The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy


New member
So you were practicing at shooting real complex life forms instead of actually shooting them. That's fine, but the guns were made for the real thing. The fact that you only practiced at it, but never actually used them for what they were intended for doesn't change the fact that they were intended to be used to kill things.

I've never gone hunting in my life and never planned to... its just a very fun sport... and an Olympic one.

Not to mention biathlon... which we suck at as a country.


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Hall of Fame
Did you watch the video clip in this thread? It looked at the second amendment and who granted the rights. The people did. Thus the people, us, can change those rights. Note also that the second amendment dies not say that gun ownership is an inaliable right endowed on men by their creator.
It doesn't matter what the constitution says, what matters is what is true. And it's true that God grants rights. In fact, if God is not the guarantor of rights, then rights don't exist.

Chuck Noris might disagree with you. MMA fighters might disagree with you. Soldiers might disagree with you. I disagree with you.
You just said that all people are Chuck Noris, an MMA fighter, or a soldier, or you.

You just said that.

Why do I grant you the grace of having a conversation with me?

You need more mocking and less talking.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Civilian's can own machine gun's legally.

They must have been made by 1986, and you must possess a special federal permit, that is distributed according to municipal prerogative's.

Machine gun's can definitely be directed against a particular person.

They're is no Constitutional limit to machine gun ownership, the law's regarding machine gun's are at the federal level and do not violate the Second Amendment --it wouldn't violate the Second Amendment to reverse them either.

While there are a lot of people that can direct an automatic weapon at 1 person, one cannot expect most people to handle it. Therefore, the state can restrict those weapons, although it is not obligated to restrict any particular one of that type.

patrick jane

It doesn't matter what the constitution says, what matters is what is true. And it's true that God grants rights. In fact, if God is not the guarantor of rights, then rights don't exist.

You just said that all people are Chuck Noris, an MMA fighter, or a soldier, or you.

You just said that.

Why do I grant you the grace of having a conversation with me?

You need more mocking and less talking.

Chuck Norris can ski UP mountains

View attachment 20493

Dan Emanuel

Active member
No, guns are designed to kill large complex life forms. Nothing else. Nada, zippo, finito. That's it … kill, kill, kill. That's what guns are for. That's all guns are for. They ain't made for nothin' else. They never have been made for nothin' else.

And that's all there is to be said about it.

And its because of you're narrow way of seeing thing's that you hold the position's that you hold. If A then B. If you mentally attach "kill" to "gun," then they'res just not much else we can do about that.

And maybe thats not the problem. Maybe thats the healthy way to see "gun," I.D.K., I don't have any study's or figure's; its an opinion, but I feel a reasonable 1.

But anyway, assuming that you and Granite and other's are right, when you mentally attach at the hip "kill" and "gun," then what do you do with the fact (I've got study's and figure's as well as personal experience and anecdotal evidence) that gun's are fun to shoot? The problem is that you've now got a cognitive dissonance, because its plainly wrong to enjoy using something thats sole purpose in design is to kill human being's. Thats sick, is what that is. It trump's our other violent flaw's; our vicarious nature, our rubber-necking tendency's at train wreck's. If what you propose/assume is true, then they're are a whole lot more evil people in the world than many of us currently believe. They're is something bad wrong with people enjoying using an instrument of death/killing/murder.

But we do.

Your on the more reasonable side of unreasonable.



New member
Hall of Fame
And its because of you're narrow way of seeing thing's that you hold the position's that you hold. If A then B. If you mentally attach "kill" to "gun," then they'res just not much else we can do about that.

And maybe thats not the problem. Maybe thats the healthy way to see "gun," I.D.K., I don't have any study's or figure's; its an opinion, but I feel a reasonable 1.

But anyway, assuming that you and Granite and other's are right, when you mentally attach at the hip "kill" and "gun," then what do you do with the fact (I've got study's and figure's as well as personal experience and anecdotal evidence) that gun's are fun to shoot? The problem is that you've now got a cognitive dissonance, because its plainly wrong to enjoy using something thats sole purpose in design is to kill human being's. Thats sick, is what that is. It trump's our other violent flaw's; our vicarious nature, our rubber-necking tendency's at train wreck's. If what you propose/assume is true, then they're are a whole lot more evil people in the world than many of us currently believe. They're is something bad wrong with people enjoying using an instrument of death/killing/murder.

But we do.

Your on the more reasonable side of unreasonable.


