Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Jabez said:
I was given the opertunity to shed my old life and be born again a new creature.
All men are given that opportunity. It's what they do with it that they will be judged.



There is a penalty attached to sin that leads to death...........even death of a believer in Christ.


Friend of Jesus
Agape4Robin said:
All men are given that opportunity. It's what they do with it that they will be judged.



There is a penalty attached to sin that leads to death...........even death of a believer in Christ.

Good Post.

On a side note i dont want to be the one to cut someones opportinty short to repent and come to the lord.

Lord Vader

New member
Agape4Robin said:
Nice way to deny your own sin. Just blame Adam and Eve. You are leaving out the fact that God did something wonderful for us so that we could have ETERNAL life with Him.

But don't we have our sinful natures because of Adam and Eve sinning? Isn't that what started the downward spiral?


Lighthouse said:
I do not believe that God created the world in seven literal days..
Just noticed your little comment at the bottom of your post.
You're kidding -right?
Of course He didn't create the ['heavens'] and the earth and all that is in them in seven literal days!
He did it in six.

Lord Vader

New member
thelaqachisnext said:
Just noticed your little comment at the bottom of your post.
You're kidding -right?
Of course He didn't create the ['heavens'] and the earth and all that is in them in seven literal days!
He did it in six.

I have to confess to a personal belief that The Great Pumpkin had something to do with it. Just because I always fall asleep waiting for Him to appear in the pumpkin patch doesn't mean he wasn't there...

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lord Vader said:
Aren't we living in a fallen world because of something Adam and Eve did?
Fallen world YES. Those who have accepted Christ are born again into "newness of life." Jesus is the new Adam, or new Man as some call Him...1st Cor 15:22 & 45 ~ For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Fallen world YES. Those who have accepted Christ are born again into "newness of life." Jesus is the new Adam, or new Man as some call Him...1st Cor 15:22 & 45 ~ For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
And also a priest in the order of Melchidezek? (I can't spell that name).


The Dark Knight
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thelaqachisnext said:
Just noticed your little comment at the bottom of your post.
You're kidding -right?
Of course He didn't create the ['heavens'] and the earth and all that is in them in seven literal days!
He did it in six.


The Dark Knight
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No Worries said:
If by osa you mean opposite sex attraction then I fully accept that. From JustTom I may personally doubt it but I don't with you.
WHy do you doubt it from JustTom?

Is blindness against nature?
Or any other serious handicap from birth?
How about Down syndrome ? Is that against nature?
Those things are physical disabilities that people may or may not be born with, and not somehting they chose. People are not born homosexual, nor is it a disability. It's a perversion of God's creation, and those who live it are choosing to live against God's design.


The Dark Knight
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Big Mouth Nana said:
Well, well, well, I'll have to hang around a bit for this one...the Spirit of God is always correct. Recall our conversation in the beginning when I said that you were hiding behind a "mask"? If you have lapses, then you haven't been totally set free yet...John 8:36 ~ If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed..

So Brandon, since you live in repentance, and you believe that Christ has set you free, you stand your ground believing that we should execute all the other's with your problem??? What a hypocrite!!!
LOL, what a fitting definition in your case :think:
one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not; a dissembler in
religion. Our Lord severely rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their
hypocrisy (Matt. 6:2, 5, 16). "The hypocrite's hope shall perish" (Job 8:13).
The Hebrew word here rendered "hypocrite" rather means the "godless
Damn, you're stupid.

I have never said that I believe we should execute fornicators, or those who look at pornography, if they are heterosexual. The only time I have called for execution when heterosexual sex is involved is in adultery, and I've never been married.

And in this thread I've been talking about execution of homosexuals, and I have never been, nor will I ever be, a queer.

So, how am I a hypocrite? And what mask have I worn? Most of the people here know I've faltered in my struggle against the flesh, in this area. They also know that after I found the truth I had been overlooking in the scriptures that my faltering lessened, and has become rarer than I ever thought it could be. So, what have I been feigning?


The Dark Knight
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Evee said:
What is really so disgusting about this whole thread is....Lighthouse condemned his father for the same thing he was doing.
I find it repulsive to say death to the homo when you are in fact a homo.
Repress it all you want but you need deliverance.
I am truly disgusted.
Maybe I was not so far off when I said... did your daddy's boyfriend come on to you.
I see nothing wrong In admitting you are homosexual and need prayer, but instead you act like a hard *** and insist on the death penalty.
Lighthouse you are a hipocrite and you had the nerve to call me a pervert for no reason.
You need to go get in your closet alone repent and pray for forgiveness for the damage you have tried to do for us that want to pray for you.
People like you really make it hard to pray for because you are a liar.
Lighthouse when you have sex with someone of your own sex then you are a HOMOSEXUAL...ADMIT IT.
Do you not know how to pay attention?! I have never had sex with anyone! Let alone another male! It's disgusting, and I have never thought otherwise! And I didn't even know my dad used to be a homosexual until after God had overcome it.