Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They Dont believe they have it..


Hall of Fame
As a liberal, I can only speak for myself. My own self-control is the only thing I CAN depend on.

I am not responsible for other people's bad choices that affect me adversely.

I think everyone makes bad decisions ... what matters is how you react to them and if you learn from them.


like marbles on glass

And now it's clear there was no spin from me, as I quoted your own words.

I need no reason to know extreme liberals live in a no accountability fantasy, i see it everyday - nothing needs to confirm that for me, i was only looking seeking a reason why they act like that, so your claim of confirmation bias, is inaccurate.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

As far the rest, i quoted the whole article, so you dont have to hunt anything down :)
You quoted an article about the paper, you didn't quote the paper. So yes, I did have to hunt something down. I wasn't going to take the article's word for it, I wanted to see the paper for myself. Scientific papers lay it all out in an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, with the types of behavioral statistics which were used, with their alpha levels, confidence intervals, etc.

Feel free to agree or not, or offer a better reason for the blaming of others for their own actions.
I've already shown that I disagree, and why. This study wasn't about liberals blaming others for their own actions. There was no measurement for that in the study. That's an extension of your bias which you pinned to it.


New member
Hall of Fame
As a liberal, I can only speak for myself. My own self-control is the only thing I CAN depend on.

I am not responsible for other people's bad choices that affect me adversely.

I think everyone makes bad decisions ... what matters is how you react to them and if you learn from them.

Im talking about extreme liberalism, the kind who maintain that criminals do so because of their childhood, we should feel sorry for them, that thuging is a result of poverty instead of accountability, that we need to ban anything they dont like - dig up civil war soldiers and bury them under parking lots because a dead guy from over 100 years ago offends them because they faught in the civil war, because a cake is a life threatening situation and they are so traumatized to have to go to another baker as if someone elses rights to anything mean nothing etc...

Thats what i am talking about, no accountability and think the world revolves around them.

All of those things deal with accountability and wish to be ignored by them.


like marbles on glass
Im talking about extreme liberalism, the kind who maintain that criminals do so because of their childhood, we should feel sorry for them, that thuging is a result of poverty instead of accountability, that we need to ban anything they dont like - dig up civil war soldiers and bury them under parking lots because a dead guy from over 100 years ago offends them because they faught in the civil war, because a cake is a life threatening situation and they are so traumatized to have to go to another baker as if someone elses rights to anything mean nothing etc...

Thats what i am talking about, no accountability and think the world revolves around them.

All of those things deal with accountability and wish to be ignored by them.

There are criminals who are indeed the grown result of a childhood that suffered through poverty, neglect, abuse, and more. Do you ever feel sadness for the childhood that so many endured, and understand that they were never given the tools they needed to grow up into your understanding of what's acceptably accountable? That their world is one that most people who post about them with such contempt on the internet could never navigate and come out whole?

And no, bakers shouldn't be traumatized by the baking of a cake for a customer whose sexual identity isn't the same as theirs.

It seems that you feel more sorry for the baker who might have to bake a cake for a gay customer than you are about issues such as poverty, which has such an impact on childhood development.

The Barbarian

"People who are unable to find jobs that pay enough to make a living or who are abused for racial or religious reasons, tend to be violent and criminal.

We think it's because they were born to be criminals."
Phillip Randolf


New member

The Barbarian

There are many, many studies concerning the differences in liberals and conservatives, WRT to their brains.

Most people who are unfamiliar with brain function will (depending on the study and their own prejudices) jump to unwarranted conclusions about them.

No surprise there. And it's not a purely recent phenomenon:

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill

This is true, but it doesn't actually tell you much about conservatives. Most of the studies are like that.


And, of course, Jesus of Nazareth's own preaching. And the great moral epic of the Jews who favored changing the entire economic and social structure of their times.

Sinai and Exodus are still narratives that are very much alive with all of us.


"People who are unable to find jobs that pay enough to make a living or who are abused for racial or religious reasons, tend to be violent and criminal.

We think it's because they were born to be criminals."
Phillip Randolf
"Mommy, it's their fault. Not mine!"


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I've seen many criticisms of IQ tests before, but this is the first time I've seen "they're liberally biased".

Hilarious. :rotfl:
That's because "liberalism" is associated with intelligence and higher education, and the neo-conservatives politicos in America have made intelligence out to be a bad thing. They want to empower the ignoramus among us, and control them for their own political gain. And they have done so rather successfully.

Sadly, it turns out that religious fundamentalists fall for this tactic very easily, as their religion already has them ignoring science and reason. So ignoring other facts comes automatically as long as it serves what they already want to believe.


New member
That's because "liberalism" is associated with intelligence and higher education, and the neo-conservatives politicos in America have made intelligence out to be a bad thing. They want to empower the ignoramus among us, and control them for their own political gain. And they have done so rather successfully.

Sadly, it turns out that religious fundamentalists fall for this tactic very easily, as their religion already has them ignoring science and reason. So ignoring other facts comes automatically as long as it serves what they already want to believe.

Wellllll Nowwwwww! Just how successful have Conservatives been? Abortion is legal. Same sex marriage is legal. Religions are being persecuted and tied up in lawsuits over what ought to be none of the Civil authorities business? Our elementary school children are shown how to have anal and aberrant sex whilst offering IUD insertion to twelve year old girls without parental knowledge. Whole cities are being set up as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and our border patrol agents have their hands tied. Graves of The dead are being desecrated and political correctness is running rampant over the land.

There is not a chance of a Conservative being elected to the presidency because the corrupt political machine "Chicago Style" will see to it that the elections will have only one outcome.
You are a whining, self-proclaimed victim crybaby.
I'd suggest that you "GET OVER YOURSELF!" But then you would have to stop blaming others for your own spineless perfidy.


New member
Hall of Fame
So conservatives are using the "our enemies are mentally ill" gambit, a tactic used by Stalinists.:think:

Yeah, I get a kick out of this too.:rotfl:


New member
So conservatives are using the "our enemies are mentally ill" gambit, a tactic used by Stalinists.:think:

Yeah, I get a kick out of this too.:rotfl:

To whom are you addressing your patronizing, judgmental, liberally parochial remarks oh Crabby One?


New member
As a liberal, I can only speak for myself. My own self-control is the only thing I CAN depend on.

I am not responsible for other people's bad choices that affect me adversely.

I think everyone makes bad decisions ... what matters is how you react to them and if you learn from them.

Well said and agreed!


New member
There are many, many studies concerning the differences in liberals and conservatives, WRT to their brains.

Most people who are unfamiliar with brain function will (depending on the study and their own prejudices) jump to unwarranted conclusions about them.

No surprise there. And it's not a purely recent phenomenon:

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill

This is true, but it doesn't actually tell you much about conservatives. Most of the studies are like that.

I love the story of "The Three Little Pigs", two of whom were stupid, layabouts and one of whom who was industrious and utilized his time, talent and money judiciously.
The two layabouts, in the story, were food for the Big Bad Wolf. And the industrious brother lived snugly and safely in his little brick house.
Of course now, the two layabouts are coddled and nurtured by the taxpayers time talent and money which is fast destroying the middle class in America.
And then,
There is the Little Hen that asked her neighbors for help in planting, weeding and maintaining her garden. They wouldn't even help her at harvest time. After she gathered in the bounty of her garden winter came.
her neighbors came knocking on her door looking for handouts. She stated "Where were you when I asked for help? Now, I only have enough to feed my own children".
Of course now, it is a given that the workers owe handouts to those who do not work.
Strange world we live in.