Suggestions for the TOL Topic of the Day


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I would keep to current events, new subjects and avoid the big theology issues, since we can all post these threads more or less successfully.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Flip-flops: fun fashion statement or inappropriate church wear?

I must have a million ideas...and, believe it or not, they're all of this quality.



King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Leonardo da Vinci was so strong he could bend a horseshoe with his bare hands and he punched poor Michelangelo so hard it broke his nose and gave him problems for the rest of his life.

How would Andy Warhol match up against Leonardo?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Which is better—Lincoln Logs or Lego’s?
I like it, but it needs a qualifier...for instance, Lincoln Logs would be a great choice if you were starting a fire...or you needed a really tiny cabin by a lake. :think:


New member
I think

I think

Leonardo da Vinci was so strong he could bend a horseshoe with his bare hands and he punched poor Michelangelo so hard it broke his nose and gave him problems for the rest of his life.

How would Andy Warhol match up against Leonardo?

Leonardo would ignore him for the nonentity that he was. bybee

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Leonardo da Vinci was so strong he could bend a horseshoe with his bare hands and he punched poor Michelangelo so hard it broke his nose and gave him problems for the rest of his life.

How would Andy Warhol match up against Leonardo?

Neither could stand up to Bruce Lee.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
SD's post gives me another idea ...(amazing how these keep popping out, isn't it?)...well, isn't it?? :mmph:...where was I?

Ah, here's the idea: if you could be any sort of tree at all, how much would you weigh?

Again, many more where that came from and with that same wintergreen scent about them. :plain:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
An oklahoma woman shot and killed an intruder in the night. Is she justified?

Woman Shoots Intruder Dead

At 12:30 Donna Jackson woke up to her dog barking like someone was in her backyard. She went to to her backdoor and sure enough she was face to face with a man trying to break in.

“Oh he’s getting ready to break the window,” said Jackson to the dispatcher....


Well-known member
I don't want another discussion about whether individuals believe that Jesus is divine - or NOT. Rather, I would like to read the reasoning from both views about whether it matters or NOT toward a person's final salvation.

Nathon Detroit

I don't want another discussion about whether individuals believe that Jesus is divine - or NOT. Rather, I would like to read the reasoning from both views about whether it matters or NOT toward a person's final salvation.
OK so how would you want to word that in the form of a topic of the day (120 characters or less).


Well-known member
OK so how would you want to word that in the form of a topic of the day (120 characters or less).

Believers in salvation through Jesus share your views about whether you believe that one must declare his divinity to receive that salvation.

I think that is 119 characters...