South Carolina Officer Is Charged With Murder in Black Man’s Death


New member
If ACW had ever been a cop he'd know evidence tampering when he saw it.

Sorry to say but maybe this tragedy, finally, will be what it takes to force the public to sit up and seriously take notice of abuse of power. This is almost as cut and dry as it can get.

Maybe he's a meter maid and avid cafe critic, Seattle and all. I hear those places have wifi now, which could explain how he post on TOL all day long. You'd think he's either retired or living in mom's basement, but hey.

A 33 year old cop can catch a 50 some year old out of shape man easily and disarm any device he might have since the guy would have been out of breath anyways. The guy clearly profiled a black man and found the littlest violation to pull him on, looking for trouble. Thinking any different about this guy or any bad cop and giving them the benefit of a doubt is uh, noble but a waste of good will anymore. The police are the terrorists of minorities because of stupid decisions like these. It's not a common thing, for a police officer to clearly execute someone like this. Cops like this man are rare but it happens. I'm glad video capture is in so many hands these days.

The Berean

Well-known member
Do you disagree that blacks enjoy a minority status in the United States? The only reason I said "minorities" is to make my comments to have a wider scope. They also apply to Mexicans, etc.

Well, Black Americans are certainly a minority group based on population but I highly doubt they've enjoyed being a minority group throughout American history.


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If the cartridge was indeed spent, what was the imminent threat, even if he did?

There was zero threat. He murdered a man.

I'm wondering if this cop's been involved in other shootings before--sure looked like tampering with the scene was second nature to him. Funny, that.:think:

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I noticed that too, he didn't think twice about it, first thing he did

There was zero threat. He murdered a man.

I'm wondering if this cop's been involved in other shootings before--sure looked like tampering with the scene was second nature to him. Funny, that.:think:

Word based mystic

New member
I'm not giving an argument. I am only stating a fact. The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense). Why did he shoot him? I don't know. I don't care.

But I know this: if this cop shoots every fleeing suspect he comes across, no matter how trivial the reason for it, the vast majority of us will be unaffected. :idunno:

so a citizen fearing for his life needs to be killed by the judge, jury and executioner called (the police officer), if the citizen flees.

and all because he is committing a felony.

what if the law is passed that outlaws your type of bloodlust logic. making your logic a felony.

you promote target practice for anyone committing a felony.

i am glad you are not a cop or in charge of peoples lives.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
you are really nowhere near as bright as you think you are.

Think about the consequences of the kart blanche your view will give the police.

Fair enough. That really depends on the circumstances. Did the policeman feel as though he were in serious danger, or that other people would be in serious danger if he failed to apprehend the suspect?

It's not categorically wrong to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back.

Furthermore we can't take into account the actual threat posed by the suspect. What counts is what the police officer felt at the time.

So, the question is, why did the police officer shoot?

To make it so that the world is populated by one less black guy?
To avoid the strenuous exercise which is running?
Because he hadn't used his firearm in a while, and he wanted to make sure it still works?
Because shooting people is fun?
Because he genuinely felt as though the suspect was a threat?

Furthermore, did the police officer intend to kill the suspect? Maybe he was aiming for the legs and simply wanted to disarm/disable the suspect?

I don't know. Do you? :idunno:

But I do know this: ultimately, the suspect had it coming. That's what he gets for running.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member


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You can go back farther than that if you are looking for media verification....Check out some of Richard Pryor's stuff....I wouldn't be surprised if Redd Foxx had some bits about that too. :plain:

If anything the blatancy of the South Carolina incident may finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I hope.:nono:
[South Carolina Officer Is Charged With Murder in Black Man’s Death Washington] "A white police officer in North Charleston, S.C., was charged with murder on Tuesday after a video surfaced showing him shooting in the back and killing an apparently unarmed black man while the man ran away.

The officer, Michael T. Slager, 33, said he had feared for his life because the man had taken his stun gun in a scuffle after a traffic stop on Saturday. A video, however, shows the officer firing eight times as the man, Walter L. Scott, 50, fled. The North Charleston mayor announced the state charges at a news conference Tuesday evening.

The shooting came on the heels of high-profile instances of police officers’ using lethal force in New York, Cleveland, Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere around the country. The deaths have set off a national debate over whether the police are too quick to use force, particularly in cases involving black men.

A White House task force has recommended a host of changes to the nation’s police policies, and President Obama sent Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to cities around the country to try to improve police relations with minority neighborhoods..." Full text: South Carolina Officer Is Charged With Murder in Black Man’s Death
I watched the video. The charge seems quite appropriate.


New member
I'm not giving an argument. I am only stating a fact. The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense). Why did he shoot him? I don't know. I don't care.

