Cross Reference

New member
If Christ was not a man of flesh born of flesh (Jn.1:14, Phil.2:7-8) He could not have died for our sins, if God He could not have suffered and died, God can not die.

Christ died as all men have and will and was resurrected unto eternal life being the first born of many to follow.

Stick to your guns, brother. AMR is all wet. He follows the council of one of several he just happens to agree with, taking comfort in their opinion because it gets him off the hook of having to think for himself.


Well-known member
re the OP.
It is noble to have the idea of one unified church. But it can be fatally flawed to try to make that happen in the same sense as the government of Holland needs an administrative capital. There already is one unified growing church mentioned in Ephesians, the most widely circulated NT doc, and that is enough. God manages and administers it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Why did the reformation occur?
What reformation? You mean the heretic revolt again God's Catholic Church, the heretic revolt that introduced denominationalism and hacked Christ's Body to bits? The heretic revolt that introduced all the false doctrines that so many idiots adhere to in this forum? Calling that a Reformation is a perversion of the English language. The Church always undergoes Reformation every century or so, but your little band of outlaw heretics and their revolt was not one of them.
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Active member

Questions or Comments?
Sure! ...
You have been deceived and you are a spiritual moron,
which you will discover after your death!
RCC, EOC, Protestants ...
all have disastrously incorrect doctrines to varying degrees.
Why? Satan has deceived them in various ways!

The Truth lies only in the Scriptures
and in being led by the precious Holy Spirit.
Both of these agree with each other 100% of the time.

To believe in the doctrine of any man or organization
is totally and completely foolhardy ...
even though they might be correct on a thing or two.


What reformation? You mean the heretic revolt again God's Catholic Church, the heretic revolt that introduced denominationalism and hack Christ's Body to bits? The heretic revolt that introduced all the false doctrines that so many idiots adhere to in this forum? Calling that a Reformation is a perversion of the English language. The Church always undergoes Reformation every century or so, but your little band of outlaw heretics and their revolt was not one of them.


Catholic means Universal essentially. Would you agree?

Though there has been a ping pong game over the centuries between Popes, the ultimate Catholic Church stance is that the Catholic Church is the Vine and the Protestant churches are the branches.

In a rather arrogant way, the Catholic Church recognizes that Protestants will be saved, but only through the majesty of the "one true church".

Is this not the ultimate stance?

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Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
  • Martin Luther, a Catholic priest, was concerned about some of the behavioral abuses in the Church, especially among some bishops and priests, and desired to see certain practical and moral reforms enacted in the Church.
  • To that end, and to prompt academic debate, Luther posted his "95 Theses" on the door of the parish church in Wittenberg.
  • If Luther had stopped there---attempting to reform various problematic moral behaviors and illegitimate practices of the clergy---all would have been fine. It was when he presumed to try and "reform" the formal doctrines of Christ's one historic Church that Luther ran into trouble with the hierarchy, and rightly so.
  • Genuine reform---and there were plenty of other reformers in the Church besides Luther, ones who did not presume to attack revealed Christian doctrine---is directed to the moral behavior and false practices of Church leadership, NOT to the Church's established divine teachings.
  • Luther and his fellow "Protestants" attempted to replace the authoritative doctrines of Christ's one historic Church with their own personal interpretations and theological opinions and, in so doing, ultimately gave birth to the Protestant "reformation"---a movement which has produced multiplied thousands of competing and contradictory man-made non-Catholic denominations and sects to date, with more being invented every week, all directly contrary to the expressed will of Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:11, 20-23; cf. 1 Cor.1:10; Phil. 2:1-2; Eph. 4:3-6; Rom. 16:17).

Gaudium de veritate,


The RCC excommunicated Luther affirming that Luther had denied Papal infallibility, so the RCC were the ones who departed from the truth.

You cannot show from the book of Acts that Peter was regarded head of the church or that he was infallible, nor can it be shown that he conferred leadership to any other person after him.

Where is the historic evidence?

Lazy afternoon

A mere man could not render a sacrifice of infinite value from God, that could atone for millions of people from, every tribe, nation and tongue (Rev. 5:9). A mere man could not have withstood the immense suffering and agony that Jesus endured. A mere man could not intercede or mediate between God and man. Who but the Lord of glory, the God-man could endure the unmitigated infinite wrath of God that millions deserved in the space of a few hours? Who but God’s only begotten Son could intercede simultaneously for millions of believers twenty four hours a day? “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross” (Col. 1:19-20). There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved (Acts 4:12). Animals, prophets, gurus and mighty angels cannot save. Only Jesus Christ, who is both God and man in one person, meets all the exigencies arising out of God’s nature and men’s predicament. (HT: Schwertley)


You do not believe.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The RCC excommunicated Luther affirming that Luther had denied Papal infallibility, so the RCC were the ones who departed from the truth.

You cannot show from the book of Acts that Peter was regarded head of the church or that he was infallible, nor can it be shown that he conferred leadership to any other person after him.

Where is the historic evidence?

Dude, those things have been proven many many times over many years right here in this forum. You just choose to willfully blind yourself to the truth. You choose darkness over light, and it showes in your sad erroneous posts.

Lazy afternoon

So you know peoples' hearts? You make yourself God?

Mat 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Mat 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Lazy afternoon

Dude, those things have been proven many many times over many years right here in this forum. You just choose to willfully blind yourself to the truth. You choose darkness over light, and it showes in your sad erroneous posts.

The Pope in all his pomp, deludes the ignorant masses into thinking he is Gods intercessor on earth.

They do not know that the pope is a deceived liar of his father the devil.

How dare the popes take upon themselves titles which belong to Christ alone.



The Pope in all his pomp, deludes the ignorant masses into thinking he is Gods intercessor on earth.

They do not know that the pope is a deceived liar of his father the devil.

How dare the popes take upon themselves titles which belong to Christ alone.
The Pope infallibly teaches that anybody who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is an individual member of the Body of Christ.


New member
Your comment here refers to a specifically medieval abuse of the Christian doctrine of indulgences, one which was corrected in its own day, which no longer exists, and is therefore entirely irrelevant to our discussion. Try again.
Infallible means perfect, as in no change needed....ever.

Snap out of it friend. Your passionate Faith is needed for GOD's work for the sake of man.



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New member
Now go ahead and (1) prove that the Catholic Church was doctrinally corrupt at any point in her history, and (2) state how you supposedly know this.

Gaudium de veritate,

You will know them by their works.

As in their actions in comparison to scripture should align if of GOD.

Surely you are aware of these things.

Are you aware of the actions of the ancient and more recent RCC?

I'm not saying to abandon your denomination by any means; only that reformation was needed and most likely still is.



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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The doctrinal blunders of the RCC are far too many to list, just take for one example the doctrine which proclaims Mary as co-redemptor.

But the real problem is that the whole hierarchy and structure is set upon a false foundation. There may be true Christians there but they are Christians despite the church not because of it.

Christ did indeed build His church upon Peter, but that church was not the RCC.