Statue of Margaret Sanger, the Founder vof Planned Parenthood


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Hall of Fame
Ah, never called a woman a guy before, would probably get slapped if I did too...:eek:

That is one thing better about the UK; they do not call everyone guys like they do here, even on the news they use guys, meaning the audience. I feel like conking them on the nose.:eek:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That is one thing better about the UK; they do not call everyone guys like they do here, even on the news they use guys, meaning the audience. I feel like conking them on the nose.:eek:

Ah, where it comes to an audience then sometimes 'guys' is used over here as well. I've done that before when meeting a group of friends as then the connotation of the word changes. It's more a generic term like 'bud'. I've never addressed a woman as one though.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see why you don't condemn the racist-Jew hating-sexual anarchist Margaret Sanger: as seen in your comments below, you don't want to acknowledge that she was one. I'll address the lunacy of that statement shortly.

Regarding MLK Jr.: Yes, the first co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger baby butchering award was a fan of hers. But then King was a fan of communists (he compared our brave soldiers fighting in Viet Nam with Nazis) was a sexual deviant who was...ahem...close friends with a homosexual, and amongst other things, didn't believe in the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

BTW: The "Politically incorrect truth about Martin Luther King Jr." thread is open year round now, and it has much more information about Margaret Sanger than what's been written in this thread. Anytime you want to actually debate...

Hey, you're back! What ya get booted for this time around?

Let's just say that the truth about the sexual degenerate Donald Trump will be told by me only in my WHMBR! thread, the one that get's a minimum of 200-300 views daily.

Dude, your thread about MLK is a joke, and of course there would have to be some sort of gay innuendo surrounding the guy with you wouldn't there?

I'm sorry that you laugh about dead babies, sexual deviants' and communist sympathizers who called brave young America soldiers "Nazis"...

You do realize that many of the American GI's that King referred to as Nazis were black men that proudly fought for their country and wanted to defeat the mass murdering atheists in SE Asia?

There were several black people who supported Sanger. Were they also fans of 'ethnic cleansing' as well?

Those same black people liberals support Planned Parenthood, the same PP that is disproportionately found in black neighborhoods and disproportionately murderers black babies.

Quote: Originally by aCultureWarrior
Research as in quoting Sanger's own words?

Have you read her autobiography?

Are you saying that Sanger didn't speak to the Women's KKK and wasn't proffered a dozen or more invitations to speak to like minded groups?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When it comes to Sanger's close ties to the Nazi's, I'll go with Dinesh D'Souza's article which shows specific quotes from Sanger, over a wiki article.

That being said: Let's review the wiki article that you linked, specifically the part about Sanger speaking at a women's KKK rally:

]Well of course you would, just as you'll go to one of your 'heroes' where it comes to spreading disinformation about the third reich being run by homosexuals. It's just typical you..

If any of the words from D'Souza'a article aren't true, then please refute them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The women of the WKKK fought for educational and social reforms like other Progressive reformers but with extreme racism and intolerance

Now I don't know if the word "extreme" has a different meaning in the UK then it does here in the US:

1.reaching a high or the highest degree; very great:

but when someone is invited to speak to a group of extreme racists and receives a dozen or so offers afterwards by liked minded groups, I kinda sorta get the feeling that that extreme racists of the Ku Klux Klan liked what Margaret Sanger had to say.

So much so there has to be a photoshopped pic of her at a rally?

Can we both agree that had a pro life/pro traditional family values conservative spoke at KKK rally and received a dozen invitations from like minded groups, that you'd be singing a different tune Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Except in the case of Sanger, one is directly tied in with the other (exterminating "human weeds").

Not in regards to euthanasia it isn't, not on a rational and objective level at any rate, either for or against.

When it came to exterminating Jews and Blacks and others that Sanger didn't deem fit to live, you'd have to put her in the "for" category of euthanasia.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Everyone needs to repent Art, as we're all sinners, but I do suggest that those who already have a millstone over their head not wait too long to do so.

Matthew 18:6

How do you know you haven't, or is pride not that much of a deal in your book? You've yet to apologize for your homosexual innuendo, your lies about people having sock accounts along with other sleaze, even involving people's families that has gotten you kicked into touch on here. When you get around to showing some regret for all that crap then hey...

I realize that my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality has been extremely hard on you and many that have followed it.

Did you know that Jesus can heal all of that pain Art?

On that note: Since it's been established that Margaret Sanger was a hardcore racist and Jew hater, I best get back to the thread that has and will continue to give those who promote evil...

Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So you chose a pro abortion/pro homosexual liberal, just because the party he was running under had an "R" as it's first letter.

