Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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Abusers typically employ different types of denial. Perhaps you’re familiar with some of the following ones:

  • Outright denial or gaslighting.“That never happened.”
  • Minimization. “It wasn’t that bad.”
  • Amnesia. “I don’t remember doing that.”
  • Redefinition. “I have a bad temper, so you shouldn’t upset me.”
  • Projection. “You’re abusive and controlling. You hurt me.”
  • Conversion. “I did wrong, but I’m a changed person and won’t do it again.”

Freyd (1997, pp. 23-24) concludes:

“The offender takes advantage of the confusion we have in our culture over the relationship between public provability and reality...”


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View attachment 24466

A sound axiom. While there are limits to its application, it's still very applicable here.


Well-known member
There are some things complex enough to make simplifying them very difficult if not futile. Watering down the curriculum in schools to make it as understandable as possible to the widest range of intellects is a good (bad) example of this. Many things can be presented in different ways until it "clicks," but some things simply cannot be reduced and simplified. Trying to do so removes necessary information that needs shared, and so defeats the purpose. Plus, some people operate at levels where no amount of simplification will help.

But that is very different from someone going out of his way to impart knowledge to others, while making no attempt to render that knowledge as accessible as possible to the wide audience he knows he's addressing. It's like he doesn't REALLY want them to understand. It's an indicator that there's a problem somewhere. It's also how scammers, con artists and frauds succeed.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Just because you are incapable of understanding God's Truth, does not give you the right to attempt to destroy (libel) my name, reputation,..... So, quit the drama & hateful hyperbole . . .

Like the below libel, "hateful" hyperbole, rumors, false witness, "personal" lies, you made against me, Endora?:

Yeah, he is obsessed with eviscerated manhood and drug use.

Maybe that is all he knows. Such are the learned limits of prison experience…… Claims are made; rumors abound.

Johnnie might be an ex-con, according to talk.

Just as you have been accused of being a sock . . . according to just talk.

You have defended your integrity. Let Johnnie also defend his past, if he can.


I will leave it up to the supposedly "unbiased mods" to determine who is allowed to post tripe, false witness, and personal lies, without any factual basis at all, such as the above . . . and who is not.

Then the ultimate Judgement of Almighty God for breaking the 9th commandment, falls upon them, alone.

View attachment 24467

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Like the below libel, "hateful" hyperbole, rumors, false witness, "personal" lies, you made against me, Endora?:

Nang thinks you may be an ex-con. She must have heard about the time you punched Jubal Foster over a game of checkers in 1962.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You deny the quotes are yours?

I quoted her exact words, which Nick the great posted, accurately, w/o reservation, from 2-3 years ago, and posted them, over, and over again, the last 2-3 years, as a witness, in various threads, and she not once denied them; to the contrary-she defended them.

Confirmed, by her most recent "works based" "salvation" post, just a few days ago, in this thread, which is what Calvinism is-"warmed over" Catholicism:

“God not only ordains the preaching of faithful men to spread the Gospel into all the world, but God also ordains the prayers of faithful men to intercede for the good of others.

These are marks of holy sanctification and evidence the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers.”-Nag

=I know I am saved, cuz my lifestyle, including my prayers,tell me so....

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Nick M question to Hilston on does God desire all men to be saved. The answer;

The answer is obviously "no," unless you believe God is a Big Pathetic Loser. And before you start quoting 1Ti 2:4, consider first the use of the Greek word "pas" in the following verses, noting how the word is translated by the 17th-century translators: Mt 4:23; 5:11; 10:1; 12:31; Lu 11:42; Ac 10:12; Ro 7:8; 1Pe 1:15; Re 18:12; 21:19.

He carries on like godrulz, squirming under the heat. I have the whole quote.

Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure.
Do you disagree?

God never rejected the reprobate according to His foreknowledge of their actions. God rejects reprobates according to His will.
God formed all men, either for dishonor or honor, according to His willful purposes and good pleasure.
To reject this truth is disbelief and a rejection of Sovereign God Himself.

This is where nang admits she does not believe the gospel, but God makes her believe.

Yes. In fact, until one is born again from above, they cannot comprehend ("see") the kingdom (John 3:3) or respond to the gospel. (I Corinthians 2:11-14)


The Lamb's Book of Life was written before creation, and named souls to be redeemed to inherit everlasting life are found therein. Rev. 13:8; I Peter 1:20.
None of these names will ever be blotted out and Rev. 13:8 is the promise of that fact; not a warning. Those chosen in Christ by name before creation will ALL be redeemed in time in Christ, without fail.
It is those not written in the Lamb's Book of Life that are reprobate and who will deservedly suffer hellfire.
But there are many books that will be opened on Judgment Day, and there is a "book of the living" where under the Covenant of Creation ("Works") all mankind were first listed, but all were blotted out due to the fall and that covenant being broken by man at large. See Exodus 32:33, Psalm 69:28
This is not the same as the Book of Life of the Lamb that lists all souls elect in Christ who have been redeemed and established in the Covenant of Grace unto everlasting life. Rev. 13:8; 17:8; 21:27

So to Nang, they deserve hellfire without first having the chance to accept the free gift of life with him. What a horrible human being she is. None of these calvinists disagree with her. They will not come out and correct her. I have never seen it. If they have, then I am wrong and show me where she walked it back.

Truster confirms my correct analysis of Nangs statement on salvation.

July 17th 1999 at 10:30am. Didn't ask to be saved and didn't want to be saved, but I was and as soon as I was it was revealed to me what had happened. For the first time in my entire existence I knew I was alive and began to exercise trust. There began a conversation that morning that continues each and every day.My last thoughts at night are of my Elohim and Saviour and my first thoughts in the morning are of Him.

To the praise of the glory of His grace.

I didn't ask nor want to be saved.

Pate is right to constantly condemn these people. Of course, he doesn't need to start new threads all the time.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
All of their posts are disheartening. I will repost that poem from Sozo.

God is Right, man is wrong.
Man does not know he is wrong.
God gave the Law to show man he is wrong.
The Law did not make man wrong.
Man believes if he obeys the Law, he will be Right.
He is wrong.
That is not why God gave man the Law.

God became a Man that was not wrong to make man Right.
The Right Man pointed out how wrong the wrong man is, and that He must be Right.
The wrong man cannot make himself Right.
The Right Man took the wrong, so the wrong man could be made Right.
The wrong man is made Right through the Right man.
The wrong man will never be wrong again.

Some who are wrong refuse to be Right and prefer to be wrong.
Some who are Right think they are Right because they do right.
They are wrong.

Some who are Right, tell others who are Right,
they are wrong, because they don't do right.
They are wrong.

All were wrong because, one was wrong
All who are Right, are Right because One is Right.
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