Statue of Margaret Sanger, the Founder vof Planned Parenthood


New member
Any one who stands up for God's values must have mental issues, right Aaron?

Read on for evidence of your mental issues.

Not "many people" Aaron, just 4 guys of American Indian descent who are all in their mid 40's, avid Libertarian Ron Paul supporters and (here's the best part) hate me with a passion for telling the truth about homosexuality.

Who are these 4 guys? Do name names.

:rotfl: You're loon. I've only ever posted under one username on TOL. I'm sure [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] or any other mod could verify via IP's.

You think I've got 12 or 15 TOL usernames? :kookoo:

See what I mean [MENTION=20332]SStyles[/MENTION]?

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Any one who stands up for God's values must have mental issues, right Aaron?

Read on for evidence of your mental issues.

No Aaron, I would rather talk about the mental faculties of someone who is so threatened by threads on the recriminalization of homosexuality that he emails the author's pastor (who happened to be black, some racist I make huh?) asking him if he believed that homosexuality should be recriminalized.

People like you scare me Aaron; not a teeth chattering/357 under my pillow scare, but the type of scared knowing that you're capable of doing things that a reasonable person wouldn't do.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Ted Cruz rightfully said during the primaries that Trump supporters are low informed voters. You're living proof that Cruz was right.

During the primaries I supported Cruz. So what Cruz said during the primaries didn't apply to me!

You still refuse to tell us who you voted for in November of last year for President. Was it Hillary or some third party candidate?

Or are you ashamed to tell us? Or perhaps you just didn't vote?


During the primaries I supported Cruz. So what Cruz said during the primaries didn't apply to me!

So you went from supporting a pro religious freedom (Cruz supported Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis, Trump did not), pro decency (Cruz supported the North Carolina bathroom, bill, Trump did not), pro life (Cruz talked about how Congress could stop abortion via the 14th Amendment, Trump constantly said that "Planned Parenthood does good things") man of God (Cruz constantly talked about his faith, Trump said that he never felt the need to repent) to a sick degenerate, just because the political party he ran under had an "R" as it's first letter.

Be honest Gerald: Had Barack Hussein Obama ran as a Republican, you would have voted for him wouldn't you have?

You still refuse to tell us who you voted for in November of last year for President. Was it Hillary or some third party candidate?

Or are you ashamed to tell us? Or perhaps you just didn't vote?

Unlike you Gerald, I'm proud to say that my vote didn't put a pro abortion/homosexual activist in the most powerful political office in the world.

Maybe things like abortion and homosexuality/the LGBTQ agenda aren't that big of a deal with you Gerald?

patrick jane

So you went from supporting a pro religious freedom (Cruz supported Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis, Trump did not), pro decency (Cruz supported the North Carolina bathroom, bill, Trump did not), pro life (Cruz talked about how Congress could stop abortion via the 14th Amendment, Trump constantly said that "Planned Parenthood does good things") man of God (Cruz constantly talked about his faith, Trump said that he never felt the need to repent) to a sick degenerate, just because the political party he ran under had an "R" as it's first letter.

Be honest Gerald: Had Barack Hussein Obama ran as a Republican, you would have voted for him wouldn't you have?

Unlike you Gerald, I'm proud to say that my vote didn't put a pro abortion/homosexual activist in the most powerful political office in the world.

Maybe things like abortion and homosexuality/the LGBTQ agenda aren't that big of a deal with you Gerald?
Why anyone would talk to you is beyond me. You try to belittle and slander everybody you engage with, using their first name differently, just to agitate. Slandering peoples' views and misrepresenting their words, jumping to nefarious conclusions. Nobody is as good and righteous as you, except Truster.


Why anyone would talk to you is beyond me.

No rebuttal on Donald Trump's defense of the LGBTQ agenda?

You try to belittle and slander everybody you engage with,

Mock=belittle, yes, I belittle people who proudly stand for evil. Slander (you really meant libel) means that I lied about something. Everything that I've posted about Donald Trump is true. Heck, you know that it's true or you wouldn't have voted for him.

using their first name differently, just to agitate.

aCW hangs his head in shame. Have I no decency?