This is just plain untrue. Making up lies about the President is libel. Donald Trump might have been a mistake for being President, but there is no proof he is pro-homosexual, or pro-life/pro=choice. He may have said he gave these groups support to get votes, but his actions do not demonstrate he is pro-homosexual.


This is just plain untrue. Making up lies about the President is libel. Donald Trump might have been a mistake for being President, but there is no proof he is pro-homosexual, or pro-life/pro=choice. He may have said he gave these groups support to get votes, but his actions do not demonstrate he is pro-homosexual.

I'm sorry, but I can't talk about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. If you would like to review the facts about Donald Trump's strong ties to the LGBTQ movement in a civil manner, then please come to my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread and I will review the facts with you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm sorry, but I can't talk about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. If you would like to review the facts about Donald Trump's strong ties to the LGBTQ movement in a civil manner, then please come to my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread and I will review the facts with you.

Shine it on! Yes he loves those Ts, does not want them shot at, right!:cloud9:


Shine it on! Yes he loves those Ts, does not want them shot at, right!:cloud9:

Again: I'm forbidden from talking about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. That being said: If you're implying that I'm a liar and should be punished for libel,

This is just plain untrue. Making up lies about the President is libel.

at least have the decency to debate me in the appropriate thread that show's the truth about homosexuality and the people who have promoted the LGBTQ agenda.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let's just say that the truth about the sexual degenerate Donald Trump will be told by me only in my WHMBR! thread, the one that get's a minimum of 200-300 views daily.

Ain't no fan of Trump either. Boasting about an average view rating where a lot of those aren't supportive for a thread you prop up yourself is hardly good going by the same token.

I'm sorry that you laugh about dead babies, sexual deviants' and communist sympathizers who called brave young America soldiers "Nazis"...

You do realize that many of the American GI's that King referred to as Nazis had black men in it's ranks don't you?

I'm sorry you have such appalling reading difficulty.


Those same black people liberals support Planned Parenthood, the same PP that is disproportionately found in black neighborhoods and disproportionately murderers black babies.

Yeah, they're all supporting it to reduce the numbers of black people in the world...Hmm, didn't you use '' to besmirch MLK at one point?

Are you saying that Sanger didn't speak to the Women's KKK and wasn't proffered a dozen or more invitations to speak to like minded groups?

No, I was asking you if you'd read her autobiography.


If any of the words from D'Souza'a article aren't true, then please refute them.

How about you back em' up? Otherwise, I ain't interested in refuting bunk that hasn't been accredited in the first place.

Can we both agree that had a pro life/pro traditional family values conservative spoke at KKK rally and received a dozen invitations from like minded groups, that you'd be singing a different tune Art?

No. Really don't get this do you?

When it came to exterminating Jews and Blacks and others that Sanger didn't deem fit to live, you'd have to put her in the "for" category of euthanasia.

So, rational and objective were hardly going to apply to you anyway but still...

I realize that my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality has been extremely hard on you and many that have followed it.

Did you know that Jesus can heal all of that pain Art?

On that note: Since it's been established that Margaret Sanger was a hardcore racist and Jew hater, I best get back to the thread that has and will continue to give those who promote evil...


So, instead of showing some humility and remorse for your homosexual innuendo, sleaze and lies towards posters, you continue with it.




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Again: I'm forbidden from talking about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. That being said: If you're implying that I'm a liar and should be punished for libel,

at least have the decency to debate me in the appropriate thread that show's the truth about homosexuality and the people who have promoted the LGBTQ agenda.

No. I will explain why. I do not care about homosexuality; being 100% heterosexual, for me, means not have any thoughts about homosexuality. I do not think about it unless responding to you.

I am over age 75 and do not ever see any homosexuals. My kids, who are in their 50s do not talk about homosexuality with me. I do not know what they tell their children, who are young adults now. It is not a topic that ever comes up and it bores me.

Someone told me you live where there are many homosexual; if you hate them so much, why not move away from there. Believe me, there are places where you will not see any homosexuals, then you can forget about them.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Can we both agree that had a pro life/pro traditional family values conservative spoke at KKK rally and received a dozen invitations from like minded groups, that you'd be singing a different tune Art?

No. Really don't get this do you?

I get it loud and clear Art:

You refuse to acknowledge that a disgusting moral degenerate like Margaret Sanger is a racist because she is the mother of the modern day sexual anarchist movement.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Again: I'm forbidden from talking about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. That being said: If you're implying that I'm a liar and should be punished for libel,

at least have the decency to debate me in the appropriate thread that show's the truth about homosexuality and the people who have promoted the LGBTQ agenda.

No. I will explain why. I do not care about homosexuality; being 100% heterosexual, for me, means not have any thoughts about homosexuality. I do not think about it unless responding to you.

