Study: Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's been well established in my 4 part WHMBR! thread that the LGBTQueer movement has used the women's and black civil rights movements as justification for civil rights as well.

What's actually been established is that human rights have persevered over prejudice, ignorance and bigotry. So what if homosexuals have alluded to the wrongful oppression of women and blacks in a quest to have equal footing in society and not under threat of incarceration or worse from a legal perspective? We don't live in 1742 anymore aCW, deal with it.

Of course being a woman or a person of color is not a perverse (yet changeable) behavior that is brought on by harmful environmental factors usually occurring in childhood (rape, dysfunctional family, etc.).

Yet prejudicial, bigoted and moronic attitudes had to be surpassed in order for black people to have rights and women to have the same. The next logical step was for a civilized society to accept that homosexuals should be afforded that very thing as well. The ironic thing is that if your argument were to hold true there'd be more homosexuals about at the time where all of this oppressive stuff was actually going on if that really were such a cause of it...

Since the LGBTQueer movement is using the women's and black civil rights movement as justification for civil rights, based on your argument the 'man boy love' faction of the LGBTQueer movement would be justified in getting civil rights; the bestiality movement would be justified in getting civil rights, as well as any other moral degenerate movement.

You dug your own deep hole Art, now try and get out of it.

Uh, no dude and this is where your lack of firing neurons betrays you once again. Society has progressed to the point whereby adult, children and animals have rights, not that adults have the right to abuse others. If you can't see that very simple yet significant difference then you're the one in the hole without any visible means of extricating yourself from it, though knowing you you'll just dig deeper anyway...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, you are a narrow minded bigot that denies others the ability to choose how sexually perverted they will be because you believe you are incapable of making any choice.

I don't "believe" I can't make a 'choice' in my orientation dude, it's just simply the way it is. I'm wired to like the opposite sex and hence why I identify as straight. How bigoted of you to seemingly insist that I could somehow 'choose' to alter that.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
From From "Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are, In Fact, More Likely To Be Gay":

"By being afraid to come out, the homophobe emerges as a strongly anti-gay person instead. The case of intolerance toward others may actually be a case of intolerance toward one’s true self."

We've seen it here at TOL before.

It makes sense. If you're straight then why fixate on homosexuals or be bothered by them to the degree that some are on here? It's not exactly a recent phenomenon here either. It even extended before aCW's personal blog took effect...


From From "Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are, In Fact, More Likely To Be Gay":

"By being afraid to come out, the homophobe emerges as a strongly anti-gay person instead. The case of intolerance toward others may actually be a case of intolerance toward one’s true self."

We've seen it here at TOL before.

Uh huh, the rape counselor secretly wants to rape, the drug counselor secretly wants to get high, God really wants to be Satan etc. etc. etc.

That being said: I've asked several times in my WHMBR! threads for an openly homosexual male to come forward and refute the evidence showing that homosexuality is a disease ridden behavior and that 'man-boy love' is a HUGE part of the lifestyle.

Not one person has come forward to refute the evidence, not one.

So much for 'gay pride' ey zoo?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since the LGBTQueer movement is using the women's and black civil rights movement as justification for civil rights, based on your argument the 'man boy love' faction of the LGBTQueer movement would be justified in getting civil rights; the bestiality movement would be justified in getting civil rights, as well as any other moral degenerate movement.

You dug your own deep hole Art, now try and get out of it.

Uh, no dude and this is where your lack of firing neurons betrays you once again. Society has progressed to the point whereby adult, children and animals have rights, not that adults have the right to abuse others.

Need we review the homosexual lifestyle that amongst other things shows that HIV/AIDS infected males frequently don't tell their (usually anonymous) sex partner that they're infected? Need we review the homosexual lifestyle and amongst other things talk about 'bug chasers'?

If you can't see that very simple yet significant difference then you're the one in the hole without any visible means of extricating yourself from it, though knowing you you'll just dig deeper anyway...

Again: Your argument is that the LGBTQueer movement is justified in having civil rights because women and blacks were denied them at one time in US history.

The 'man-boy love' faction of the LGBTQueer movement, incest, bestiality and other sexual deviant behaviors are currently illegal. Based on your attempt at an argument, they all deserve the same consideration.

You're still deep in that hole Art, try a bit harder to get out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Uh huh, the rape counselor secretly wants to rape, the drug counselor secretly wants to get high, God really wants to be Satan etc. etc. etc.

That being said: I've asked several times in my WHMBR! threads for an openly homosexual male to come forward and refute the evidence showing that homosexuality is a disease ridden behavior and that 'man-boy love' is a HUGE part of the lifestyle.

Not one person has come forward to refute the evidence, not one.

So much for 'gay pride' ey zoo?

