Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They Dont believe they have it..


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Wellllll Nowwwwww! Just how successful have Conservatives been? Abortion is legal. Same sex marriage is legal. Religions are being persecuted and tied up in lawsuits over what ought to be none of the Civil authorities business? Our elementary school children are shown how to have anal and aberrant sex whilst offering IUD insertion to twelve year old girls without parental knowledge. Whole cities are being set up as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and our border patrol agents have their hands tied. Graves of The dead are being desecrated and political correctness is running rampant over the land.
You are confusing conservatives with republican neo-cons. The republican neo-cons have been VERY successful in using the ignoramus vote to get elected. They have a majority in the federal legislature, and they have a majority in many states. And with that power they have achieved many of their goals, which is to serve the wishes of the wealthy elite. They have diverted hundreds of billions of tax dollars to their corporate cronies through unnecessary warfare, they have successfully blamed the resultant skyrocketing debt on the poor (you are an endless sucker on that score), they have cut taxes for themselves and their wealthy friends for decades, written loopholes allowing them to stash their money out of country and in many cases pay no taxes on it at all. They have successfully stopped real health care reforms that would finally have resolved our absurdly expensive and unfair health care mess. And they are now threatening social security. They have gerrymandered the entire country to add republican representatives in districts that they couldn't win a majority in, otherwise, and they are trying to impose unfair voter restrictions to win even more. And they have made it impossible to accurately recount votes thanks to electronic voting. The list goes on and on.

They have "deregulated" many public utilities and services resulting in crony-owned monopolies that impose higher costs and terrible service on the public. They have minimized and eliminated so much government oversight of business that we have had to endure decades of corporate criminality (made legal) by banks-become-investment firms, predatory credit and loan companies, and legalized usury. They have diverted so much of our tax dollars to their cronies in business that our infrastructure is antiquated and crumbling.

The list goes on and on.

And you just keep on voting for them because you have fallen for their "the liberals and intellectuals are the boogeymen!" shtick year after year after year after year.

Desert Reign

Openness theology provides a natural explanation for personal responsibility, a natural explanation for moral right and wrong and a logical explanation for the cross of Christ.
Calvinism divorces Christian faith from moral responsibility because (according to it) all the real choices in the universe have been made by God alone and not by men. Hence Calvinists need rules to guide them in what to do because natural right and wrong have been stifled by wrong teaching.
Liberalism weakens self-control because it diminishes your perception of reality by relativising everything. Reality becomes merely a construct which you choose to apply to the outside world. Other people don't get rights because you simply give them to them based on your own relative perceptions. In other words other people are not loved because they are people deserving of love but only because and only when you feel good about loving them.

Desert Reign

As a liberal, I can only speak for myself. My own self-control is the only thing I CAN depend on.

I am not responsible for other people's bad choices that affect me adversely.

I think everyone makes bad decisions ... what matters is how you react to them and if you learn from them.

I notice you have labelled yourself as more left than right. One can be left (politically) without being liberal. I am surprised, knowing you from your posting here, that you call yourself liberal.


New member
I notice you have labelled yourself as more left than right. One can be left (politically) without being liberal. I am surprised, knowing you from your posting here, that you call yourself liberal.

She has a kind and loving, generous heart. I call that the best way to show one's humanity.


New member
You are confusing conservatives with republican neo-cons. The republican neo-cons have been VERY successful in using the ignoramus vote to get elected. They have a majority in the federal legislature, and they have a majority in many states. And with that power they have achieved many of their goals, which is to serve the wishes of the wealthy elite. They have diverted hundreds of billions of tax dollars to their corporate cronies through unnecessary warfare, they have successfully blamed the resultant skyrocketing debt on the poor (you are an endless sucker on that score), they have cut taxes for themselves and their wealthy friends for decades, written loopholes allowing them to stash their money out of country and in many cases pay no taxes on it at all. They have successfully stopped real health care reforms that would finally have resolved our absurdly expensive and unfair health care mess. And they are now threatening social security. They have gerrymandered the entire country to add republican representatives in districts that they couldn't win a majority in, otherwise, and they are trying to impose unfair voter restrictions to win even more. And they have made it impossible to accurately recount votes thanks to electronic voting. The list goes on and on.

They have "deregulated" many public utilities and services resulting in crony-owned monopolies that impose higher costs and terrible service on the public. They have minimized and eliminated so much government oversight of business that we have had to endure decades of corporate criminality (made legal) by banks-become-investment firms, predatory credit and loan companies, and legalized usury. They have diverted so much of our tax dollars to their cronies in business that our infrastructure is antiquated and crumbling.

The list goes on and on.

And you just keep on voting for them because you have fallen for their "the liberals and intellectuals are the boogeymen!" shtick year after year after year after year.

You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise. Look at all of the "Liberals" we send to Congress who come out as millionaires! For example the Clintons are among the elite top multi-millionaires in America. They have availed themselves of every trick in the book to salt away money for themselves. How are they different from the Republican Neo-Con's whom you so despise?
Wait ....I am mistaken (just a little). It is the Liberals who are in disguise! They are the Republican Neo-Con's that you love and adore!!!


New member
Anyone who believes the "liberals are by definition mentally ill" claptrap.

Which might be stored on the shelve right next to all of the claptrap crap believed by Liberals?

It is a wonder you can stand up straight you are so loaded to the left.
Must be the methane that keeps you upright....


