A4T, did anyone suggest that liberals have no self control? Certainly not the research.
Did i say that? Hmmm, nope.
A4T, did anyone suggest that liberals have no self control? Certainly not the research.
Did i say that? Hmmm, nope.
Did you not read your first quote then? :chuckle:
Did you not read what i responded to, or do you have comprehension issues?
I think that you are proof that conservatives don't all have good self control.
Angel4Truth is "parroting" a conservative online publication that took the original academic study out of context.
Comprehension issues. Thanks![]()
Angel4Truth is "parroting" a conservative online publication that took the original academic study out of context.
She hasn't read the study, or else she wouldn't have posted. But she is stuck now and I feel for her: how can someone so strident accept the mistake and move on? Even though it is painfully obvious to everyone she had to keep digging her hole.
Im still waiting for you to produce the original study, and compare and contrast them, and show specifically what you objected about- what are you waiting for?
I linked to it ages ago and pointed out what the research paper actually said.
I'm not beholden to you in my choice of presentation. Do your own compare and contrast. You will have to actually go and read the paper for yourself, though.
No, you didn't and now you are just bloviating to cover the fact that you cannot do what i asked. You just want to take shots, and cant back your assertions. Whats new.
Comprehension issues. Thanks.
Original Research Study Title
"The self-control consequences of political ideology"
Angel4Truth's Online Source Title
"Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They're Less Likely to Believe They Have Self-Control"
Original Research Study Title
"For instance, the belief that effective self-control stems from freewill should elicit greater reliance on internal factors (e.g., belief in personal control, achievement motivation) to enhance performance, whereas the belief that effective self-control does not stem from freewill should elicit greater reliance on external factors (e.g., responsiveness to contextual or social cues in one’s environment) to enhance performance.
Consequently, focusing conservative individuals on the importance of internal factors, and liberal individuals on the importance of contextual or social factors, should increase their ability to achieve their goals (e.g., educational pursuits)"
Angel4Truth's Online Source Title
Oh, since you asked so nicely...
Your link is to a report of an interview with the lead author of the study, but it is heavily edited. There is a link to their source interview, in which the author says:
"However, the findings showed that conservatives outperformed liberals only when participants believed freewill has a beneficial impact on self-control. When participants believed freewill could undermine self-control, liberals outperformed conservatives.
'This finding is especially interesting because research to this point has focused only on the positive outcomes of believing in freewill,' says Clarkson. 'However, one could imagine a host of situations where knowing you are responsible for your actions could lead to frustration, anxiety and other negative emotions that could impair self-control. In these contexts, these findings would suggest liberals will demonstrate greater self-control.'"
He is well aware that his research didn't say that conservatives were better than liberals in general, and that liberals can exhibit the better self control in a variety of situations. The fig 2 in the paper on the authors own website (it is free to download - all hail Google) shows the effects are equal in size for Conservatives and Liberals.
For anything I've missed let me know, then I'll re-Google the paper and read it for you.
A4T - try this post.
Weird, i see no links to the original study
You can't see it even when I found the post for you? Can't you read long sentences?