But I know this: if this cop shoots every fleeing suspect he comes across, no matter how trivial the reason for it, the vast majority of us will be unaffected. :idunno:

I ran from the cops when I was 15. I got away too. It was when I was young and reckless, but I'm sure glad he didn't gun me down from behind when I did it. I was just trying to avoid a trespassing charge.

Of course, I'm white. So he wasn't going to shoot me anyway.


New member
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I ran from the cops when I was 15. I got away too. It was when I was young and reckless, but I'm sure glad he didn't gun me down from behind when I did it. I was just trying to avoid a trespassing charge.

Of course, I'm white. So he wasn't going to shoot me anyway.

It's not necessarily a felony to flee from the police. And regardless, since when did we get to the point where every little crime has become a capital offense?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
After all of the tears you and your fellow liberals shed over St. Trayvon Martin and St. Michael Brown, this case must make you feel pretty good widdle fella.

While (as usual) the entire encounter was not shown (where was the car if it was a traffic stop?), this is what concerns me:

A White House task force has recommended a host of changes to the nation’s police policies, and President Obama sent Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to cities around the country to try to improve police relations with minority neighborhoods..."

Can you say "Gestapo" zoo?

A man fleeing felon, after attempting to take a police officer's service weapon away from him was shot in the back in cold blood, and you're scared out of your jackboots that there would be any attempt to improve police relations with minority neighborhoods. Your bigotry is disgusting.

In South Carolina, a state with a long and deep history of racial discrimination against African Americans, three white law enforcement officers have been indicted in recent months on charges stemming from incidents in which they shot — and in two cases, killed — unarmed black men.

When are you liberals going to wake up and realize that this isn't about a few black criminals who were shot, amongst other things it's about taking authority away from local police depts. and having federal oversight (control) over them.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
... this is what concerns me:

A White House task force has recommended a host of changes to the nation’s police policies, and President Obama sent Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to cities around the country to try to improve police relations with minority neighborhoods..."
That disturbs you more than someone being shot to death from behind? The President and the justice department trying to lower the chances of these sorts of things happening again.


...The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense).
Not that I know. It's a misdemeanor in every jurisdiction where I've practiced unless the running is toward an officer.

Someone running or hiding, you make that a felony and you're going to have to build more prisons just for teens in traffic stops.

Do you disagree that blacks enjoy a minority status in the United States?
I wouldn't say they're enjoying it. :plain:


Originally Posted by Traditio
...The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense).

Not that I know. It's a misdemeanor in every jurisdiction where I've practiced unless the running is toward an officer.

Blow the dust off of your law books and find what kind of offense it is to attempt to take a police officer's service weapon away from him (why is it that liberals always leave out the most important details?).

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
The comment wasn't about wrestling a cop, it was about fleeing a scene.

Your reading and comprehension a skills are as lacking as everything else about your character.

You are an asswipe ACW, nothing but an asswipe.

Originally Posted by Traditio
...The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense).

Blow the dust off of your law books and find what kind of offense it is to attempt to take a police officer's service weapon away from him (why is it that liberals always leave out the most important details?).


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Originally Posted by Traditio
...The cop shot a fleeing suspect (which, if I am not mistaken, is a felony offense).

Blow the dust off of your law books and find what kind of offense it is to attempt to take a police officer's service weapon away from him (why is it that liberals always leave out the most important details?).
Can you show is in the video where the suspect made an attempt to take the officers weapon?

There is a news video that shows the car. It was stopped in the parking lot of a convince store. The suspect fled from there to the open field where the video was captured.


The comment wasn't about wrestling a cop, it was about fleeing a scene.

Your reading and comprehension a skills are as lacking as everything else about your character.

Do you think that what happened prior to the criminal fleeing the scene had anything to do with why he was shot?

You are an asswipe ACW, nothing but an asswipe.

I feelz the liberal love.

Can you show is in the video where the suspect made an attempt to take the officers weapon?

A lot isn't revealed in the video. Wait, are you relying solely on what is shown in the video as proof of what happened? (Of course he is, he's a liberal).

There is a news video that shows the car. It was stopped in the parking lot of a convince store. The suspect fled from there to the open field where the video was captured.

So what you're saying is that the deceased criminal didn't even attempt to take the officer's service weapon and the officer dropped it on the ground all by himself and then shot the fleeing criminal for failing to comply to the officer's lawful commands to stop?

(Liberalism truly is a mental disorder).


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Of course, I'm white. So he wasn't going to shoot me anyway.

I don't think this has anything to do with him being black, i think its just the cop was power tripping, and there are some like that.

I think with the cop in the op, it wouldnt have mattered who it was who ran, he didnt like that they didnt obey him. Thats what i think anyway.