Well yeah, you've asked for stuff on the assumption that any actual homosexual male should accept your "evidence" as truth verbatim, which it ain't. So why should they? If you had any ounce of objectivity on the matter you'd realize that most folk, gay or straight aren't living out some agenda according to aCW, but probably more concerned with matters of everyday living...

Go figure...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Uh huh, the rape counselor secretly wants to rape, the drug counselor secretly wants to get high, God really wants to be Satan etc. etc. etc.

That being said: I've asked several times in my WHMBR! threads for an openly homosexual male to come forward and refute the evidence showing that homosexuality is a disease ridden behavior and that 'man-boy love' is a HUGE part of the lifestyle.

Not one person has come forward to refute the evidence, not one.

So much for 'gay pride' ey zoo?

Well yeah, you've asked for stuff on the assumption that any actual homosexual male should accept your "evidence" as truth verbatim, which it ain't. So why should they? If you had any ounce of objectivity on the matter you'd realize that most folk, gay or straight aren't living out some agenda according to aCW, but probably more concerned with matters of everyday living...

Go figure...

When one of your fellow God hating pagans or atheists misrepresent Holy Scripture, as a Christian without hesitation I show what that passage or verse really meant. One would think that if the lifestyle that I've exposed in my 4 part thread (complete with a pretty good index) really isn't as shown, that a member of the LGBTQueer movement would step forward and refute the evidence.

Where are all of TOL's 'proud' homosexuals Art? Surely they're not ashamed of what they're accusing others of being?

So much for 'gay pride' ey Art?


New member
I don't "believe" I can't make a 'choice' in my orientation dude, it's just simply the way it is.
Yes, that is a belief that you and a few others have been taught to believe.

Others are much more open to choosing assorted sexual deviancies, and engage in whatever hedonism they discover.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Need we review the homosexual lifestyle that amongst other things shows that HIV/AIDS infected males frequently don't tell their (usually anonymous) sex partner that they're infected? Need we review the homosexual lifestyle and amongst other things talk about 'bug chasers'?

Er, no we needn't as most homosexuals, male or female aren't interested in infecting themselves or others but your extremist propaganda is duly noted.
Again: Your argument is that the LGBTQueer movement is justified in having civil rights because women and blacks were denied them at one time in US history.

The 'man-boy love' faction of the LGBTQueer movement, incest, bestiality and other sexual deviant behaviors are currently illegal. Based on your attempt at an argument, they all deserve the same consideration.

You're still deep in that hole Art, try a bit harder to get out.

Er, nope. My argument is that homosexuals are justified in having the same civil rights as any other law abiding citizen and it's hardly surprising that alluding to other wrongfully oppressed people would have been part thereof for those undergoing it. The progression of society is borne out with the eradication of such mindless prejudice and patriarchal attitudes that would have slavery, misogyny and child abuse as accepted part. Homophobic draconian attitudes were simply next on that list.

Your argument fails completely as not only are homosexuals afforded the same status in civilized society but no abuse is tolerated towards adults, children or animals either, whereas in your "utopia" of decades and centuries back it would have gone on and the victims of such wouldn't have had recourse to do anything about it, at least certainly not from any legal perspective as there is now.

My argument incorporates not only the accepted precedent that adults should be able to have private lives but the notion that no adult, child or animal should be harmed, violated or abused in the process.

If that's 'being in a hole' then it's better than being one...


Well-known member

"In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward,” said co-author Dr. Richard Ryan, the professor of psychology at the University of Rochester.

The study’s findings bring new empirical evidence to the table that supports the psychoanalytic theory that the fear, anxiety, and aversion that many seemingly heterosexual people hold toward gays and lesbians actually stems from their own repressed same-sex attractions and desires."

Full article

Looks like that article is based on the same study as previous, but good to read various takes on it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Need we review the homosexual lifestyle that amongst other things shows that HIV/AIDS infected males frequently don't tell their (usually anonymous) sex partner that they're infected? Need we review the homosexual lifestyle and amongst other things talk about 'bug chasers'?

Er, no we needn't as most homosexuals, male or female aren't interested in infecting themselves or others but your extremist propaganda is duly noted.

Need I bring up the latest blood donation guidelines (which have been extremely loosened from before) which states that those who engage in homosexual behavior must abstain from having homosex for an entire year if they want to donate blood? (in other words homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to give blood). After I do that I can show the outcry from the LGBTQueer movement denouncing those safety precautions.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: Your argument is that the LGBTQueer movement is justified in having civil rights because women and blacks were denied them at one time in US history.

The 'man-boy love' faction of the LGBTQueer movement, incest, bestiality and other sexual deviant behaviors are currently illegal. Based on your attempt at an argument, they all deserve the same consideration.

