Sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them - Gen 6


New member
It's the theology of the Early Church Fathers (disciples of the apostles).

Angels were not created to reproduce. There is no reason to believe they have reproductive apparatus.

The sons of Seth had authority over the angels the same as it is today.


Eclectic Theosophist
Why does GOD hold man responsible for all that happened in
Genesis 6:1-4 if the culprits of this event were fallen angels?

Why doesn't it say that GOD was sorry that He created these angels? For that matter, why isn't the word angel anywhere in the text?

If man was not to blame and the evil deed was done by fallen angels, why doesn't GOD say that he's going to destroy the fallen angels.

GOD shouldn't be holding man accountable for any of this if it was all the evil work of fallen angels.

People read a lot of stuff into this text that simply is not there.

Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Gen 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

This goes to show the author was clearly showing that man is still responsible for his own sin, no matter what outer influences bear upon him. Note the fallen angels have their own special judgment and adjudication separate from man, so that in all cases the principle of responsibility still holds.

That reference made in Genesis is part of older legends to which apocryphal accounts expand upon. If you go by only the biblical and apocryphal have limited info...which could be a mixture of fact, legend and mythology.


Well-known member
Why does GOD hold man responsible for all that happened in
Genesis 6:1-4 if the culprits of this event were fallen angels?

Why doesn't it say that GOD was sorry that He created these angels? For that matter, why isn't the word angel anywhere in the text?

If man was not to blame and the evil deed was done by fallen angels, why doesn't GOD say that he's going to destroy the fallen angels.

GOD shouldn't be holding man accountable for any of this if it was all the evil work of fallen angels.

People read a lot of stuff into this text that simply is not there.

Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Gen 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

God will replace the third of the Elohim that followed Satan with the third of the sons of man that will, through faith, earn the right to replace them. They will become Elohim in the resurrection.


Well-known member
I've heard this taught before by Chuck Missler and others but I've yet to see the Scriptural evidence for it.

Maybe it's there, but I haven't seen it.

I don't know about a "new gospel" but, if, as is offered in Revelation, Satan and his crew are cast to earth 3 1/2 years prior to the return of Christ, one would think another manifestation of the Nephilim not beyond the realm of reason.


New member
I suppose that you do not consider the Word of God to be a "reason to believe".

Psalm 104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire

Spirits have no bodies. They neither give in marriage, nor are given in marriage, Jesus said.


Eclectic Theosophist
Mythology is one key in the toolbox.......

Mythology is one key in the toolbox.......

you're a myth :chuckle:

I have no problem with mythology being integral to how man interprets meanings or values thru storytelling.

No matter the details one chooses to believe about the 'Nephilim', it's still purported that beings from another realm or dimension infiltrated earth and had a part in misleading man, and so goes the classic struggle of good against evil. Rebellion begins in the heavens which in turn affects the earth. It's also reflective of man's own soul struggle of the flesh and the spirit but played out as a cosmic drama. "As above, so below"; "as within, so without". The microcosm is but a reflective mirror of the macrocosm.

Playing along here....we imagine such things as gods, angels and hobgoblins. Throw into the mix giants, dragons, faeries and pixie dust :angel:

As Miguel Conner would say, "write your own myth, live your own gospel" ;)
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Well-known member
Psalm 104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire

Spirits have no bodies. They neither give in marriage, nor are given in marriage, Jesus said.

Well, sorta, ... spirits have no bodies ... bodies have spirits ... sorta.

Love and marriage, love and marriage ...

Our existence in the resurrection does not involve procreation and there are numerous reasons for this.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I don't know about a "new gospel" but, if, as is offered in Revelation, Satan and his crew are cast to earth 3 1/2 years prior to the return of Christ, one would think another manifestation of the Nephilim not beyond the realm of reason.
Me either.
And I think there is biblical support.

But let's speculate for a moment ....

Do you think the daughters of men KNEW that they were angels in Noah's time, or did they think they were men (as Abe did when angels approached him)?


New member
Me either.
And I think there is biblical support.

But let's speculate for a moment ....

Do you think the daughters of men KNEW that they were angels in Noah's time, or did they think they were men (as Abe did when angels approached him)?

The extra-canonical sources would indicate that the sons of God took the women of their choice by force. The sources would even indicate that married women were taken away from their husbands. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, the Biblical account has few details of the actual situation.


Well-known member
Me either.
And I think there is biblical support.

But let's speculate for a moment ....

Do you think the daughters of men KNEW that they were angels in Noah's time, or did they think they were men (as Abe did when angels approached him)?

I hate to prevaricate but there is kind of a yes and no answer to that question. On the one hand, Abram,Lot and some of the citizens of Sodom knew they were looking at something different ... on the other hand they appeared as men. This is the nature of the bodies of those described as Elohiym in the Bible when manifested as men. Then there are the "white robes" that describe the same in their "angelic" appearance.