New member
Hall of Fame
You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise. Look at all of the "Liberals" we send to Congress who come out as millionaires! For example the Clintons are among the elite top multi-millionaires in America. They have availed themselves of every trick in the book to salt away money for themselves. How are they different from the Republican Neo-Con's whom you so despise?
Wait ....I am mistaken (just a little). It is the Liberals who are in disguise! They are the Republican Neo-Con's that you love and adore!!!

This is simply and totally...incorrect.

Neo-conservativism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism. In fact it'd be harder to think of two American schools of thought more dissimilar from one another.


New member
This is simply and totally...incorrect.

Neo-conservativism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism. In fact it'd be harder to think of two American schools of thought more dissimilar from one another.

Unless you get behind the scenes. I'm not talking about the Hoi-polloi.


New member
Hall of Fame
Unless you get behind the scenes. I'm not talking about the Hoi-polloi.

Philosophically, there are significant differences. What is with you guys and the word "liberal," anyway? I know it's TOL shorthand for "evil, "bad," "I disagree with that/you," and virtually anything negative, but few people here seem to have any kind of real understanding of the word. Frustrating.


New member
Philosophically, there are significant differences. What is with you guys and the word "liberal," anyway? I know it's TOL shorthand for "evil, "bad," "I disagree with that/you," and virtually anything negative, but few people here seem to have any kind of real understanding of the word. Frustrating.

Ah well, not many of us can meet your grand exalted criteria.
No doubt you haven't looked in the mirror lately? You are one of the most negative persons on TOL!


Well-known member
You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise.

Neo-conservativism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism. In fact it'd be harder to think of two American schools of thought more dissimilar from one another.



New member
Hall of Fame
Ah well, not many of us can meet your grand exalted criteria.
No doubt you haven't looked in the mirror lately? You are one of the most negative persons on TOL!

I've noticed you keep on saying that but it seems to be a convenient way of you choosing to not have a discussion. To each their own, I guess.:smokie:


New member
I've noticed you keep on saying that but it seems to be a convenient way of you choosing to not have a discussion. To each their own, I guess.:smokie:

You have not shown yourself amenable to courteous discussion. You take snide potshots at any hint of another point of view.
I am open to sincere expressions of honest concern and/or disagreement with any of my comments.
You are presented as an angry, angst-ridden, parochial, judgmental young man with blinders firmly in place.
You and your ilk are the only decent people in this society hag ridden with conservatism.


Hall of Fame
I notice you have labelled yourself as more left than right. One can be left (politically) without being liberal. I am surprised, knowing you from your posting here, that you call yourself liberal.

I consider myself a semi-conservative, moderate due to my views on abortion, the death penalty and hate crime legislation. My views on gay marriage and support of women are why some would label me as liberal.


New member
Hall of Fame
You have not shown yourself amenable to courteous discussion.

Okay, full stop. Time out.

Here's a comment of yours: "You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise."

Funny, but that seems "angry" and "snide" and something like a "potshot."

Here's me:

"Neo-conservativism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism. In fact it'd be harder to think of two American schools of thought more dissimilar from one another."

To be perfectly blunt, what's your problem? There's nothing "angry" or "angsty" about what I'm saying on this thread. At all. If anyone's acting angry or judgmental or snide here, bybee, it's you.

If you want to have a decent, civil conversation, go right on ahead, but as it is right now seems to me you're having a bit of a tantrum. For a thread that mentions self-control, that's kind of funny.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise.
Right, because all bad people (boogeymen) are "liberals". You bought the neo-con shtick hook, line, and sinker!
Look at all of the "Liberals" we send to Congress who come out as millionaires! For example the Clintons are among the elite top multi-millionaires in America. They have availed themselves of every trick in the book to salt away money for themselves. How are they different from the Republican Neo-Con's whom you so despise?
The difference is the speed and enthusiasm to which the republicans fall to their knees when their corporate cronies come calling. The difference is that the republicans have no limits to what they will do on behalf of their corporate overlords. I agree that the democrats do these things, too. But they at least still feel some sense of shame, and want to hide it. The republicans have no shame whatever. And there is no depth to which they will not sink. There's no lie they won't tell. No election they won't rig, and no law they won't pass on behalf of their moneyed bosses. The democrats are crooked, too. But at east they know their crooked, and try to hide it. The republicans don't seem to even know what crooked is, anymore. Just like the people who vote for them.
Wait ....I am mistaken (just a little). It is the Liberals who are in disguise! They are the Republican Neo-Con's that you love and adore!!!
You are so confused by your own bias and bile that you don't even know who's who or what's what.

But you just keep on voting for these neo-cons year after year after year.


New member
Okay, full stop. Time out.

Here's a comment of yours: "You are the fool! Those so-called Republican neo-cons are actually Liberals in disguise."

Funny, but that seems "angry" and "snide" and something like a "potshot."

Here's me:

"Neo-conservativism has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with liberalism. In fact it'd be harder to think of two American schools of thought more dissimilar from one another."

To be perfectly blunt, what's your problem? There's nothing "angry" or "angsty" about what I'm saying on this thread. At all. If anyone's acting angry or judgmental or snide here, bybee, it's you.

If you want to have a decent, civil conversation, go right on ahead, but as it is right now seems to me you're having a bit of a tantrum. For a thread that mentions self-control, that's kind of funny.

You have a point. However, I have become sensitized to waiting for the other shoe to drop whenever in discussion with you. That is, of course, my problem not yours.
I have felt that I was responding in kind, but that be an incorrect assessment on my part. So, in future, I shall be more careful.
I am not angry, but often I am judgmental and snide!
I am not a Mugwump!