
New member
It is found in the Testimony of Messiah whom you claim to know: those who receive the seed of the Word sown in the good adamah-soil of the heart are they that hear the Word, accept it, and retain it: and they bear fruit, thirtyfold, and sixtyfold, and a hundredfold. And so also is the kingdom of Elohim, as if a man should cast seed into the soil; and he sleeps and rises, night and day, but how the seed germinates, sprouts, and grows up, he knows not. For the earth brings forth fruit of herself: first the garden foliage, (which is feminine), then the stalk, (which is masculine), and then the full head of grain in the stalk. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he sends in the sickle of the reaper; for the harvest stands ready.

I don't claim to know Him. My claim, is that He, knows me.


Well-known member
Many will say in that day that they knew Him, but He will say that He knew them not.

What is written therein is, "Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε", (Nomina Sacra).
Κυριε Κυριε?? Κυριε Κυρε??
Κυριε Κορε?? Κυρε Κορε??
Yes, many will say,
"Κυριε Κυριε", those not knowing his name.



New member
What is written therein is, "Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε", (Nomina Sacra).
Κυριε Κυριε?? Κυριε Κυρε??
Κυριε Κορε?? Κυρε Κορε??
Yes, many will say,
"Κυριε Κυριε", those not knowing his name.

I wish you'd stop this cut and paste theology you rely on. You obviously have no understanding or you'd be able to explain what it is you understand. I seldom, if ever, visit any of your threads because it's regurgitated Net content.


TOL Subscriber
Hi Daqq :)

We believe similar to you, we believe the the woman is the church and also a picture of the flesh whilst the Holy Spirit is the inner man, he whom should always have the dominance over our flesh, God must come first.

Are you also an "Adoptionist" like Daqq?


Well-known member
I wish you'd stop this cut and paste theology you rely on. You obviously have no understanding or you'd be able to explain what it is you understand. I seldom, if ever, visit any of your threads because it's regurgitated Net content.

Go ahead and search: you will find no such thing on the internet. Search high and low for all you can find about the Nomina Sacra: your favorite scholars know next to nothing about such things. Yet there it is in every ancient manuscript and codex, "Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε", and there is not a Trinitarian on the planet who knows for sure what it means; just as they really are not even sure about the name of the Master, (Ι̅H). My advice to you would be to immediately stop hating people just because they disagree with your theology, and start loving, as Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε says you will do if indeed you love Him. :chuckle:


New member
Go ahead and search: you will find no such thing on the internet. Search high and low for all you can find about the Nomina Sacra: your favorite scholars know next to nothing about such things. Yet there it is in every ancient manuscript and codex, "Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε", and there is not a Trinitarian on the planet who knows for sure what it means; just as they really are not even sure about the name of the Master, (Ι̅H). My advice to you would be to immediately stop hating people just because they disagree with your theology, and start loving, as Κ̅Ε Κ̅Ε says you will do if indeed you love Him. :chuckle:[/QUOTE

I read about these things years ago. You have nothing to tell me that I don't already know. You have no more knowledge than scribes had and like you they were strangers to salvation.


Well-known member
I read about these things years ago. You have nothing to tell me that I don't already know. You have no more knowledge than scribes had and like you they were strangers to salvation.

Seriously doubt you read anything like what I posted to you above. Would you like some examples from the Word Who is my only source? Kurios, (Lord, Master), is derived from Kuros, (authority, absolute authority), which is the name used for Koresh in the Greek LXX, yes, that's right, Meshiah Koresh, (your Bible probably says "Cyrus"). The forms transliterated would be Kuros, Kurou, Kurw, (as in the following passage below), and Kure, (as previously posted).

Isaiah 45:1 OG LXX
45:1 ουτως λεγει κυριος ο θεος τω χριστω μου κυρω ου εκρατησα της δεξιας επακουσαι εμπροσθεν αυτου εθνη και ισχυν βασιλεων διαρρηξω ανοιξω εμπροσθεν αυτου θυρας και πολεις ου συγκλεισθησονται

As for Kore it is the Greek equivalent to Korah-Kore, (i.e. the sons of Kore, (Priests)).

