Should It Be Lawful For Minors To Be Married With Parental Consent?


As aCW is squirming around the question on his own thread and coming up with ever more elaborate and goofball ways to deflect away from it I thought I'd branch it out here...

Thank you Art, as it was very obvious that you were getting extremely uncomfortable with the scenarios I was presenting you based on an article entitled:

"12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children".

I did however answer your question and will post it here again in the event that you missed it:

15 year old Kevin and 15 year old Bruce met in their high school's LGBTQueer youth club and immediately take to each other, especially after finding out how they were both molested by a homosexual elder at around the age of 8 (both by some guy named "Terry" who had flown on Air Force One as a guest of President Obama).

The relationship grew stronger when they both shared that they were HIV negative after their last quarterly visit to their local 'gay' health clinic.

Being that they really hit it off, and especially that they are both (at least for now) HIV/AIDS free, they wanted to 'marry', but first must have parental consent. (Even though they do live in Oregon where they can get gender reassignment i.e. genital mutilation surgery or if a they were a girl, an abortion without parental consent, it is still needed for marriage).

Kevin's father is doing hard time for drug related offenses, not to mention a little armed robbery here and there. His mom is heroin addict, but on a good day is able to say "yes" to a question if Kevin presents it in a way that makes it appear that it will benefit her drug addiction.

Bruce never knew his father, but only hears bad things about him from his two "mothers". He doesn't see much of them as their "Dykes on Bikes" motorcycle rallies at numerous 'gay' pride parades across the nation keep them busy. But then Bruce knows that he's just a "trophy child" for the LGBTQueer movement and that his mother and her lesbian lover never really cared about him, let alone anything else important in life.

Kevin's answer of "yes" came after his mother had just shot up some good smack (he laughed how he could have asked her anything at that time and received a "yes" as an answer).

Bruce's mother texted him the answer and the Court Clerk at the Multnomah County Courthouse in Portland OR (assigned by the bisexual governor of Oregon Kate Brown) took the "Whatever" as a "yes".

So the boys, with their parental consent were able to 'marry".

Do I agree? No, both boys need to be put in loving Christian foster homes and given both spiritual and psychological therapy to overcome their environmentally made same sex desires.

I hope that answers your anal retentive obsession with the question Art.

Please return to the thread Art, as there are still some questions that a little 8 year old girl wants to ask her "Uncle Art".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thank you Art, as it was very obvious that you were getting extremely uncomfortable with the scenarios I was presenting you based on an article entitled:

"12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children".

I did however answer your question and will post it here again in the event that you missed it:

15 year old Kevin and 15 year old Bruce met in their high school's LGBTQueer youth club and immediately take to each other, especially after finding out how they were both molested by a homosexual elder at around the age of 8 (both by some guy named "Terry" who had flown on Air Force One as a guest of President Obama).

The relationship grew stronger when they both shared that they were HIV negative after their last quarterly visit to their local 'gay' health clinic.

Being that they really hit it off, and especially that they are both (at least for now) HIV/AIDS free, they wanted to 'marry', but first must have parental consent. (Even though they do live in Oregon where they can get gender reassignment i.e. genital mutilation surgery or if a they were a girl, an abortion without parental consent, it is still needed for marriage).

Kevin's father is doing hard time for drug related offenses, not to mention a little armed robbery here and there. His mom is heroin addict, but on a good day is able to say "yes" to a question if Kevin presents it in a way that makes it appear that it will benefit her drug addiction.

Bruce never knew his father, but only hears bad things about him from his two "mothers". He doesn't see much of them as their "Dykes on Bikes" motorcycle rallies at numerous 'gay' pride parades across the nation keep them busy. But then Bruce knows that he's just a "trophy child" for the LGBTQueer movement and that his mother and her lesbian lover never really cared about him, let alone anything else important in life.

Kevin's answer of "yes" came after his mother had just shot up some good smack (he laughed how he could have asked her anything at that time and received a "yes" as an answer).

Bruce's mother texted him the answer and the Court Clerk at the Multnomah County Courthouse in Portland OR (assigned by the bisexual governor of Oregon Kate Brown) took the "Whatever" as a "yes".

So the boys, with their parental consent were able to 'marry".

Do I agree? No, both boys need to be put in loving Christian foster homes and given both spiritual and psychological therapy to overcome their environmentally made same sex desires.

I hope that answers your anal retentive obsession with the question Art.

Please return to the thread Art, as there are still some questions that a little 8 year old girl wants to ask her "Uncle Art".

aCW, this is just some garbled loony scenario that you've concocted in that fevered cabbage that rattles around inside your head.


patrick jane

What is the purpose of marriage?

Who should have a say as to how it is done?

Children should be protected.

Can marriage damage a child? Will it always?

Does society have a say in who should be allowed to married?

Sex and marriage usually go together. Other than rape, can sex harm people who don't have a fully developed frontal cortex?

Terrible questions


Hall of Fame
I was thinking of two 15 year olds or even 17 and 15

Well, the *motivation* would be different in that case. Rebellion or infatuation would be the biggest motivator in such cases. Mind you, I am not stating it couldn't be genuine love, but even in such cases, most teenagers are not emotionally equipped to handle the responsibility of marriage.


