Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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TOL Subscriber
We preach Christ and Him crucified according to 1 Cor 15:3-4.

And that's it. You chant a mantra bible verse, and celebrate anyone who joins your club, accordingly, and then nothing follows . . .NOTHING!

Anyone who dares to interfere with your party, with further edification, is opposed immediately as an "outsider freak."

Jim Jones all over again . . .


TOL Subscriber
We preach Christ and Him crucified according to 1 Cor 15:3-4.

You don't.

That is a lie.

Reformers proclaim Jesus Christ crucified according to all the Holy Scriptures . . . not just I Cor. 15

For the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the entirety of the Bible's teachings. His salvation and Covenant promises of grace and redemption are the subject of the entire Word of God.


TOL Subscriber
And that's it. You chant a mantra bible verse, and celebrate anyone who joins your club, accordingly, and then nothing follows . . .NOTHING!

Anyone who dares to interfere with your party, with further edification, is opposed immediately as an "outsider freak."

Jim Jones all over again . . .

Yes, and notice how they swarm to stand against anyone who would dare speak the truth they know nothing of, while supporting Tambora's assault upon God's incommunicable attributes.

This is the stupidest theological argument ever. The Urantia Book isn't as jacked as Tambora's infantile innovation.


Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

We all know what salty language is. Do you think here that the Scripture is warning us not to be too prudish or sanctimonious?

I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.

Why does it read "If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection?" Doesn't he know he's once saved always saved?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
More and more, TOL opinionated posters are proving to be unworthy of receiving edifying theological discussion.

Fellow Christians: I quote the words of Christ, "By your patience, possess your souls." Luke 21:19

I quote the words of the Lord Jesus Christ:"...sell all that thou hast...tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ...shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them."-Luke 18:22 KJV, Matthew 16:20 KJV, Mark 1:44 KJV

Do it, Bible Blender Burt Nag.

I thought so, you Clavinist biblical illiterate, who would not know the difference between the book of Genesis, and the rock group, "Genesis."

Take your seat, devil "lady."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, you propagandize one another all the time . . luring folk into your cult but not to salvation.
Like your Calvinist/Clavinist "cult" "doctrine," which is warmed over Catholicism, Bert?:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That is a lie.

Reformers proclaim Jesus Christ crucified according to all the Holy Scriptures . . . not just I Cor. 15

For the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the entirety of the Bible's teachings. His salvation and Covenant promises of grace and redemption are the subject of the entire Word of God.

No, Bert, this is what your "the" church "preaches:"

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

= I know I am saved, one of "the elect," cuz my lifestyle tells me so.


TOL Subscriber
Like your Calvinist/Clavinist "cult" "doctrine," which is warmed over Catholicism, Bert?:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

You are such a jurk . . eh, jerk . . .


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, and notice how they swarm to stand against anyone who would dare speak the truth they know nothing of, while supporting Tambora's assault upon God's incommunicable attributes.

This is the stupidest theological argument ever. The Urantia Book isn't as jacked as Tambora's infantile innovation.
You on board with this, junkie?:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

Let's see if the puffed up, in heat bullfrog, is on our team. Unpack it for us, Jeff.

And employ simple words, as we are all busy men/women, on this site. No spin, tap dancing with a white cane, and top hat, dodge ball....Speak plainly.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are such a jurk . . eh, jerk . . .

That's it, Burt? An emotional sound byte, throwing a little fit, kicking those Witchie Poo heels, since you think that I tried to gyp you out of your blow pops, Burt?

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

Give us a "Bah," Endora....Lay it on us....


TOL Subscriber
You on board with this, junkie?:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

Let's see if the puffed up, in heat bullfrog, is on our team. Unpack it for us, Jeff.

And employ simple words, as we are all busy men/women, on this site. No spin, tap dancing with a white cane, and top hat, dodge ball....Speak plainly.

Knight should be so embarrassed that this poster is the prime example and dominating factor of TOL's internet influence.

John W is Knight's legacy . . .

Who only brings shame to the name of Jesus Christ.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Knight should be so embarrassed that this poster is the prime example and dominating factor of TOL's internet influence.

John W is Knight's legacy . . .

Who only brings shame to the name of Jesus Christ.

Burt Nag's "homepage:"

This page has had 3,382 visits


TOL Legend, the great, humble, saint John W. 's., The Rifleman, crowded, "always sold out" homepage:

This page has had 16,378 visits

Quite a contrast, as contrasting, as between Christianity, and your satanic Clavinism/Calvinism, and your "the" church, SOF, Burt.

Sit down, Burt.

"Who only brings shame to the name of Jesus Christ."-Burt Nsg

Good one, child of the devil, who perverts the gospel of Christ, flippin' the bird at Him, with your warmed over Catholicism:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

You talk like a Roman, Burt-they talk like you.

Get off this section of TOL-it is reserved for members of the boc, wicked one.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Knight should be so embarrassed that this poster is the prime example and dominating factor of TOL's internet influence.

John W is Knight's legacy . . .

Who only brings shame to the name of Jesus Christ.

You are TOLs resident grouch. Does that make you PROUD? You're always cranky, grouchy, arrogant, self-serving, belligerent, argumentative, unkind, name calling, judging others, mean-spirited, and disruptive. That's just a few facts about your attitude, behavior, and personality.

Thanks for your participation in this assessment.
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