1 Chronicles 26:19 OG LXX
26:19 αυται αι διαιρεσεις των πυλωρων τοις υιοις κορε και τοις υιοις μεραρι

So just in these two passages we have the possibility of Kurie Kore, ("Master Kore", and the family names in the context of that passage which match four or five people mentioned in the Gospel accounts including Zebedee, [Zebadyah]), and of course we have the possibility of Kurie Kure, ("Master Kuros" or Koresh, ["Like the Sun" or "Master of the Fiery Furnace" (Dan 3:25)] who is the Meshiah from Isaiah 45:1). Make sure you read very carefully and, of course, full context is everything even though this is just the tip of a proverbial iceberg; and I suppose English is okay for starters, (but without love there is probably no sense in wasting your time). :chuckle:


New member
Seriously doubt you read anything like what I posted to you above. Would you like some examples from the Word Who is my only source? Kurios, (Lord, Master), is derived from Kuros, (authority, absolute authority), which is the name used for Koresh in the Greek LXX, yes, that's right, Meshiah Koresh, (your Bible probably says "Cyrus"). The forms transliterated would be Kuros, Kurou, Kurw, (as in the following passage below), and Kure, (as previously posted).

Isaiah 45:1 OG LXX
45:1 ουτως λεγει κυριος ο θεος τω χριστω μου κυρω ου εκρατησα της δεξιας επακουσαι εμπροσθεν αυτου εθνη και ισχυν βασιλεων διαρρηξω ανοιξω εμπροσθεν αυτου θυρας και πολεις ου συγκλεισθησονται

As for Kore it is the Greek equivalent to Korah-Kore, (i.e. the sons of Kore, (Priests)).

1 Chronicles 26:19 OG LXX
26:19 αυται αι διαιρεσεις των πυλωρων τοις υιοις κορε και τοις υιοις μεραρι

So just in these two passages we have the possibility of Kurie Kore, ("Master Kore", and the family names in the context of that passage which match four or five people mentioned in the Gospel accounts including Zebedee, [Zebadyah]), and of course we have the possibility of Kurie Kure, ("Master Kuros" or Koresh, ["Like the Sun" or "Master of the Fiery Furnace" (Dan 3:25)] who is the Meshiah from Isaiah 45:1). Make sure you read very carefully and, of course, full context is everything even though this is just the tip of a proverbial iceberg; and I suppose English is okay for starters, (but without love there is probably no sense in wasting your time). :chuckle:

You seriously doubt... that salvation is anything but a doctrine that you need to understand. I can tell you that salvation is an experience that you have never had.


TOL Subscriber
I've never heard of that before, what is it?

An "Adoptionist" is one who denies the deity of Jesus Christ; believing He was only a mortal man who earned heavenly status.

It is a view held by Arians of various stripes . . most obvious these days by JW's and Mormons.

The only reason I asked, is because you mentioned you held similar views of biblical interpretation with Daqq, and I wondered how aware you were of his anti-Trinitarian views.

FYIO . . .


Well-known member
I've never heard of that before, what is it?

Nang is flat out wrong because Nang cannot tell the difference between Jesus and Ι̅H Christos even though it has been addressed so many times in so many places. The Messiah, the Word, was in the beginning with the Father Elohim Almighty. Jesus was a man and was resurrected, (by the Spirit of the Messiah who was upon/in him). So when Nang says I deny the divinity or deity of Christ, Nang is not telling the truth because Nang doesn't actually pay any attention to my arguments. Nang walks according to the flesh, worships a man, believes the lies and false accusations of friends and comrades, such as Evil.Eye. and Lon, and their false witness concerning me and my doctrine, over and above what I have actually said about myself, my faith, and my doctrine. This is why their hatred and continual lies and misrepresentation of what others believe is considered murder in the kingdom of Elohim: hatred is murder, and slander and bearing false witness against another is murder. The Master says so; murders proceed from the heart and come forth from the mouth, and his disciples and apostles taught the same, whosoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

An "Adoptionist" is one who denies the deity of Jesus Christ; believing He was only a mortal man who earned heavenly status.

It is a view held by Arians of various stripes . . most obvious these days by JW's and Mormons.

The only reason I asked, is because you mentioned you held similar views of biblical interpretation with Daqq, and I wondered how aware you were of his anti-Trinitarian views.

FYIO . . .


New member
Nang is flat out wrong because Nang cannot tell the difference between Jesus and Ι̅H Christos even though it has been addressed so many times in so many places. The Messiah, the Word, was in the beginning with the Father Elohim Almighty. Jesus was a man and was resurrected, (by the Spirit of the Messiah who was upon/in him). So when Nang says I deny the divinity or deity of Christ, Nang is not telling the truth because Nang doesn't actually pay any attention to my arguments. Nang walks according to the flesh, worships a man, believes the lies and false accusations of friends and comrades, such as Evil.Eye. and Lon, and their false witness concerning me and my doctrine, over and above what I have actually said about myself, my faith, and my doctrine. This is why their hatred and continual lies and misrepresentation of what others believe is considered murder in the kingdom of Elohim: hatred is murder, and slander and bearing false witness against another is murder. The Master says so; murders proceed from the heart and come forth from the mouth, and his disciples and apostles taught the same, whosoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

The words, "me and my doctrine" says it all. That would be the doctrine of demons.


