Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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john w

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None of you raving lunatic Dispies could summon up enough sanity and spiritual sobriety to make one singular post to stand for truth and say, "Tambora, synergy is not perichoresis; so it would be best to stand down."

No. The truth can never be the subject matter when the gangbangin' Dispies are in full chimp mode. But that's to be expected from those whose 19th-century heresy drives everything about them.

Please say "heresy" again.....Teach us.....Please? Yes or no.

Grosnick Marowbe

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And I only wish that you were saved, Endora, you wicked Clavinist/Calvinist-and your point being?

And have that apron-stringed, subservient, permanently banned, "un elect" "husband" of yours, take me on, uno a uno, on TOL, if he desires, and I will send him reeling to the canvas, slumped, on the mat, bloodied, as I do you, every time, you venture into the ring, with the great saint John W.

Wow-"roast your little..."- them some tough words, pardner. I'm not afraid of you, or your "husband," Burt, as I've fought bigger "un elect" ones than you, and your "husband" before. Put up your dukes, Burt.


john w

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I think we have a case of the spiritual mange. Wonder what causes that?

It's a clear case of intimidation, Mayor, like when Ope and the gang were sent a letter, threatening to be sued, for not selling that mainge cure. I dare Pneumonia Jeff to step over the line....


TOL Subscriber
Romans 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

It's your fellow wench in theological crime who did that by using the term synergy instead of perichoresis, and defending it to the death. Thank you for confirming her reprobation, along with you and the rest of your Dispo peers.


TOL Subscriber
Matthew 13:58 KJV
(58) And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

Mark 13:32 KJV
(32) But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

More of your constant evasion after having been exposed as a Tritheist in addition to all your other antichrist heresies.

You can't admit you're wrong, even when it means blaspheming God in the worst possible manner.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
What is it about the makeup of the Father that makes Him distinct from the makeup of the Holy Spirit?


TOL Subscriber
What is it about the makeup of the Father that makes Him distinct from the makeup of the Holy Spirit?

Why don't YOU tell us all, you paragon of theological aptitude. LOL.

On second thought, you've already done enough Tritheistic damage to yourself and others with your synergy for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

And here you go... rambling on about things you know nothing about. It's hilarious when you uber-novices wade out into even the most simple things about Theology Proper like you know something.

You don't know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent.

Y'know... All you'd have to do is say, "I was wrong. Synergy applied to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is an error, and I realize that now. Sorry for my little excursion. I didn't consider the consequences of it."

Fighting for it without recanting just reinforces that you are indeed a full-blown Tritheist (which I already know you are anyway).


TOL Subscriber
What is it about the makeup of the Father that makes Him distinct from the makeup of the Holy Spirit?

And what is it that causes you, in your unrenewed mind, to even refer to "the makeup of the Father" and "the makeup of the Holy Spirit". Neither are comprised of parts to have a "makeup".

You really are a full-tilt Tritheist. And THIS has been my criticism of modern professing Trinitarians for years.

You don't even know in whom you've (allegedly) believed. Knowledge (epignosis) is a synonym for faith (pistis). No epignosis, no faith.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why don't YOU tell us all, you paragon of theological aptitude. LOL.

Why don't you tell us all, Jeff, if your saint Judas preached this "the Gospel...that simple Gospel," of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, that you referenced. I've asked you 6 times, punk. Yes, or no.

I thought so-intimidated by the great saint(memorize that, Jeff)John W.


Is that from "the" Greek, or "the" English, Jeff? Unpack it for us.


TOL Subscriber
What is it about the makeup of the Father that makes Him distinct from the makeup of the Holy Spirit?

According to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit cooperated to produce God as the greater effect of synergy than their own individual effects.

This God must be amazing to be the result of F/S/HS all cooperating for such an effect. What do you call your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-effected God who is greater than Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Maybe everybody needs to start worshipping Him?


TOL Subscriber
What is it that makes the Father DISTINCT from the Holy Spirit?

You're always conceptualizing. Starting at some point in the middle of nowhere to make some ridiculous argument based on your false definitions and applications of English words and skewed Greek partial definitions misapplied.

Outline Theology Proper in every respect or just shutchermouf. You know nothing.

You'd be better off simply admitting you were wrong than continuing to evade and falsely entrap.


TOL Subscriber
What is it that makes the Father DISTINCT from the Holy Spirit?

It? Makes? Are you still contending that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are "made"? And what would be this "it" that "makes" Father, Son, or Holy Spirit in any regard?

You're so far out of your depth it's not even laughable. It's a puddle, not even the kiddie pool.


TOL Subscriber
What is it that makes the Father DISTINCT from the Holy Spirit?

And as a Tritheistic Synergist, you have this backward. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit would cooperate to "make" this "it" as God (according to your adamant assertions of synergy).

Maybe some decade you'll reach up to being a novice.
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