Prov. 24:7 ...Break it down

Im still waiting for you to post what you claimed,
and a link to what you called the original paper on it and the comparisons to back what you claimed, i dont see any evidence yet from you.
But whats new, you often object to an article, but when pressed to show what you are objecting, you change the subject or leave.
The actual paper has results that read rather differently from the slant given. It concluded that a belief in free will gave conservatives more self control, south the converse true for Liberals. The graphs showed that Liberals and conservatives had the same potential for self control.
You still think that the paper supports your contention that conservatives make better moral choices?
Hint: the answer in on the paper you referenced but didn't bother to read. That is a common problem with people making rhetorical arguments, but you should try to overcome that weakness.
Get back to me if you ever read the material you referenced.
You mean get back with this thread when you decide to back your claims instead of trolling as usual. (i know you cant)
The onus is on you to provide substantiation for your claim, not link drop and expect others to find your information.
PS thank you though, youve given a living witness example of liberal thought and lack of accountability with your dodge and weave :thumb:
Oh, since you asked so nicely...
Your link is to a report of an interview with the lead author of the study, but it is heavily edited. There is a link to their source interview, in which the author says:
"However, the findings showed that conservatives outperformed liberals only when participants believed freewill has a beneficial impact on self-control. When participants believed freewill could undermine self-control, liberals outperformed conservatives.
'This finding is especially interesting because research to this point has focused only on the positive outcomes of believing in freewill,' says Clarkson. 'However, one could imagine a host of situations where knowing you are responsible for your actions could lead to frustration, anxiety and other negative emotions that could impair self-control. In these contexts, these findings would suggest liberals will demonstrate greater self-control.'"
He is well aware that his research didn't say that conservatives were better than liberals in general, and that liberals can exhibit the better self control in a variety of situations. The fig 2 in the paper on the authors own website (it is free to download - all hail Google) shows the effects are equal in size for Conservatives and Liberals.
For anything I've missed let me know, then I'll re-Google the paper and read it for you.
I remember when the GOP congressman Joe Wilson shouted out "You LIE!" to Obama during the president's State of the Union Speech to Congress. When he was later forced to apologize by the press, Wilson said "I let my emotions get the better of me."
The actual paper has results that read rather differently from the slant given.
It concluded that a belief in free will gave conservatives more self control, south the converse true for Liberals.
The graphs showed that Liberals and conservatives had the same potential for self control.
You claimed that the paper supported the idea that accountability (to God?) was the cause of the differences.
I gave my own opinion on why i think it came out that way, i never claimed the paper said anything about accountability.
I said that YOU said the paper supported your ideas, NOT that the PAPER said it supported the accountability idea.
No, i didnt say that either, wow you extreme liberals lack a sound mind in many areas.
I notice that you say nothing about the fact that my comments about the paper are entirely supported by the evidence. Why are you uninterested in situations where liberals outperform conservatives?
That is probably filed under "inconvenient truths".
A4T in NegRep said:Its really sad how dishonest and disingenuous you are, i hope that changes for you one day
I notice that you still say nothing about the fact that my comments about the paper are entirely supported by the evidence. You asked for me to supply evidence and now you are strangely silent, except to lay an insult in a NegRep.
Why are you uninterested in situations where liberals outperform conservatives? Doesn't the truth fit with your world-view, so you will reject it and those who deliver it?
Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They're Less Likely to Believe They Have Self-Control
Well, doesn't that just explain a lot.
Its about accountability.