Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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xMinionX said:
Wow. It's really sick that this many people voted yes. Just sick.
I agree some people here are blood thirsty.
I wonder if anyone will admit to abusing animals and pulling wings off of flys?? :nono:

No Worries

New member
Evee said:
I agree some people here are blood thirsty.
I wonder if anyone will admit to abusing animals and pulling wings off of flys?? :nono:

Well I like a good steak and although I don't abuse animals, surely tearing the wings off flies merely changes them into 'walks' and it stops them from bashing themselves in against the window.

I thought I was helping.....


New member
No Worries said:
Well I like a good steak and although I don't abuse animals, surely tearing the wings off flies merely changes them into 'walks' and it stops them from bashing themselves in against the window.

I thought I was helping.....
Well I was not talking about you and I enjoy your posts. :crackup:
You don't pull wings off flys do you?
You probably know who I mean. :banned:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
I agree some people here are blood thirsty.
I wonder if anyone will admit to abusing animals and pulling wings off of flys?? :nono:
I slap my dog's butt ever now and then, when he does a bad job on my floor and runs when he sees me :dog: :pureX: WOW, if my little dog did a "job" like this with the flies included, he would be at the Vets. Flies are hard to catch, but I used to pull one wing off of a moth and watch them try to fly, lol. Thank God that I grew out of that entertainment!!!


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I slap my dog's butt ever now and then, when he does a bad job on my floor and runs when he sees me :dog: :pureX: WOW, if my little dog did a "job" like this with the flies included, he would be at the Vets. Flies are hard to catch, but I used to pull one wing off of a moth and watch them try to fly, lol. Thank God that I grew out of that entertainment!!!
Oh my goodness you didn't...oh well I use a swatter and give them a speedy death.
I also swat wasps TN is full of them.
My chihuahua is so small I couldn't spank her she is so adorable.
She makes a mistake now and then but rarely.
:princess: She is a little angel!


New member
This is one of the strangest things I have ever seen in all my years of posting at web forums. Congratulations. You should be swelled with pride that it took place at a theology forum.


Well-known member
AfraidOfAmerica said:
This is one of the strangest things I have ever seen in all my years of posting at web forums. Congratulations. You should be swelled with pride that it took place at a theology forum.

I never heard of someone wanting to execute a homo until I came to this place! I started this poll to see the extent of people wanting to execute homos.


The Dark Knight
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AfraidOfAmerica said:
This is one of the strangest things I have ever seen in all my years of posting at web forums. Congratulations. You should be swelled with pride that it took place at a theology forum.
It took place in the Bible, as well. God commanded that those who practice this perversion be executed. Just like He commanded murderers be executed. Do you have a problem wiht that?


The Dark Knight
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lovemeorhateme said:
I never heard of someone wanting to execute a homo until I came to this place! I started this poll to see the extent of people wanting to execute homos.
You never read the Bible before coming to TOL?


New member
He also commanded those that sleep with women on their periods to be stoned and put to death, so I suppose if we're going to follow it to the letter we'd better get started.

Of course, if we rule out entirely what Christ said we could get away with it and still call ourselves "Christian" with a straight face.


New member
AfraidOfAmerica said:
He also commanded those that sleep with women on their periods to be stoned and put to death, so I suppose if we're going to follow it to the letter we'd better get started.

Of course, if we rule out entirely what Christ said we could get away with it and still call ourselves "Christian" with a straight face.
Oh Lord have mercy!! :sheep:


The Dark Knight
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AfraidOfAmerica said:
He also commanded those that sleep with women on their periods to be stoned and put to death, so I suppose if we're going to follow it to the letter we'd better get started.
Nobody said anything about following it to the letter. The Bible even says we are no longer to circumcise. In fact, none of the symbolic laws are to be followed anymore, because they were for Israel only. But murder, lying, stealing, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and many more things are wrong, no matter who you are. And God set forth a criminal code that will always work, if followed. Murderers will stop murdering if executed, right? Those who steal will give it up, if they are forced to pay back, up to seven times the worth of what they stole, every time, right?

Of course, if we rule out entirely what Christ said we could get away with it and still call ourselves "Christian" with a straight face.
And how is anyone ruling out what Christ said?


The Dark Knight
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lovemeorhateme said:
Yes, but I never heard a Christian calling for the penalties of Levitical law to be carried out today.
You never heard a Christian saying that murderers should be executed?