Hall of Fame
Can parents make mature decisions for their kids when their kids are at a young age?

Of course ... just because adults don't always make mature decisions doesn't mean they are incapable of making them. I do not believe that teenagers have enough experience or maturity to make wise decisions. Wouldn't you agree that a *wise decision* for a teenager would be to finish high school and actually live in an adult world successfully prior to marrying and having children? Outside of children (including the unborn), no one should have to rely on another person to be able to survive.


New member
Of course, and loving responsible ones do. The very same wouldn't dream of marrying their 15 year old daughters off by way of...
No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion. When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim ("no Scotsman would do such a thing"), rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"; i.e., those who perform that action are not part of our group and thus criticism of that action is not criticism of the group).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think he age of adulthood should be 20 for all. The 18 and yet 21 for alcohol seems vague as to when one is mature enough to issue consent. As to marriage, I think under certain circumstances, the age 17 would be worth consideration, It would seem, to me, disagreeable, for persons age 16 to marry.


New member
Of course ... just because adults don't always make mature decisions doesn't mean they are incapable of making them. I do not believe that teenagers have enough experience or maturity to make wise decisions.
My question was about whether the decisions of the parents of the teenagers are to be upheld by society or if the decisions of the parents are to be overruled by society.
It doesn't matter whether the teenagers have the experience or maturity, since parents and guardians can legally sign contracts in the teenager's behalf.

Wouldn't you agree that a *wise decision* for a teenager would be to finish high school and actually live in an adult world successfully prior to marrying and having children?
Wouldn't you agree that it is a *wise decision* for the parents to choose or approve of the spouse of their children prior to the children getting married?
Wouldn't you agree that the parent should be able to make the determination of whether finishing high school or being kicked out of the house to survive on their own is appropriate for their children on a case by case basis instead of a blanket age of adulthood?

Outside of children (including the unborn), no one should have to rely on another person to be able to survive.
That is very sad, thinking everyone should have to survive all on their own without being able to rely on anyone else.
No policemen to keep thieves away, no doctors to assist when you are injured, no employers to give you a job.

I would rather live in a society.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think he age of adulthood should be 20 for all. The 18 and yet 21 for alcohol seems vague as to when one is mature enough to issue consent. As to marriage, I think under certain circumstances, the age 17 would be worth consideration, It would no seem, to me, disagreeable, for persons, age 16 to marry.

and yet, marriage at that age and younger were not uncommon in the past and were often as successful as those between older partners


Hall of Fame
My question was about whether the decisions of the parents of the teenagers are to be upheld by society or if the decisions of the parents are to be overruled by society.
It doesn't matter whether the teenagers have the experience or maturity, since parents and guardians can legally sign contracts in the teenager's behalf..

Unless the parent can be shown to be unfit, I think the parent should be allowed to override the decision of their underage child to marry. That would include all marriages involving teens, whether the couple is gay or straight. Make em wait.

Wouldn't you agree that it is a *wise decision* for the parents to choose or approve of the spouse of their children prior to the children getting married?.

Insofar as being legally required, no. Insofar as being beneficial, of course it helps if the parents approve of their child's future spouse.

Wouldn't you agree that the parent should be able to make the determination of whether finishing high school or being kicked out of the house to survive on their own is appropriate for their children on a case by case basis instead of a blanket age of adulthood?

Insofar as education, no. Parent's owe their children a decent education every bit as much as they owe them decent shelter, clothing, food, medical care, etc. That doesn't mean not allowing parents (who are capable) of home schooling their children OR allowing a child to graduate early to do so.

That is very sad, thinking everyone should have to survive all on their own without being able to rely on anyone else. No policemen to keep thieves away, no doctors to assist when you are injured, no employers to give you a job..

Pffftttt ... that's not what I was suggesting, but you already knew that. Relying on someone else is a perk, not a reality. Since you are against any type of welfare, it would make sense that you would encourage teens to get as much education including on the job training as they are able. No one should ever be in situation where they lose their spouse (to death or other circumstances) and find themselves without adequate shelter or finances.


like marbles on glass
First guess ... to get them out of the house so they (the parent/parents) have the freedom to do whatever they feel like doing. Second guess, by someone else taking care of them, they are eased of a financial burden.

My first guess: parental control. The parents want to be involved in the choice of a mate, and/or they're afraid the teen will get pregnant and embarrass the family in front of their church community.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No true Scotsman is an informal fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion. When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim ("no Scotsman would do such a thing"), rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"; i.e., those who perform that action are not part of our group and thus criticism of that action is not criticism of the group).

Oh right, it's you, the guy who thinks folk can fall in love with set squares...



Hall of Fame
My first guess: Parental control. The parents want to be involved in the choice of a mate, and/or they're afraid the teen will get pregnant and embarrass the family in front of their church community.

I don't really have a problem with parents voicing their opinion and even denying their child's decision for a marital partner. I DO have a problem with parents who push their children to get married for the sole purpose of alleviating their own embarrassment over an unplanned pregnancy. Their child should be their FIRST priority as compared to fretting over what the neighbors will think.