Remember the robes of the priests in the Levitical ordinances. I have come to suspect they are reflective of the situation spoken of in Eze 40-48, the Mount of Transfiguration, the one you mentioned and other such passages that seem to indicate that some have/inherit a body that functions in both the earthly and the heavenly realm though they, of necessity, manifest themselves differently depending upon the venue.

Said another way; heavenly realm requires white robes ... earthly requires flesh.

Remember what Jesus said to Mary when she first saw Him resurrected? Remember what He said to the woman with the issue of blood that touched Him?

I would suggest that the terms "white robes" and "white raiment" are worthy of study as are the priestly robes.
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I hate to prevaricate but there is kind of a yes and no answer to that question. On the one hand, Abram,Lot and some of the citizens of Sodom knew the were looking at something different ... on the other hand they appeared as men.
There was something very desirable about them for women (in Noah's day) and homos (in Lot's day) want too cross moral lines to have them.
And I'm not so sure that we can just say they were good looking, but that the appeal may have been much more profound (as in their supernaturalness, so to speak).

Which brings me to the media (TV, novels, internet, etc.) that I believe in a lot of ways are to 'program' your sensitivities towards things.
Maybe to lessen your sensitivities and accept them as the norm rather than an oddity.

Vampires used to be blood sucking monsters.
Now they are portrayed as sexy and desirable.
And a lot of women seem to eat that up!
So much so that they think it would be cool and fantasize about them.
Same with other 'supernatural' type creatures such as super heros.
So if a real supernatural being approached them with interest ...... I think they would gladly give in.

This is the nature of the bodies of those described as Elohiym in the Bible when manifested as men. Then there are the "white robes" that describe the same in their "angelic" appearance.

Remember the robes of the priests in the Levitical ordinances. I have come to suspect they are reflective of the situation spoken of in Eze 40-48, the Mount of Transfiguration, the one you mentioned and other such passages that seem to indicate that some have/inherit a body that functions in both the earthly and the heavenly realm though they, of necessity, manifest themselves differently depending upon the venue.

Said another way; heavenly realm requires white robes ... earthly requires flesh.

Remember what Jesus said to Mary when she first saw Him resurrected? Remember what He said to the woman with the issue of blood that touched Him?

I would suggest that the terms "white robes" and "white raiment" are worthy of study.
Give me a little more than just teasers.
Sounds interesting.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Angels were not created to reproduce.
The Book of Enoch has an interesting take on this.
I'll make it brief just to lay out his point.

The angels were jealous because GOD made man a mate (woman), but didn't make any mates for the angels.
So in their jealousy and desire, they disregarded GOD's intended order for earthly things to produce 'kind after kind'.
GOD chains them up.
They complain that it unfair for GOD to not let them have a mate.
GOD explains that angels are everlasting and therefore had no need for offspring to replenish their kind.
Man, on the other hand, did need a mate to replenish their kind.
It wasn't that they couldn't mate, it was that there was no need for them to mate.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pixie dust and giant's bones.........

Pixie dust and giant's bones.........

If one were to apply her tests as to the existence of Jesus to her own that would indeed be true.

I'm at least in this incarnation, a male :) - but quite synthesized with the female aspect of soul as well. When you make the two, you'll find the kingdom. 'God' is One.

As to your comment may as vacuous as a 'myth' cannot read or write, much less respond to your post as I AM currently doing as an individual conscious being. Considering this fact, the reality I AM is self-evident :) - all else may be an illusion of perception, the mind creating its own 'mythology' to explain things.

Challenging the existence of Jesus holds to different criteria historically speaking, as this person has no physical reality and can only 'exist' in one's mind or as some invisible presence. This goes for any personality of past reference .. See the difference?

This also goes for the 'Nephilim' can only by analogous reference assume or speculate about their existence...beyond some tangible or spiritual evidence.



New member
The Book of Enoch has an interesting take on this.
I'll make it brief just to lay out his point.

The angels were jealous because GOD made man a mate (woman), but didn't make any mates for the angels.
So in their jealousy and desire, they disregarded GOD's intended order for earthly things to produce 'kind after kind'.
GOD chains them up.
They complain that it unfair for GOD to not let them have a mate.
GOD explains that angels are everlasting and therefore had no need for offspring to replenish their kind.
Man, on the other hand, did need a mate to replenish their kind.
It wasn't that they couldn't mate, it was that there was no need for them to mate.

Also noted that they are called the "Watchers", implying that their original assignment was to simply watch over mankind. Extracanonical sources seem to indicate that there were only 200 "watchers" assigned pre-flood.