Have you read this? > http://www.catholic.com/tracts/apostolic-successionI respect you. We disagree here. But I understand you.
Have you read this? > http://www.catholic.com/tracts/apostolic-successionI respect you. We disagree here. But I understand you.
The apostles (and their ordained successors, the bishops) taught God's message in Christ's own name and by his very authority---they spoke for God---and their teachings were infallible and binding (Ac. 16:4; 1 Tim. 3:15;1 Jn. 4:6). Therefore, your previous claim that "When any man or men stand in the place and authority of God, bad things will always follow" simply does not follow. Not then with the apostles, and not now with the bishops.
The apostles (and their ordained successors, the bishops) taught God's message in Christ's own name and by his very authority---they spoke for God---and their teachings were infallible and binding (Ac. 16:4; 1 Tim. 3:15;1 Jn. 4:6). Therefore, your previous claim that "When any man or men stand in the place and authority of God, bad things will always follow" simply does not follow. Not then with the apostles, and not now with the bishops.
Have you read this? > http://www.catholic.com/tracts/apostolic-succession
Have you read this? > http://www.catholic.com/tracts/apostolic-succession
Not exactly. I affirm biological evolution as a scientific conclusion, and I hold to the Christian doctrine of creation as a theological conviction.Would you remind me of something, please? I recall you being a Theistic / Teleological Evolutionist? Is that correct?
Of course.Do you wholly endorse and adhere to everything from Vatican II forward, just as you adhere to all that came before Vatican II?
Not at all, nor is that what is taught by the Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility.Do you consider Francis to be infallible in all his rendered statements, declarations, and assertions?
He is the Vicar of Christ, yes.Is He presiding as the Christ Vicar for all Christians?
Not exactly. I affirm biological evolution as a scientific conclusion, and I hold to the Christian doctrine of creation as a theological conviction.
Of course.
Not at all, nor is that what is taught by the Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility.
He is the Vicar of Christ, yes.
Art thou kidding me?Do you consider Francis to be infallible in all his
rendered statements, declarations, and assertions?
Is He presiding as the Christ Vicar for all Christians?
Please give us a "heads up".I live in a country in S.E. Asia that is 85% Catholic, and I could tell you about some of the things going on here, but those of the RCC persuasion online here would call me a liar and demand "references". This "mind-set" is precisely the same as those of Jewish persuasion.
Art thou kidding me?
He's the worst of them all ... and from the very pits of hell itself.
Watch and see!
Theistic evolution incorporates divine activity (the supernatural) into its scientific position, whereas my scientific views do not incorporate the supernatural. Therefore, I do not apply the term "theistic evolution" to myself.In what way does that differ from what I inquired regarding?
This is the local idol:
Thanks for demonstrating the fact that you have no clue what an idol is.
".....Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. Jesus says, "You cannot serve God and mammon"......"
An idol is not an object, it is a false god, or something we place above God.
What you have there is an image of the child Jesus. Since Jesus is not "a false god, or something we place above God", then that is not an idol.
Stop being a moron.
This is the local idol:
Who is that supposed to be?
see post #296
Many homes here have one.