Suggestions for the TOL Topic of the Day

Nathon Detroit

FYI, we have changed the way we pick the Topic of the Day.

Now we simply pick threads from the forums and make them a Topic of the Day. Therefore just start great threads and they will likely be picked.


New member
Hall of Fame
Not sure if this has been done or not (if so, please disregard) ...

IF you could run TOL (temporarily or indefinitely) what changes would you make?

Examples ... features/memberships/moderators/rules

I would add a verse of the day that changes daily somewhere on the home page.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Maybe the topic of the day should be replaced by Nang's Corner. And every day Nang could let us know which post or poster disappointed her the most...this could likely even kick it off. :plain:

And then you could say, "Man, that guy got Nanged" or, "He's really begging for a Nanging with that post, don't you think?" Think of the side bar conversations that would invite. And every POTD should have a linked rebuttal by Nang....and we could have a Nang Nation...or Nanger Lovers support group.

Though now that I think about it the last idea might get some errant search results. :think:


New member
Maybe the topic of the day should be replaced by Nang's Corner. And every day Nang could let us know which post or poster disappointed her the most...this could likely even kick it off. :plain:

And then you could say, "Man, that guy got Nanged" or, "He's really begging for a Nanging with that post, don't you think?" Think of the side bar conversations that would invite. And every POTD should have a linked rebuttal by Nang....and we could have a Nang Nation...or Nanger Lovers support group.

Though now that I think about it the last idea might get some errant search results. :think:
This is making me nangry. My nanger is seething.


TOL Subscriber
You guys are pretty good, but the best play on my name came from Serpentdove, who labeled me "Nangster."

I liked it so much, I applied for a new account under that name, and posted here using it for quite some time, without anyone making the connection to "Nang."



New member
You guys are pretty good, but the best play on my name came from Serpentdove, who labeled me "Nangster."

I liked it so much, I applied for a new account under that name, and posted here using it for quite some time, without anyone making the connection to "Nang."

I'm getting nangrier the longer I read this thread !


Well-known member
Exactly! :D

The reason is.... if you send me your suggestions via Twitter they go directly to my Twitter app on my cell phone. BOOM! I have your suggestion, and it goes with me wherever I go. Whereas if you make your suggestions here (which is also fine) I might not check them as often or forget to check them at all.

Either way is fine... but if you want to pick the most efficient method send them via Twitter.

Excuse me ... you might forget to check the thread you started for suggestions on the website you administrate but you will check your twitter account?

I'm gonna have to chew on that one for a while ... :chew:


Hall of Fame
Though a similar topic may have been previously done (over the last several years), how about something that is actually uplifting ... such as ... Thanksgiving. Do you celebrate it? How do you celebrate it? Why do you celebrate it?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I would love to debate the fact that the idea of Original Sin is nothing but a myth. That false teaching is built on a mis-understanding of what Paul wrote at Romans 5:12-21 and I have the true meaning of those verses.