Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
I used to think the same things about Enyart before I came to TOL. I still thought it when I came to TOL. But after listening to him, for myself, I realized that what I believed about him was not true.
What has actually happened is, along with a lot of people on this site, you have been brain washed!!!! I listened to some of his programs for the past hour. This man is a wolf in sheeps clothing with his own agenda, not God's. Oh, he mixes some truth in with lies, but if you aren't totally grounded in the Word of Truth, you will fall for it. Satan is a master deceiver Brandon. He's not about the love of God, but hate, lies and murder, and another race of people who are no better then the white power groups.
It was real nice talking to you Brandon..even though I wanted to slap your face through my screen a few times for your mouth, lol, but I won't be back. I can't sit on a site and watch this happen to people when the truth is right in their own bibles. People on here talk like hate filled robots, slander each other, promote hate instead of God's love, and Jesus isn't here!!! What is bad also, you have a site head honcho who no doubt gets his kicks from watching it happen. Bye Brandon. I hope you God shows you the right path to the truth!!!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
What has actually happened is, along with a lot of people on this site, you have been brain washed!!!! I listened to some of his programs for the past hour. This man is a wolf in sheeps clothing with his own agenda, not God's. Oh, he mixes some truth in with lies, but if you aren't totally grounded in the Word of Truth, you will fall for it. Satan is a master deceiver Brandon. He's not about the love of God, but hate, lies and murder, and another race of people who are no better then the white power groups.
It was real nice talking to you Brandon..even though I wanted to slap your face through my screen a few times for your mouth, lol, but I won't be back. I can't sit on a site and watch this happen to people when the truth is right in their own bibles. People on here talk like hate filled robots, slander each other, promote hate instead of God's love, and Jesus isn't here!!! What is bad also, you have a site head honcho who no doubt gets his kicks from watching it happen. Bye Brandon. I hope you God shows you the right path to the truth!!!
Good riddance.

You weren't at all interested in the possibility that you might be wrong, and you have hardened your heart towards God. I promised myself once that I would never do that. And because of that promise, I came to realize, when God showed me, that He does not tolerate sin in the least. Most Christians today have done nothing but let it be. They don't want to confront anyone with their sin, and they still call themselves Christians.:doh: If all you ever do is pray, but you never say a word to the lost about what God wants for their lives, then you are nothing more than a mouth that isn't saying very much. If you're going to claim you have faith that God will make a difference, then do what He has called you to do and stand up for that difference, and do soemthing about it. Faith is action, or it's dead.

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
What has actually happened is, along with a lot of people on this site, you have been brain washed!!!! I listened to some of his programs for the past hour. This man is a wolf in sheeps clothing with his own agenda, not God's. Oh, he mixes some truth in with lies, but if you aren't totally grounded in the Word of Truth, you will fall for it. Satan is a master deceiver Brandon. He's not about the love of God, but hate, lies and murder, and another race of people who are no better then the white power groups.
It was real nice talking to you Brandon..even though I wanted to slap your face through my screen a few times for your mouth, lol, but I won't be back. I can't sit on a site and watch this happen to people when the truth is right in their own bibles. People on here talk like hate filled robots, slander each other, promote hate instead of God's love, and Jesus isn't here!!! What is bad also, you have a site head honcho who no doubt gets his kicks from watching it happen. Bye Brandon. I hope you God shows you the right path to the truth!!!


Army of One said:

So now you guys know about the Big Mouth Nana, who is on my 'ignore list' -and who is the only person who has ever gone on my 'ignore list' from any site.

Now, if you have the same experience that I have had with her, and ever meet her on another forum, she'll tell folks there that you were called 'wierd and cultic' on other forums -when she was the one calling you that and leading the charge.

I hope the Big Mouth Nana takes some time off and gets to know the Word, for herself.

No Worries

New member
I dont see why she should be so. She spoke her mind and thats all that the rest here are doing. Any insult she threw out was nothing in comparison to others and she was a christian.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
thelaqachisnext said:
So now you guys know about the Big Mouth Nana, who is on my 'ignore list' -and who is the only person who has ever gone on my 'ignore list' from any site.

Now, if you have the same experience that I have had with her, and ever meet her on another forum, she'll tell folks there that you were called 'wierd and cultic' on other forums -when she was the one calling you that and leading the charge.

I hope the Big Mouth Nana takes some time off and gets to know the Word, for herself.
:rotfl: I was reading this not logged in, but I had to come back for this one. You demon possessed sicko!!! Why don't you tell the truth about how you attacked me on CF, and how the moderator saw what you were doing. Cult? Yes, myself and others believed that you were in a cult. The moderator was hoping that you would slip up one more time so that she could ban your butt!!! I stayed away from you just to keep peace on the site because of your "holier then thou" and condescending attitude. I hope that Clete gets ahold of you. That I would love to read!!! Try deciphering one of her DUH!!!! You don't know what a Christian is. Her username on CF is Yeshuasavedme, and we always wondered, now did He really??? You fit right in with some of these folks on here :kookoo:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
I dont see why she should be so. She spoke her mind and thats all that the rest here are doing. Any insult she threw out was nothing in comparison to others and she was a christian.
Hi No Worries. Don't believe everything that people tell you on here. Like I said before..find out for yourself :wave:

No Worries

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Hi No Worries. Don't believe everything that people tell you on here. Like I said before..find out for yourself :wave:

Quite content being my own Christian, its led me to being more like you than they although we didn't always agree. I concur the best revelation is self revelation.


