Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
If I have the choice between having a Greek and Hebrew language translation book or the guidance of the Holy Spirit with me when I read/study God's Word, I'll choose the Holy Spirit every time. Sounds like Nangster and her ilk would prefer translations, commentaries, and John Calvin's opinions close by?

Eagles Wings

New member
Let's ALL start posting in Greek and Hebrew? No English from now on?
I thoroughly enjoy looking up the Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic root of words from the Bible. The original languages are cool. Then throw in Latin and the fun really starts.

There are online sites wherein the translator reads in Hebrew or Greek while the student reads in English. A verse comes once a day.


TOL Subscriber
I've never had two (or more) usernames at one time.

What's the most you've used at one time?

Watch his response...

One. What are you even talking about?

And why do you continue to distract from Tambora's monumental gaffe. You're duplicitous in her error and heresy, but that's nothing new.


TOL Subscriber

Please check your zeal for a moment and read the link I posted above.
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] is not a tritheist. She does NOT believe that the "persons" of the Trinity are three distinct gods.

Please, for the love of God, stop accusing her of that.

She is as much a trinitarian as you or me.


Else you be caught slandering God's people.

The disappointing thing is that you see fit to call me off while not taking issue with Tambora's continued and CURRENT insistence that Synergism applies to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

She does this to bridge Soteriological Synergism into the Godhead to falsely support Arminianism.

No, I don't consider most modern professing Trinitarians to be authentic Trinitarians at all. The vast majority are confused and interposing English concepts of individual beings as the "persons" of the Trinity.

By her own adamant and vehement insistence in this thread, she has impugned Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as contingent. She has no clue what the authentic Trinity is, and it's the abundance of her heart that is speaking, even after being corrected.

Of all TOL members, I thought you would understand the horrific nature of her assertions. And she has continued them with every justification imaginable while condescending to those who know the historical doctrines of the faith while she is willfully ignorant of the same and innovating.

It's beyond sad that you would not correct her in whatever gracious manner you consider lacking from me rather than condoning her words and false doctrine.

I do not consider her a sister in Christ, just as I don't consider the vast majority of pseudo-Trinitarians who are functional Tritheists.

It's oddly grieving that you would attempt to admonish me while condoning her continued and unrecanted stand for Synergism applied to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You call me to caution over potentially slandering "God's people", when the Dispy thugs do nothing BUT slander anyone who dares stand for truth against their drivel. And THIS is blatantly heretical.

No, Tambora is not to be considered a Trinitarian. One's profession/confession is from their heart. She truly believes Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate enough to have Synergism; AND to insist it's the foundation of Arminianism.

She is anathema.


TOL Subscriber
You know.

I have no idea. Are you implying that I have or had some other user name on TOL?

That would be just like the loser you are to make such false accusations.

I don't need an alter ego. I have no other user names on TOL. There would be no point.

Nice continued distraction from Tambora's heresy, though.

Good thug.

I see you didn't address the rest of my post, which was the brutal truth you ignore.


TOL Subscriber
Here is where your common sense is so low that it doesn't even register anymore.

The definition of the Greek word is "working together".

What follows (organizations, substances, or agents) are EXAMPLES of who/what could be doing what the word definition is ----- working together.
The EXAMPLES are not exhaustive, as if every single word must be listed as EXAMPLES that could possibly exist or else no one could grasp the meaning of the word itself.
That would be like insisting that when the dictionary lists the word "reptile", it must list every example that exists or it can't be a reptile.

That's just dumb.

The same goes for your insistence that the word "persons" cannot be used of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That GOD is one consisting of three persons was used for decades to help folks understand the complexity of the trinity.
And the people understood.
To make the claim that all those folks were heretical is downright dumb.

And here she is. Still campaigning for the Synergistic contingency of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in denial of the Necessity and Simplicity of God.


patrick jane

I thoroughly enjoy looking up the Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic root of words from the Bible. The original languages are cool. Then throw in Latin and the fun really starts.

There are online sites wherein the translator reads in Hebrew or Greek while the student reads in English. A verse comes once a day.
That's sheer stupidity
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