line you argue over this, I have no interest.

Quoting you line by line takes more time, as well as not letting you squirm away.

Temple? The only temple in Jerusalem are the two Islamic temples. The OP addresses the literal fires Islamic terrorists set in Jerusalem within the past month or so. You did read the OP before you criticized it.... right?

Please quote my OP where you are referring to...

Otherwise... what your talking about Willis?

I read the title and came in on your theological ranting several pages in.

At which point you knew exactly which temple I was talking about.

And.... Jesus is God, so again, He raised it up and He said He would in the scriptural quote. Please don't try to nit pick when you should clearly be able to catch my meaning.

Jesus spoke all God commanded him to speak, that included speaking for him.

Lastly, Jewish decent and specific lineage guided by God is more than a "pedigree".

Depends on when.

# Not horses or dogs discussed here

God concluded everybody in unbelief, equally, put the Israelites right on in there with the dogs.

# Argumentative somebody

Nope, just not gullible.

# Israel is Real

No kiddin'?


No, you quoted his accusers.

Quoting you line by line takes more time, as well as not letting you squirm away.

I read the title and came in on your theological ranting several pages in.

At which point you knew exactly which temple I was talking about.

Jesus spoke all God commanded him to speak, that included speaking for him.

Depends on when.

God concluded everybody in unbelief, equally, put the Israelites right on in there with the dogs.

Nope, just not gullible.

No kiddin'?

No, you quoted his accusers.

Quoting you line by line takes more time, as well as not letting you squirm away.

I read the title and came in on your theological ranting several pages in.

At which point you knew exactly which temple I was talking about.

Jesus spoke all God commanded him to speak, that included speaking for him.

Depends on when.

God concluded everybody in unbelief, equally, put the Israelites right on in there with the dogs.

Nope, just not gullible.

No kiddin'?

There was a person who debates like you. I have respect for them. I felt awful after I started tearing there every word apart. I will squirm if I truely turn to undermine you.

There are basic Semantics in our quarrel and you disagree with me about National Israel of today being scriptural.

This is the thing... I'm picking up that you may not attribute full Deity to Jesus. Am I hearing incorrectly?

If I'm wrong, please set me correct.


Literal lunatic
There was a person who debates like you. I have respect for them. I felt awful after I started tearing there every word apart. I will squirm if I truely turn to undermine you.

There are basic Semantics in our quarrel and you disagree with me about National Israel of today being scriptural.

This is the thing... I'm picking up that you may not attribute full Deity to Jesus. Am I hearing incorrectly?

If I'm wrong, please set me correct.

I attribute as much Deity to Jesus as being the son of God as can be understood by myself.


I attribute as much Deity to Jesus as being the son of God as can be understood by myself.

Your answer is clearly honest, sincere and to the best of your understanding. It is here where I say, you know my OP perspective and you feel inclined to disagree. That's ok. We have both expressed our perspectives and I will continue to do so.

I will do my best to answer any further posts you make or leave it up to the others here who support literal Israel as I do, but I am currently choosing to minimize quarrel with you.

# Two perspectives


Well-known member
There is no forgiveness of sin.

Once one get sin, one fall short of the glory of God and is doomed to go to hell. And once one esteem, use, invoke and/or promote the ten commandments, even in the least way, one gets sin and fall short of the glory of God.

The only way to avoid sin, death and hell is to drop that which created sin, death and delivery to hell in the first place (i.e. the ten commandments). And replace that with something much better.

This is what God did for the Jews first and then all others, through the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus:

Romans: 8 King James Version (KJV)
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Of course, it is common knowledge that the Jews totally rejected Jesus and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and choose instead, to remain under the law of sin, death and delivery to hell.

Now they want to invoke the totally none-existent idea of 'forgiveness', that was never part of even their O.T./Mosaic/ten commandment/Jewish tradition.

They delight in stoning their peers for transgressing the ten commandments.

Is that not foolish people into foolishness?