Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
So, am I a heterosexual, even though I have not acted on my "urges?" Well, to be honest, I have acted on them.
Is that what you were getting at?
Well, well, well, I'll have to hang around a bit for this one...the Spirit of God is always correct. Recall our conversation in the beginning when I said that you were hiding behind a "mask"? If you have lapses, then you haven't been totally set free yet...John 8:36 ~ If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed..

But I have repented. And though I may have lapses, I stand firm in the truth that Christ has set me free, and I live in repentance. So, if one who has ssa but does not act upon it is not a homosexual, then I am not a heterosexual.
So Brandon, since you live in repentance, and you believe that Christ has set you free, you stand your ground believing that we should execute all the other's with your problem??? What a hypocrite!!!
LOL, what a fitting definition in your case :think:
one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not; a dissembler in
religion. Our Lord severely rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their
hypocrisy (Matt. 6:2, 5, 16). "The hypocrite's hope shall perish" (Job 8:13).
The Hebrew word here rendered "hypocrite" rather means the "godless
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No Worries said:
Is blindness against nature?
Or any other serious handicap from birth?
How about Down syndrome ? Is that against nature?
Can God turn anything into a blessing? Yes.

Does God "cause" it? NO. It happens because we live in a fallen world. The state of humanity is in a downward decline. Morally and molecularly.

God is not mocked. What a man sows, he reaps.

Lord Vader

New member
Agape4Robin said:
Can God turn anything into a blessing? Yes.

Does God "cause" it? NO. It happens because we live in a fallen world. The state of humanity is in a downward decline. Morally and molecularly.

God is not mocked. What a man sows, he reaps.

So if I find out that your great grandfather robbed a bank or molested somebody, I can come by your house and punish you for it?


New member
What is really so disgusting about this whole thread is....Lighthouse condemned his father for the same thing he was doing.
I find it repulsive to say death to the homo when you are in fact a homo.
Repress it all you want but you need deliverance.
I am truly disgusted.
Maybe I was not so far off when I said... did your daddy's boyfriend come on to you.
I see nothing wrong In admitting you are homosexual and need prayer, but instead you act like a hard *** and insist on the death penalty.
Lighthouse you are a hipocrite and you had the nerve to call me a pervert for no reason.
You need to go get in your closet alone repent and pray for forgiveness for the damage you have tried to do for us that want to pray for you.
People like you really make it hard to pray for because you are a liar.
Lighthouse when you have sex with someone of your own sex then you are a HOMOSEXUAL...ADMIT IT.

Lord Vader

New member
Evee said:
What is really so disgusting about this whole thread is....Lighthouse condemned his father for the same thing he was doing.
I find it repulsive to say death to the homo when you are in fact a homo.
Repress it all you want but you need deliverance.
I am truly disgusted.
Maybe I was not so far off when I said... did your daddy's boyfriend come on to you.
I see nothing wrong In admitting you are homosexual and need prayer, but instead you act like a hard *** and insist on the death penalty.
Lighthouse you are a hipocrite and you had the nerve to call me a pervert for no reason.
You need to go get in your closet alone repent and pray for forgiveness for the damage you have tried to do for us that want to pray for you.
People like you really make it hard to pray for because you are a liar.
Lighthouse when you have sex with someone of your own sex then you are a HOMOSEXUAL...ADMIT IT.

I agree. You can't be hetero and have even a brief homosexual encounter. You have to have a little homo in you, or be completely homosexual. I'll bet ppl. who are born with brains that could go either way have the hardest time living with it; have the hardest time understanding themselves. I also suspect that some make the mistake of assuming that they are, in fact, straight and that all straight males have it in them to "choose" if they decide to "sin"; but this just isn't the case. I know that, for myself for example, no amount of childhood trauma could have made me want to see other males "in that way". It just isn't in my biology. I'm not saying, "I'm better than you". I'm just saying that if you have that potential to see the same gender "in that way" but also see the opposite gender "in that way", then you have some homosexuality in your biology. I can only imagine the humiliation some guys must feel knowing this about themselves and keeping it secret and hidden way deep down (and compensating by being overtly macho, swaggering, liking football a little too much, goin' huntin', mocking sissies...). I guess if it were me, I'd have a hard time with it, too. It's a complication in life we probably wouldn't choose.

Lord Vader

New member
Evee said:
Good post Lord Vader...In my opinion there is no such thing as a homosexual moment!! :vomit:

It certainly doesn't stand to reason, except in so far as someone's biology might temporarily change for some reason... though I've never heard of someone sustaining a head injury and reporting that it made them attracted to the same gender - but it could happen for other reasons - sudden biological changes are no unheard of; especially in our world that is now 6.5 billion in number. At any rate, I'm judging these things based on what I know about myself, so there is only my word to take; but I know I have never been able to see the same gender "in that way" and I've never had a so called experience of this in high school or college - so I know when I hear someone say that they did have these urges and when I hear them insist that all men have these urges and that what defines a straight man is someone who doesn't actually act on those urges, well, I know different and I know right away that some ppl. are struggling with the biology they were born with. Using my imagination and trying to put myself in their shoes, I can certainly understand why this would mess with the heads of some guys, especially the emotionally immature ones who like to hang out with other guys who "hate gays" and like to call other people "fags". This is a world that is intensely hostile to gays. I can't imagine having to live with something like that; even if I didn't hate myself for it.


New member
What really bothered me about this thread, Lighthouse fought so vigrously and was nothing but a follower and a HIPOCRITE!
If someone is homosexual Christians are understanding and will pray and help.
When someone passes the buck like lighthouse and wants homosexuals put to death he was calling for his on demise.
This really bothers my spirit.


Lord Vader said:
Aren't we living in a fallen world because of something Adam and Eve did?
Nice way to deny your own sin. Just blame Adam and Eve. You are leaving out the fact that God did something wonderful for us so that we could have ETERNAL life with Him.


Jabez said:
Tell whats the difference?
None, but what is the thread about? Homosexuality. As far as two grown men are concerned, it's gross, but whatever.........let them reap the due penalty of their sin. But if they corrupt a minor so as to introduce him to the "lilfestyle", then I say...............death to them.