Wait, you're suggesting people enjoy doing things that are bad for them?:shocked:

Hold on, I need to take a few and sort this out...:jawdrop:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am going to leave it like this. Women who favor gun control, accept being in an inferior position, and men who favor it, are effeminate.


New member
You do realize that, hypothetically speaking, if all bullets were smart bullets that could not hit a person, you are claiming that all guns would stop being made or used.

No, I'm not claiming that at all.

Are you sure about that? Nobody would shoot skeet anymore, or target practice, or olympic shooting? or any other gun use that wasn't shooting a person?

I'm suggesting that guns were first designed for killing, and largely for killing people, and that the use in sports doesn't change that fact. A lot of sports originate in a similar way, where the practice of training to use a weapon becomes a part of the point. But the weapon that use for skeet shooting can be a lot different from one you'd use in an actual violent situation, just as the sword that I use to do Kendo is a lot different from an actual sword that you might take into battle.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
While there are a lot of people that can direct an automatic weapon at 1 person,

I assure you, I can handle it well, even at my age, it is in my blood and part of me. Although not necessary, since I am able to one shot kill with a 45 acp.


Well-known member
And its because of you're narrow way of seeing thing's that you hold the position's that you hold. If A then B. If you mentally attach "kill" to "gun," then they'res just not much else we can do about that.

And maybe thats not the problem. Maybe thats the healthy way to see "gun," I.D.K., I don't have any study's or figure's; its an opinion, but I feel a reasonable 1.

But anyway, assuming that you and Granite and other's are right, when you mentally attach at the hip "kill" and "gun," then what do you do with the fact (I've got study's and figure's as well as personal experience and anecdotal evidence) that gun's are fun to shoot? The problem is that you've now got a cognitive dissonance, because its plainly wrong to enjoy using something thats sole purpose in design is to kill human being's. Thats sick, is what that is. It trump's our other violent flaw's; our vicarious nature, our rubber-necking tendency's at train wreck's. If what you propose/assume is true, then they're are a whole lot more evil people in the world than many of us currently believe. They're is something bad wrong with people enjoying using an instrument of death/killing/murder.

But we do.

Your on the more reasonable side of unreasonable.
Guns may be fun to shoot, but they are also very dangerous devices. So even though they're fun, we need to mind that danger. And we aren't currently doing that; the result of which is that a lot of Americans are being killed unnecessarily so that some people can "have fun" with guns. And that's a stupid trade-off, by most reasonable people's standards.

But no one is recommending that we can ever have fun shooting guns, again. All that's being suggested is that we set up an effective method of regulating gun ownership and use that limits the danger they pose to society. And the fact that so may people can't see the sense in that trade-off is scary to me. Because they are being so ideologically myopic, so irrationally paranoid, or just so flat out selfish that they don't care who dies as a result of the danger these weapons pose to society. And that's sad. Because we ought to care more about each other's well being then that.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
While there are a lot of people that can direct an automatic weapon at 1 person, one cannot expect most people to handle it...
That can be and is said of a lot of thing's beside's machine gun's. And rightly so.
...Therefore, the state can restrict those weapons, although it is not obligated to restrict any particular one of that type.
We do restrict machine gun's, as I mentioned. But the Constitution doesn't say 1 way or another about whether it is legal for civilian's in civilian capacity to keep and bear machine gun's. The statute's are federal, and apparently they do not violate the Second Amendment, at least not enough for the Supreme Court to more than barely mention the topic during the two most recent Second Amendment case's.

Re: Restricting any particular machine gun
I agree with you're sentiment, with the condition that we ought to be able to restrict particular machine gun's based on operator safety.

Which I know sound's kind of silly, but the reality is that firearm's are consumer good's and consumer's deserve the same type of safety watch-dog benefit's that consumer's of all other good's receive as a matter of course. Nobody want's a machine gun prone to faulty discharge's or chamber explosion's, i.e.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Wait, you're suggesting people enjoy doing things that are bad for them?:shocked:

Hold on, I need to take a few and sort this out...:jawdrop:
No. I'm plainly stating that people enjoy operating what you and Purex consider to be instrument's designed for the sole purpose of dispatching with human life.

Shooting gun's make's people smile.



New member
Hall of Fame
No. I'm plainly stating that people enjoy operating what you and Purex consider to be instrument's designed for the sole purpose of dispatching with human life.

Shooting gun's make's people smile.


So what you're saying is that doing something fun makes it okay. I mean, so long's it makes you feel good.