Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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Well-known member
You on board with this, junkie?:

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-Burt Endora Nag

Let's see if the puffed up, in heat bullfrog, is on our team. Unpack it for us, Jeff.

And employ simple words, as we are all busy men/women, on this site. No spin, tap dancing with a white cane, and top hat, dodge ball....Speak plainly.

He never answers any question regarding the content of the saving Gospel. Spin, avoid, deflect, obfuscate, tapdance, but no answer.

And this is the guy with people traveling hunnerts of miles to sit at his feet.


Well-known member
No, Tambora is not to be considered a Trinitarian. One's profession/confession is from their heart. She truly believes Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate enough to have Synergism; AND to insist it's the foundation of Arminianism.

She is anathema.

Begging the question:

Just how much Truth does one need to be "saved."

All Truth?

Little Truth?

Simple faith?

A theological IQ of 180?

How much?

And FTR, I would tremble to ever call anyone unsaved. That's something only God knows. He alone searches our hearts and knows our motives.

God bless you.


Well-known member
And FTR, I would tremble to ever call anyone unsaved. That's something only God knows. He alone searches our hearts and knows our motives.

Disagree on this.

If someone has believed, and preaches, and defends a message other than 1 Cor 15:1-4, and in fact goes as far as to try to add to or deny what Paul said is the saving Gospel, then you can know on the authority of God's Word that they do not belong to Christ.

Indeed, for preaching what is false they are under the judgement of Gal 1:8-9.

Further...if someone who is normally bloviant gets really, really quiet whenever asked to define the saving Gospel, that does not automatically mean that the person is not saved but it should be a big red flag. There's a reason they're being reticent about the ONE THING that no true believer will ever be reticent about.


TOL Subscriber
Begging the question:

Just how much Truth does one need to be "saved."

Truth isn't quantitative, it's qualitative. "The" specific quality necessary is "the" truth. Nothing more and nothing less and nothing else. Believing something ELSE in the place of "the" truth is the problem.

Hearing and believing that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are a threeness belying a oneness is such an "else". It matters which Christ is presented.

All Truth?

No substitute for truth. Especially willfully.

Little Truth?

Again, it's not a quantity. Truth is qualitative.

Simple faith?

Certainly, if it's truly faith. Most are hoping, not knowing what faith is. Then they ad lib from there.

This isn't about the threshhold for salvific faith. This is about someone extensively addressing erroneous terminology that impugns and assails God's divine attributes, and continues in pride when corrected (and surrounded by buffoons who produce a cloud of distraction in the aftermath.

Can Mormon Christology and Theology Proper be allowed as Christian? Can Jehovah's Witness theology about God's nature be permitted as Christian? Their errors are no more egregious than Tambora's. Hers are greater, and her responsibility and accountablity should be greater if she's a professing Believer.

A theological IQ of 180?

I wasn't the one pretending I knew a word that I insisted could be applied to God to justify having been caught in a paradox about Arminianism's Synergy. This was all a smoke screen for that.

How much?

It's not a quantity. And it's not about how much can be missing and there still be salvation. It's about ADDING something that cannot be added. Adding something that subtracts from God so one doesn't have to look stupid, but then looks worse and they won't recant... That's not at all what you're even addressing.

And you're coming at me for standing for truth while not even addressing her blasphemy for what it is. You could do that very graciously where you think I've failed in that regard. Tambora and I are, and always will be, at odds. Since I'm not in her peer group, she will never be corrected by me no matter how wrong she is.

And FTR, I would tremble to ever call anyone unsaved.

I referred to her as anathema, which she is according to her own stubborn contention as profession/confession of her belief. And because of her confession, I insist I can't and won't consider her a sister in Christ.

The MADists judge EVERYONE all the time. Every day, in every thread. And this includes Tambora. I've applied the pattern of the historical church. If someone's confession disagrees with the established boundaries of doctrine for the church and they knowingly stand against that perimeter, then they are anathema. It means nothing in this modern culture, but it is still valid to determine who one may be in fellowship with.

That's something only God knows. He alone searches our hearts and knows our motives.

And we are given certain responsibilities as well. One of those is to determine if we can be in fellowship with someone based upon their profession/confession. She has admantly and vehemently insisted that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in synergy, even after being corrected and told have grievous this is.

She will repeat this innovation as part of her belief system. It has gained support from the MAD minions, and all have defended her and provided pages and pages of smoke screen to cover her gaffe.

She even used the abuse of the Greek language to attempt to validate her blasphemy. Sun- is not peri-. Erga/ergon is not choresis. Synergy is NOT perichoresis.

There's a word available for what she was referring to. She was corrected and shown how horrific her innovation was. But her agenda was to blur the lines between Soteriology and Theology Proper; justifying Arminianism as Synergism by referring to the Godhead as being Synergy.

It is her who could simply say, "Oh, I didn't realize there was already a term for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in that respect. Nevermind, I was wrong about that. Now I'll address the topic of Arminian Synergism that I've abandoned because I confessed Monergism without realizing it."

But she can't and won't ever demonstrate such integrity. She has to be right and argue for something that assails Almighty God Himself.

And you defend her AND what she has done, just like the majority here. Shame on them and shame on you.

God bless you.

He has, does, and will. Especially as I stand for truth against errors like these among those who refuse to be corrected by truth.


TOL Subscriber
Disagree on this.

If someone has believed, and preaches, and defends a message other than 1 Cor 15:1-4, and in fact goes as far as to try to add to or deny what Paul said is the saving Gospel, then you can know on the authority of God's Word that they do not belong to Christ.

Indeed, for preaching what is false they are under the judgement of Gal 1:8-9.

Further...if someone who is normally bloviant gets really, really quiet whenever asked to define the saving Gospel, that does not automatically mean that the person is not saved but it should be a big red flag. There's a reason they're being reticent about the ONE THING that no true believer will ever be reticent about.

1Corinthians 15:1-4 is the Gospel.

Now what, genius?

Does Synergy apply to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Yes or no.


Well-known member

I should have never butted in to this thread in the first place. My mistake.

So I'm butting out. There's way too much grief in me over all of the name calling and disparaging remarks. If we were all sinners it would be different. We all claim to be Christians.

These things ought not to be this way.

I apologize for my intrusion.


TOL Subscriber
Do you hold to what is commonly referred to as Lordship Salvation?

No. It's a blight on the faith.

I never paid attention to your exchange with Tambora so I have no opinion on it either way.

It's easy to go read it. Just sift through the MAD smoke screen and go back a few pages.

It's a stand-alone question, as well. Does Synergy apply to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Yes or no.


TOL Subscriber

I should have never butted in to this thread in the first place. My mistake.

So I'm butting out. There's way too much grief in me over all of the name calling and disparaging remarks. If we were all sinners it would be different. We all claim to be Christians.

These things ought not to be this way.

I apologize for my intrusion.

You intruded on no one but me as the one correcting grievous error by someone else. Why would anyone else notice or care? You condoned the heresy.


Well-known member

I should have never butted in to this thread in the first place. My mistake.

So I'm butting out. There's way too much grief in me over all of the name calling and disparaging remarks. If we were all sinners it would be different. We all claim to be Christians.

These things ought not to be this way.

I apologize for my intrusion.

No need to apologize or butt out, but it's your call.


TOL Subscriber

So here we MADs are, the most unapologetic preachers on TOL of Paul's Gospel as defined in 1 Cor 15:3-4, and yet you say that we're all unregenerate. Despite the Gospel we believe and preach.

And there are significant reasons for that. Your 19th-century heresy affects everything else in your theology.

Why won't you answer the question about Synergy for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? It's a simple yes or no.
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