I am over age 75 and do not ever see any homosexuals. My kids, who are in their 50s do not talk about homosexuality with me. I do not know what they tell their children, who are young adults now. It is not a topic that ever comes up and it bores me.

Someone told me you live where there are many homosexual; if you hate them so much, why not move away from there. Believe me, there are places where you will not see any homosexuals, then you can forget about them.

Which has nothing to do with you calling me a liar and stating that I've committed libel against Donald Trump.

You can send me your apology via private message if you don't wish to post it here.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Which has nothing to do with you calling me a liar and stating that I've committed libel against Donald Trump.

You can send me your apology via private message if you don't wish to post it here.

Because you can't talk about the President, I did not contribute to your warnings.

Your main issue is homosexuality. I feel sorry for you being obsessed with homosexuality. I would not go there because it is a homo thread. Not sorry for anything else. While homosexuality fascinates you, it bores me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I get it loud and clear Art:

You refuse to acknowledge that a disgusting moral degenerate like Margaret Sanger is a racist because she is the mother of the modern day sexual anarchist movement.

Um, no you don't. Given that you've regularly lied and invented up homosexual innuendo and sleaze up about people here and their families you're in nooooo position to go on about morality or lecture about it either dude. Why do you lie about people like that?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Which has nothing to do with you calling me a liar and stating that I've committed libel against Donald Trump...

Because you can't talk about the President,...

Wow. Hopefully this country (and TOL for that matter) will never come to the point where speaking the truth about the President of the United States is illegal.

Out of respect for your age, I'm going to refuse to answer any more of your posts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Again: I'm forbidden from talking about Donald Trump outside of my own thread. That being said: If you're implying that I'm a liar and should be punished for libel,

at least have the decency to debate me in the appropriate thread that show's the truth about homosexuality and the people who have promoted the LGBTQ agenda.

Which has nothing to do with you calling me a liar and stating that I've committed libel against Donald Trump.

You can send me your apology via private message if you don't wish to post it here.


Have you sent Wiz an apology for your pompous crap about him having 99 separate user accounts? Or for all the others you bracketed who were obviously people in their own right? For all those you've falsely accused of being gay?

Oh wow, can't make this stuff up. Ya daft pompous crank. Get to grips with your own homosexuality and get out of that bloody closet man! For your own sake...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I get it loud and clear Art:

You refuse to acknowledge that a disgusting moral degenerate like Margaret Sanger is a racist because she is the mother of the modern day sexual anarchist movement.

Um, no you don't. Given that you've regularly lied and invented up homosexual innuendo and sleaze up about people here and their families you're in nooooo position to go on about morality or lecture about it either dude. Why do you lie about people like that?


Gosh Art, if you could only put some of that moral indignation of yours towards a woman who met with the extremely racist Women of the Ku Klux Klan (and was proffered a dozen invitations from like minded groups) and is the founder of a baby murdering/pro homosexual/racist organization that is behind the murder of close to 50 million unborn babies over a 44 year period of time here in the US alone.

Please don't derail this thread over your obsession with me Art, TOL deserves better.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Gosh Art, if you could only put some of that moral indignation of yours towards a woman who met with the extremely racist Women of the Ku Klux Klan (and was proffered a dozen invitations from like minded groups) and is the founder of a baby murdering/pro homosexual/racist organization that is behind the murder of close to 50 million unborn babies over a 44 year period of time here in the US alone.

Please don't derail this thread over your obsession with me Art, TOL deserves better.

Um, well, first off, supply accredited evidence for your claims and by 'accredited' I mean from credible sources and not ones that just fell off the back of ya head...

Secondly, there's only one person obsessed with you doofus, and that's...


Oh, it's you!


Now stop being a crank.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Gosh Art, if you could only put some of that moral indignation of yours towards a woman who met with the extremely racist Women of the Ku Klux Klan (and was proffered a dozen invitations from like minded groups) and is the founder of a baby murdering/pro homosexual/racist organization that is behind the murder of close to 50 million unborn babies over a 44 year period of time here in the US alone.

Please don't derail this thread over your obsession with me Art, TOL deserves better.

Um, well, first off, supply accredited evidence for your claims and by 'accredited' I mean from credible sources and not ones that just fell off the back of ya head...

Oh but I did Art, and that "accredited/credible source" came from you and your Wikipedia article.

How soon your forget that the founder of Planned Parenthood spoke to an "extremely racist" organization.

If you want to do some research Art, you'll find that the KKK was at the height of it's membership and violence during the time Margaret Sanger spoke to them and unless Sanger didn't have access to newspapers, magazines, radio, or people talking about the Klan's violence and hatred of Jews and blacks, then she had to have known whom she was speaking to.