No Worries said:
Quite content being my own Christian, its led me to being more like you than they although we didn't always agree. I concur the best revelation is self revelation.
The best revelation comes by studying the Word of God and applying it to your life.

You aren't your own anything.:nono:

No Worries

New member
Agape4Robin said:
The best revelation comes by studying the Word of God and applying it to your life.

You aren't your own anything.:nono:

Great I'll study it. Where exactly is it again and can you substantiate your claim please?


No Worries said:
Great I'll study it. Where exactly is it again and can you substantiate your claim please?
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Rom 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

No Worries

New member
Agape4Robin said:
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Rom 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Well I've already said I'll study it. And thats all the first quote says.

I have faith and I listen to what I understand is ther word of God so I qualify for the 2nd one too.

Only I think my version of God's Word is different to your version. Where do you get your version from and what do you use to substantiate it?

No Worries

New member
Lighthouse said:
She declares she's not coming back, and then she still visits, without logging in?:rolleyes:

Lighthouse go with me on ths but I take it you are heterosexual and consider that one is not homosexual if you do not practice/act on homosexual urges. Am I right in these assumptions?

Thanks in advance.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No Worries said:
Lighthouse go with me on ths but I take it you are heterosexual and consider that one is not homosexual if you do not practice/act on homosexual urges. Am I right in these assumptions?

Thanks in advance.
Just to let you know, I have you on ignore.

However, I thought this might be adressed to me, so I checked it.

I'm glad I did.

To answer your questions, yes. For the most part.

I'm not a personal fan of the terms, though. Because there can be confusion about their meaning, in conversation. Someone may suffer from ssa, but not act upon it. Some people would consider this person to be a homosexual.

So I use the terms "queer," and "faggot." And the person described above is neither of those things. And a person who once was one of those, and has repented and turned from such wickedness is no longer one.

So, am I a heterosexual, even though I have not acted on my "urges?" Well, to be honest, I have acted on them. But I have repented. And though I may have lapses, I stand firm in the truth that Christ has set me free, and I live in repentance. So, if one who has ssa but does not act upon it is not a homosexual, then I am not a heterosexual.

Is that what you were getting at?

No Worries

New member
Need not take it so personal it wasn't meant as so but it made more sense addressing it in the second person. But what you have said is enough. SSA acknowledges a grey area where one is not hetero but resisting acting homosexual. You yourself are hetero if you have natural urges that way. But if your urges are such then the others are just as valid - you're acknowledging them by readdressing it as SSA (which personally I think SSA is a cop out - hetero people just don't feel this way). Whether by acting on, or not acting on, your inclination - you consider yourself heterosexual.

Similiarly then, whether acting or not acting on their inclination, somebody with SSA is still homosexual. The hallmark they give themselves by not acting on it (and thus acknowledging it) is still a homosexual nature, whether they act on it or not. If you cannot help your nature then you cannot be held responsible. It is a lack of free will.

Homosexuality itself is therefore not a sin and only the actual act can be considered so.

So on that note, assuming I am temporarily off 'ignore' why is the actual act sinful and not just the inclination?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No Worries said:
Need not take it so personal it wasn't meant as so but it made more sense addressing it in the second person. But what you have said is enough. SSA acknowledges a grey area where one is not hetero but resisting acting homosexual. You yourself are hetero if you have natural urges that way. But if your urges are such then the others are just as valid - you're acknowledging them by readdressing it as SSA (which personally I think SSA is a cop out - hetero people just don't feel this way). Whether by acting on, or not acting on, your inclination - you consider yourself heterosexual.

Similiarly then, whether acting or not acting on their inclination, somebody with SSA is still homosexual. The hallmark they give themselves by not acting on it (and thus acknowledging it) is still a homosexual nature, whether they act on it or not. If you cannot help your nature then you cannot be held responsible. It is a lack of free will.

Homosexuality itself is therefore not a sin and only the actual act can be considered so.

So on that note, assuming I am temporarily off 'ignore' why is the actual act sinful and not just the inclination?
I have osa. And ssa is not anyone's nature. It is against nature. Because nature is God's design.

No Worries

New member
Lighthouse said:
I have osa. And ssa is not anyone's nature. It is against nature. Because nature is God's design.

If by osa you mean opposite sex attraction then I fully accept that. From JustTom I may personally doubt it but I don't with you.

Is blindness against nature?
Or any other serious handicap from birth?
How about Down syndrome ? Is that against nature?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
She declares she's not coming back, and then she still visits, without logging in?:rolleyes:
I still read the posts on here when I'm bored without logging I do the other forums that I am on. I just couldn't resist :sibbie: "Mrs. Gehenna's" post :devil: