The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy


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Hall of Fame
It looked at the second amendment and who granted the rights. The people did. Thus the people, us, can change those rights. Note also that the second amendment dies not say that gun ownership is an [sic]inalienable right endowed on men by their creator.

Chuck Noris might disagree with you. MMA fighters might disagree with you. Soldiers might disagree with you. I disagree with you.

Whatever worked before is obviously not working anymore. Restricting gun ownership to those who can responsibly use them is a prudent thing to do if you want to deal with reducing the possibility of mass shootings. Why would you support a allowing a sociopath a gun? Why would you let somebody who has told their doctor they are having thoughts of killing people go out and buy all the guns they want?

Christian and sees killing people to protect stuff as a reasonable response has totally missed the message of Christ.

Would I defend my family? Yes. Would my first choice be to kill an intruder? No.

You are arguing like an idiot!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
The problem with this, is that your state can't access background information from many other states. And many other states can't access background information from yours. So that these background checks aren't really checking on much of anything.

Also, gun shows are very often exempt form the background check/waiting period mandate, so anyone can buy a gun at a gun show without having been checked at all.

Also, most current background checks are only checking for criminal backgrounds that legally preclude people from owning or possessing a firearm. But they don't check for all kinds of dangerous anti-social behaviors that should reasonably preclude people from owning a firearm. So that the end result is that current background checks don't stop anyone but local previously convicted criminals from buying guns, and they can buy them at gun shows or through friends or illegally, anyway.

So the current restrictions do virtually nothing to curtail gun sales while they create the false illusion that we are regulating gun sales, when we are not. An illusion that people like yourself latch onto and reiterate at every possible opportunity because it fits in nicely with your preconceived bias about guns, politics, blue ribbons, bee hives, and who knows what else.

The gun show "exemption" is a bit of a misnomer. It means that, In many states, individuals that own guns can sell what they own to other citizens of the same state without going through the government. Gun dealers who hold an FFL are never exempt from doing background checks when they sell at a gun show.


New member
The gun show "exemption" is a bit of a misnomer. It means that, In many states, individuals that own guns can sell what they own to other citizens of the same state without going through the government. Gun dealers who hold an FFL are never exempt from doing background checks when they sell at a gun show.

Good to know. But I have never attended a gun show. Now, if we are talking about antiques ....


New member
Hall of Fame
If you doubt it would make a difference you would be wrong! To a man, every one of these spree killers has been obsessed with at least one other spree killer. Their obsession feeds and builds on the "glory" of that other killers body count and whips them the afore mentioned demented state.

It's impossible to know for sure. That said, if somebody's made their mind up to kill some people, pondering a lack of news coverage is not likely to change their mind. What kind of homicidal maniac do you honestly think is clear-headed enough to make that kind of decision?

It's a completely misleading mistake to blame over-saturation by mass media for transforming people into mass murderers.

How do you think this starts? Does a completely normal Joe Schmoe start looking into these atrocities, get inspired by a shooter, then morph into one over time? Is this madness contagious, or something? Or wouldn't you expect disturbed minds to be interested in the handiwork of other disturbed minds?
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Well-known member
I hate guns you unmitigated clot! I am not knowledgeable about gun licensure.
And if you were to keep a civil tongue in your head I would be willing to learn from you.
My tongue is just as civil as yours, that should be your first lesson. ;)

My response would have been more friendly if you hadn't felt the weird need to include those strange comments about blue ribbons and bee hives. What, was Rush Limbaugh whining about children being praised instead of humiliated, again?


Well-known member
The gun show "exemption" is a bit of a misnomer. It means that, In many states, individuals that own guns can sell what they own to other citizens of the same state without going through the government. Gun dealers who hold an FFL are never exempt from doing background checks when they sell at a gun show.
What's important about this is that if I am a convicted criminal, and I want to buy guns that I am not supposed to be able to buy, I can simply have my friend buy them, and he can then sell them (or give them) to me 'privately' without anyone knowing, or anyone even checking up on where the guns went. So that even the background check laws that were intended to stop convicted criminals from buying guns, don't really stop anyone.

The gun lobby loves to talk about how criminals can buy guns "illegally" if they want them. What they don't tell you is that they made sure that criminals can get them, legally, by pushing for these completely useless background check laws and then using them to pretend that we already have gun regulation, and that regulation doesn't work. It doesn't work because they built in all these "back doors" to make sure that it wouldn't.



New member
My tongue is just as civil as yours, that should be your first lesson. ;)

My response would have been more friendly if you hadn't felt the weird need to include those strange comments about blue ribbons and bee hives. What, was Rush Limbaugh whining about children being praised instead of humiliated, again?

You are a grown man. Stop whining about praise. When you deserve praise I give it to you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If you doubt it would make a difference you would be wrong! To a man, every one of these spree killers has been obsessed with at least one other spree killer. Their obsession feeds and builds on the "glory" of that other killers body count and whips them the afore mentioned demented state.

i'd love to see the msm stop identifying these morons as anything other than "deranged lunatic" or "loser who couldn't find a girlfriend"

nobody needs to know their name

Dan Emanuel

Active member
But "self defense" does not appear in the second amendment:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That doesn't matter in the slightest bit because the only interpretation that has any legal basis is the opinion of the Supreme Court, who has ruled that the Second Amendment recognize's a fundamental right to defend one's self.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Why are there weapons that civilians are not allowed to own? Like machine guns. Or mortars. Shoulder launched missiles. Does the constitutional right to own weapons stop there?
...a requirement for someone to defend themselves would be the ability to direct a weapon against a particular person. Machine guns and bombs cannot.
Civilian's can own machine gun's legally.

They must have been made by 1986, and you must possess a special federal permit, that is distributed according to municipal prerogative's.

Machine gun's can definitely be directed against a particular person.

They're is no Constitutional limit to machine gun ownership, the law's regarding machine gun's are at the federal level and do not violate the Second Amendment --it wouldn't violate the Second Amendment to reverse them either.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Firearms' were invented to inflict damage upon a structure. Yes, that structure was and is sometime's the human body. But gun's are used to propel a chunk of metal (typically dense metal) very quickly in a straight line. So are captive bolt pistol's and jackhammer's and nail gun's. Sometime's the job require's that we pummel an object with dense metal at a very high rate of speed. Its the most efficient way to do the work.



New member
Many people think that having more guns in public is a good thing, that if more people were armed, those with bad intentions would be less likely to act. In theory, it sounds great. The reality of the situation is something altogether different.

I have a good friend who is a highly trained former police officer. I would trust him anywhere, at any time, with a gun.

I also have some nut-job nieces and nephews who have CCWs and guns. I don't want to be anywhere near them.

If you're going to own and carry a gun, be smart, be responsible, be highly trained.


New member
Hall of Fame
I have a good friend who is a highly trained former police officer. I would trust him anywhere, at any time, with a gun.

I also have some nut-job nieces and nephews who have CCWs and guns. I don't want to be anywhere near them.

If you're going to own and carry a gun, be smart, be responsible, be highly trained.

Without mandating this it ain't gonna happen.


New member
Hall of Fame
Uhhh... what?

Without mandatory training most gun owners will not take it on themselves to be highly trained individuals capable of good judgment, decision making, and high proficiency with firearms. Just won't happen all on its own.