The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy


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I don't own a single gun and do not plan on purchasing one.

Is it impossible for you to look at things objectively?

Then you have no skin in the game and are just squatting on the thread to be contrary. I guess that's good to know.


New member
Then you have no skin in the game and are just squatting on the thread to be contrary. I guess that's good to know.

My skin in the game is that I feel people should be able to be armed if they want for the purpose that owning guns was included in the 2nd amendment... being that citizens have the right to defend themselves from an oppressive government and overthrow it if necessary.

The mass shootings and all are tragic, but they pale in comparison to what totalitarian governments have done to their people over the last 100 years or so.


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My skin in the game is that I feel people should be able to be armed if they want for the purpose that owning guns was included in the 2nd amendment... being that citizens have the right to defend themselves from an oppressive government and overthrow it if necessary.

The mass shootings and all are tragic, but they pale in comparison to what totalitarian governments have done to their people over the last 100 years or so.

The idea of an armed uprising against the United States military is simply asinine. Moreover, if the "patriots" armed for this "overthrow" got their way, we'd in as bad a situation if not even worse than we are now.

You live in a totalitarian country and they don't need or want your guns. That's the point you Rambo fantasist paranoiacs just don't get.


New member
The idea of an armed uprising against the United States military is simply asinine. Moreover, if the "patriots" armed for this "overthrow" got their way, we'd in as bad a situation if not even worse than we are now.

You live in a totalitarian country and they don't need or want your guns. That's the point you Rambo fantasist paranoiacs just don't get.

If the time came, I think you would find very well organized militia's.. I also think you would see the national guard and military refuse to fight against citizens of their own country (which is barred by the constitution anyhow)... the only barrier would be the secret service and police.

Nothing rambo about the above.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If the time came, I think you would find very well organized militia's.. I also think you would see the national guard and military refuse to fight against citizens of their own country (which is barred by the constitution anyhow)... the only barrier would be the secret service and police.

Nothing rambo about the above.
What makes you think this? People own guns. They play with them on shooting ranges and sometimes hunt with them. They don't drill together. They don't have anything resembling command and control. There is nothing about millions of gun owners that represent a well regulated anything.


New member
What makes you think this? People own guns. They play with them on shooting ranges and sometimes hunt with them. They don't drill together. They don't have anything resembling command and control. There is nothing about millions of gun owners that represent a well regulated anything.

If the necessity arose.. it would happen, just like what happened during the revolution.


New member
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If the time came, I think you would find very well organized militia's.. I also think you would see the national guard and military refuse to fight against citizens of their own country (which is barred by the constitution anyhow)... the only barrier would be the secret service and police.

Nothing rambo about the above.

Then you're just a crazy person.


Well-known member
My skin in the game is that I feel people should be able to be armed if they want for the purpose that owning guns was included in the 2nd amendment... being that citizens have the right to defend themselves from an oppressive government and overthrow it if necessary.

The mass shootings and all are tragic, but they pale in comparison to what totalitarian governments have done to their people over the last 100 years or so.
We got it. You hate and distrust the government because they tell you what you can't do and you don't want to be told what you can't do, even if you didn't want to do it, anyway. And you really don't care about how your actions and attitude toward the government effects other people, even if it kills them.

It's not very adult, and not very Christian, but that's for you to deal with.
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New member
We got it. You hate and distrust the government because they tell you what you can't do and you don't want to be told what you can't do, even if you didn't want to do it. And you really don't care about how your actions and attitude toward the government effects others. :rolleyes:

Distrust of government is built into our constitution and our cultural ethos in this country.

Sorry that you cannot see that... heck that is what I was taught back in school when a course in how our government works was mandatory.

Government in this country does so at the consent of the governed... that could change at any minute and government seems to have forgotten its mandate.

Saying that it's not adult or very christian just shows your ignorance.

It is in Christians interest to have a less restrictive government as possible so we are free to live our faith... over the last couple decades our freedom to live as we chose has been severely curtailed... and is curtailed more and more every day.


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Hall of Fame
Distrust of government is built into our constitution and our cultural ethos in this country.

Sorry that you cannot see that... heck that is what I was taught back in school when a course in how our government works was mandatory.

Government in this country does so at the consent of the governed... that could change at any minute and government seems to have forgotten its mandate.

Saying that it's not adult or very christian just shows your ignorance.

It is in Christians interest to have a less restrictive government as possible so we are free to live our faith... over the last couple decades our freedom to live as we chose has been severely curtailed... and is curtailed more and more every day.

We live in a surveillance state. We rolled over like a well-trained dog.


New member
"There's more to bein' a man than havin' a gun."
--The Duke

Agreed, but that takes a certain amount of maturity that unfortunately our society does not teach our young.

We live in a society of instant gratification, impulse spending and total lack of self control... with very little concern for the long term ramifications of ones actions.

Our consumerist culture and educational system reinforces these behaviors.

And like I have said many times, remove guns and people will find other means to accomplish their selfish and shortsighted horrible crimes.

Getting rid of guns will do nothing more than expose the next thing that can be used as a weapon and then we will regulate that... and so on and so on.


Well-known member
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The idea of an armed uprising against the United States military is simply asinine. Moreover, if the "patriots" armed for this "overthrow" got their way, we'd in as bad a situation if not even worse than we are now.

You live in a totalitarian country and they don't need or want your guns. That's the point you Rambo fantasist paranoiacs just don't get.

I agree, although if I had been male, I would have gone into the military and then used many guns, big guns and bombs to fight the bad guys.

This was not conceived as real when I was young. so, my statement is also not very real because I am of a culture where women do not fight in a war. One main reason I was against the ERA.

I am trying to imagine a life in the future where I have a different thought process. Regarding that, it is also a fact, there will be no cultural change, regarding guns, or income distribution as long as i am alive, even if I live another then years, it cannot happen.

Until the time, for me, you are still a radical hippie minority radicalism, who is part of the spoiled generation; protesters and tipsters-pupsters who want to rebel against your parents.

That is how it is, and will be, until I die. You can't change it. You have to wait it out.


New member
Hall of Fame
Agreed, but that takes a certain amount of maturity that unfortunately our society does not teach our young.

We live in a society of instant gratification, impulse spending and total lack of self control... with very little concern for the long term ramifications of ones actions.

Our consumerist culture and educational system reinforces these behaviors.

And like I have said many times, remove guns and people will find other means to accomplish their selfish and shortsighted horrible crimes.

Getting rid of guns will do nothing more than expose the next thing that can be used as a weapon and then we will regulate that... and so on and so on.

Our society by and large is immature. Poorly-educated nincompoops with lousy impulse control.

Giving them all the guns and ammo they want is not a good idea. We're no longer qualified to use the Second Amendment to its fullest extent. We need a cooling off period.