ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
... the fact that they are black...
what defines someone as "black"?
... the fact that they are black...
what defines someone as "black"?
I didn't major in biology though I believe it physically depends upon the level of melatonin in one's skin. (beyond that it remains subjective)
Did I really need to explain this to you...or do you just have an issue with the gereral term "black"?
Or are you just that thick?
The predisposition for homosexuality has no differences than a predisposition for bestiality and cannibalism.This simply ignores the possible predisposition for such.
Assuming that homosexuality is somehow more noble than bestiality and cannibalism is foolishness.Only insofar as you don't repress homosexuals their freedom to believe otherwise and engage life as such.
Perpetuating the myth that the black culture is inalterable is also foolishness.The average black youth may indeed refuse to succumb to what you consider inappropriate behavior, though what they cannot change is the fact that they are black while existing within a - likewise inalterable - black culture. Your objection at simply reducing such to a mere choice fails as a rational objection.
nope - what defines someone as "black" is that person's self definition - bammy, for instance, is 50/50, yet he chooses to identify as black
Rachel Dolezal was accepted for years as a self-identified "black" woman, even though her heritage was european
in a similar fashion, what defines someone as a homosexual is their choice to self-identify as a homosexual
well, that and doing homosexual stuff
Is Barack Obama ‘black’? A majority of Americans say no.
The predisposition for homosexuality has no differences than a predisposition for bestiality and cannibalism.
Assuming that homosexuality is somehow more noble than bestiality and cannibalism is foolishness.
I see no reason to give any of them freedom to engage life as such.
Perpetuating the myth that the black culture is inalterable is also foolishness.
source (some language may be offensive)
All this said, the problem with true determining true blackness is that it ignores the reality of the majority of blacks.
The majority are not lawless, not in jail, not pregnant, not unemployed, not stupid, not victims, not on welfare, not seeking reparations, not victim of a plantation mentality, not voting Republican, not voting Democratic because they are politically neophytes, not Oprah, not Old Dirty Bastard, and not in the least bit seeking to be defined by upperclass blacks or academic whites.
The majority of blacks work for a living, attend church in greater numbers than whites, and are more likely to pray on a daily basis. There are more blacks with advanced degrees than there are in jail, double the number in college than on welfare, three times as many out of poverty as those in poverty. Almost 50% own their home and are married. Most telling, there are more blacks in the millitary than in jail and on welfare combined.
Where exactly are all these blacks in the discussions about blacks? Why is the vocabulary employed for discussion of blackness stocked with welfare, crime, slavery, victimization rather than triumph, progress, and striving? The majority of blacks have come a long way and are keeping their minds on self-sufficiency everyday.
These are Chris Rock blacks that he says he loves (as do I). These are the invisible blacks that the white left and right leave out of the picture. The Left wants us all downtrodden in order to justify failed programs and keep us as a political ornament.
The Right wants us all to be thuggish parasites in order to prove we are biologically defective and historic racism has played no part in how we arrived to today, under capitalized and less than equal in comparison to whites.
The article claims that the majority of blacks (by and large) do not live within a particular "black society" that the Left and Right are presuming that they live in.I was referring to the inevitablity of blacks - whom by and large - live within and are subsequently influenced by black society.
They only exist in the liberal mind.![]()
There's several posters here that would support the death penalty for practicing homosexuals if they had their way and the abundance of derogatory terms such as "faggot" are rooted in what else but some sort of malignant hate?
This thread brought up the difference between homophobia and homonegativity.
My question goes to whether perceived racism is really a cultural negativity instead.
To me, it doesn't matter if a person looks European, Asian, or African, if they act like a stereotypical urban black person, then I can't stand them.
Being a stereotypical urban black person is a learned behavior which some people have due to their environment and other people have by choice.
Being a homosexual is also a learned behavior which some people have due to their environment and other people have by choice.
The article claims that the majority of blacks (by and large) do not live within a particular "black society" that the Left and Right are presuming that they live in.
Could you choose to be sexually attracted to other men?
(Did I mention that the widdle fella is totally obsessed with me?).
This slippery slope fallacy never gets old.of course - it's called embracing perversion
same as bestiality, pedophila, being a british retard....
This slippery slope fallacy never gets old.
of course - it's called embracing perversion
same as bestiality, pedophila, being a british retard....
Oh? Why not?ok, that last one was a stretch
nobody would choose to be british
To Arthur's point: You simply can't.
"Embracing perversion" is blocking your inherent ability to choose.
This slippery slope fallacy never gets old.