Slandering peoples' views and misrepresenting their words, jumping to nefarious conclusions. Nobody is as good and righteous as you, except Truster.

If unapologetically standing up for God's Word makes me "righteous" then I suppose I am.

Is that a bad thing Aaron?


New member
Eugenics is part of the ideology of the corporate ruling elite. Much of the rationale behind the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion came out of the ideas of the eugenics movement. And the population reduction movement of that elite comes out of the eugenics movement. A larger percentage of Black babies are aborted that white babies - but, abortion is one means the elite uses to reduce the population, and that includes reducing down the middle and lower middle class regardless of their race.

According to wikipedia "Margaret Higgins Sanger (born Margaret Louise Higgins, September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966, also known as Margaret Sanger Slee) was an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse." I didn't know that Sanger was a nurse. I have known that the eugenics movement is very important at the top of the American Medical Profession.

"John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated five thousand dollars to her American Birth Control League in 1924 and a second time in 1925." This is one fact showing that the ruling elite supports the eugenics movement.

"Government authorities and other institutions have memorialized Sanger by dedicating several landmarks in her name, including a residential building on the Stony Brook University campus, a room in Wellesley College's library,[127] and Margaret Sanger Square in New York City's Noho area.[128] In 1993, the Margaret Sanger Clinic—where she provided birth control services in New York in the mid twentieth century—was designated as a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service.[129] In 1966, Planned Parenthood began issuing its Margaret Sanger Awards annually to honor "individuals of distinction in recognition of excellence and leadership in furthering reproductive health and reproductive rights."[130] The artwork The Dinner Party features a place setting for Sanger."


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
aCW has mental issues. He falsely accuses many people here of posting under multiple usernames. Only God knows what he bases this on. Obviously he's got you fitted for a sock.

Don't let it bother you. Welcome to TOL! :cheers:
@aCultureWarrior - how many usernames do I have?

I can answer that. I just ran an IP check. You have only one.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No rebuttal on Donald Trump's defense of the LGBTQ agenda?

Mock=belittle, yes, I belittle people who proudly stand for evil. Slander (you really meant libel) means that I lied about something. Everything that I've posted about Donald Trump is true. Heck, you know that it's true or you wouldn't have voted for him.

aCW hangs his head in shame. Have I no decency?

If unapologetically standing up for God's Word makes me "righteous" then I suppose I am.

Is that a bad thing Aaron?

Dude, you don't 'belittle' anyone. You may be a hero in your own little 'mind' but in reality you're just some pompous, bloated, gay obsessed clown on the internet with a bizarre delusion about posters having 74 sock accounts.

Just come out the closet already and quit being such a dope.



Hall of Fame
He voted for Castle. He's not answering cos he knows his double standard will be called, just as it was in his feeble little blog.

Castle agrees with Trump on many issues and doesn't seem real keen on the rights of anyone who doesn't agree with his religious views. The biggest difference: He doesn't seem to be a lunatic like Trump ... then again, that's not saying much.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Castle agrees with Trump on many issues and doesn't seem real keen on the rights of anyone who doesn't agree with his religious views. The biggest difference: He doesn't seem to be a lunatic like Trump ... then again, that's not saying much.

Yep, what's more and by aCW's own 'standards' - he's also a homosexual activist as he doesn't support the measures that aCW thinks must be applied to homosexuality under law.

Now, just watch as aCW feebly and pitifully squirms, deflects, "mocks" his way out of addressing this. Can sometimes be entertaining but then pompous clowns tripping themselves up always is to some degree.



New member
Why won't the Smithsonian Museum remove the statue of Margaret Sanger, the Planned Parenthood founder?

It is common knowledge that she "supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as ‘the feeble minded'; speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers."

Black activist Star Parker told LifeNews in 2015, “Margaret Sanger is a racist who wanted to end the black population through birth control and abortion. She founded Planned Parenthood. But The Smithsonian, funded by our tax dollars, celebrates this woman, even mentioning her advocacy of eugenics! They don’t even hide it! It is breathtaking in its idiocy.”

Maybe because the all the claims amde abotu Sanger are well known lies.