You're still deep in that hole Art, try a bit harder to get out.

Er, nope. My argument is that homosexuals are justified in having the same civil rights as any other law abiding citizen and it's hardly surprising that allusion to other wrongfully oppressed people would have been part thereof for those undergoing it.

Let's review the facts Art: Homosexuality was a very serious crime throughout the history of the US. It was a felony in all US States to engage in the act of same sex sodomy. Legislation against same sex sodomy is still on the books in over 1/5 of US States. Now that we've had our little review of US history when it comes to homosexuality:

Your argument is that a sexually deviant behavior is justified in having the same civil rights as women and blacks. Based on your logic, other sexually deviant behaviors like homosexuality that have throughout the history of the US been criminalized, should receive the same recognition as homosexuality.

You're not getting any closer to the top of that hole Art. I'd ask you to keep trying but your dramatics and denial are (as usual) boring me to tears.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Need I bring up the latest blood donation guidelines (which have been extremely loosened from before) which states that those who engage in homosexual behavior must abstain from having homosex for an entire year if they want to donate blood? (in other words homosexuals can't be homosexuals if they want to give blood). After I do that I can show the outcry from the LGBTQueer movement denouncing those safety precautions.

Oh please do, I'm sure it'll be a riveting if deflective read...

Let's review the facts Art: Homosexuality was a very serious crime throughout the history of the US. It was a felony in all US States to engage in the act of same sex sodomy. Legislation against same sex sodomy is still on the books in over 1/5 of US States. Now that we've had our little review of US history when it comes to homosexuality:

Your argument is that a sexually deviant behavior is justified in having the same civil rights as women and blacks. Based on your logic, other sexually deviant behaviors like homosexuality that have throughout the history of the US been criminalized, should receive the same recognition as homosexuality.

You're not getting any closer to the top of that hole Art. I'd ask you to keep trying but your dramatics and denial are (as usual) boring me to tears.

You're not getting any further away from the bottom of yours ironically. I gave my reasons in my last. If you've no refutation for them then that ain't my problem. This is how a civilized society operates. Adult freedom in regards to private consensual relations. No tolerance to abuse others be they adult, child or animal. Don't like that? Bog off to Uganda or somewhere.
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Your argument fails completely as not only are homosexuals afforded the same status in civilized society but no abuse is tolerated towards adults, children or animals either, whereas in your "utopia" of decades and centuries back it would have gone on and the victims of such wouldn't have had recourse to do anything about it, at least certainly not from any legal perspective as there is now...

You're giving too much credit to our morally decrepit society by implying that it would never accept other sexually deviant behaviors (and their organized movements) like it's accepted homosexuality (keep in mind that the LGBTQueer movement went to great measures so that society would accept their behavior and agenda).

Had you mentioned that two men would 'marry' decades ago, you would have been the laughing stock of your whatever venue you said that utterly ridiculous statement in.

Had you used the term 'homosexual youth', you would have been run out of town (i.e. never seen again) for implying that children have perverted and immoral desires.

Had you told people that minors should get birth control pills, have abortions and get sex change operations, and to makes things worse, without their parents consent...see the above.

As shown in the above examples, our society's morals are evolving, accepting things that would have never been discussed, let alone accepted amongst civilized people decades ago.

Your denial of the advances that the sexual anarchist movement has made is nothing new, as wolves in sheep's clothing have been around for a long long time.


Slippery slope? Hardly. The LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement is near the bottom of the sexual anarchist food chain.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not really.
There are many people that think humans are merely another form of animal.
They are called "Evolutionists".
Maybe you have heard of them?

I've heard many an ignorant crank refer to people with such a term, although considering it's irrelevant to the thread in question then perhaps you'd like to answer on point instead?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're giving too much credit to our morally decrepit society by implying that it would never accept other sexually deviant behaviors (and their organized movements) like it's accepted homosexuality (keep in mind that the LGBTQueer movement went to great measures so that society would accept their behavior and agenda).

Had you mentioned that two men would 'marry' decades ago, you would have been the laughing stock of your whatever venue you said that utterly ridiculous statement in.

Had you used the term 'homosexual youth', you would have been run out of town for implying that children have perverted and immoral desires.

Had you told people that minors should get birth control pills, have abortions and get sex change operations without their parents consent...see the above.

As shown in the above examples, our society's morals are evolving, accepting things that would have never been discussed, let alone accepted amongst civilized people decades ago.

Your denial of the advances that the sexual anarchist movement has made is nothing new, as wolves in sheep's clothing have been around for a long long time.

Yes aCW, society is on the verge of welcoming rape, child rape, domestic abuse and all manner of such violations into the whole fabric of human integration...

You're gormless beyond words...

Sorry zoo for the derailing of this thread.