New member
Is this the part in the thread where I'm supposed to be ashamed to have the privilege of growing up in a home with a loving mom and dad?
That's what you are attempting to do to, somehow make people feel ashamed about their upbringing.
You brought it up, remember? :hammer:
(Why do I get the impression that Aaron has my name on speed-dial when it comes to the search function?).
I know you just learned about TOL's search function a few minutes ago but sorry, there is no "speed-dial".
Refute anything that's been written in the 4 part thread Aaron. Oh, and one thing: there's already one too many drama queens participating in it, so try to stick to refuting the information that I provide.
I've caught you in enough lies, deceptions and hypocrisy to know that you're incapable of being trustworthy.
:chuckle:Boxing as I recall. Did that help with the bullying that you endured as a 'fragile' child?
No. I was never in boxing and I have never been fragile nor have I been bullied.
Just you being wrong again. Stick with what you're good at, I guess.