Well-known member
The words, "me and my doctrine" says it all. That would be the doctrine of demons.

There really is no other way to say such a thing. YOU also have YOUR doctrine. Everyone here has THEIR doctrine. And when you say that I hold the doctrine of demons you blaspheme my heavenly Father and His Son whose Word, words, and reasonings and sayings I post in my doctrine as opposed to your doctrine. According to you even Paul would be a blasphemer for using the phrase "my gospel" which he does write. You are nothing more than a false accuser of the brethren and a blasphemer of the Holy Spirit. That is the problem when you do not understand that the Testimony of the Master, which I believe and quote very often, is SPIRIT. You terribly mistakenly blaspheme that SPIRIT to your own destruction because that SPIRIT of the Testimony of the Messiah, found in the Gospel accounts, is the doctrine which I uphold: and that is "my doctrine", not "my property" or "my invention", but my beliefs and faith which I received from the Master in the Gospel accounts by way of his holy Testimony.


New member
There really is no other way to say such a thing. YOU also have YOUR doctrine. Everyone here has THEIR doctrine. And when you say that I hold the doctrine of demons you blaspheme my heavenly Father and His Son whose Word, words, and reasonings and sayings I post in my doctrine as opposed to your doctrine. According to you even Paul would be a blasphemer for using the phrase "my gospel" which he does write. You are nothing more than a false accuser of the brethren and a blasphemer of the Holy Spirit. That is the problem when you do not understand that the Testimony of the Master, which I believe and quote very often, is SPIRIT. You terribly mistakenly blaspheme that SPIRIT to your own destruction because that SPIRIT of the Testimony of the Messiah, found in the Gospel accounts, is the doctrine which I uphold: and that is "my doctrine", not "my property" or "my invention", but my beliefs and faith which I received from the Master in the Gospel accounts by way of his holy Testimony.

Give an account of your conversion.


Well-known member
An "Adoptionist" is one who denies the deity of Jesus Christ; believing He was only a mortal man who earned heavenly status.

It is a view held by Arians of various stripes . . most obvious these days by JW's and Mormons.

The only reason I asked, is because you mentioned you held similar views of biblical interpretation with Daqq, and I wondered how aware you were of his anti-Trinitarian views.

FYIO . . .
Well, i follow what is taught in the Bible, I'm of no denomination, and quite clearly the Bible says that God is also the God and father of Jesus Christ, and Jesus himself says that God is his God. Daqq and I believe things a bit differently, but I think that we both agree that there is only one God, and he's the father and that Jesus Christ is the son of God, as it says in the Bible. I can show you some of the verses as to why I believe as I do if you wish?

I don't believe in the trinity, as it's clear from the scriptures that there is one God, not 3 Gods or 3 Gods in one, but one and he's the father. And it also says the the scriptures that the father is the head of all and that Christ is under subjection to him.

And that is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, but to us there is but one God, the Father of whom are all things and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things and we by him. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6 KJV)

But I would have you know that the head of every man in Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3).


Well-known member
Nang is flat out wrong because Nang cannot tell the difference between Jesus and Ι̅H Christos even though it has been addressed so many times in so many places. The Messiah, the Word, was in the beginning with the Father Elohim Almighty. Jesus was a man and was resurrected, (by the Spirit of the Messiah who was upon/in him). So when Nang says I deny the divinity or deity of Christ, Nang is not telling the truth because Nang doesn't actually pay any attention to my arguments. Nang walks according to the flesh, worships a man, believes the lies and false accusations of friends and comrades, such as Evil.Eye. and Lon, and their false witness concerning me and my doctrine, over and above what I have actually said about myself, my faith, and my doctrine. This is why their hatred and continual lies and misrepresentation of what others believe is considered murder in the kingdom of Elohim: hatred is murder, and slander and bearing false witness against another is murder. The Master says so; murders proceed from the heart and come forth from the mouth, and his disciples and apostles taught the same, whosoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.
Daqq, I don't agree with all that you say, but I agree with much of it. And I know that you have heard many things from God.

I wanted to tell you that we were talking yesterday and you were talking about Eve and the flesh, then after that you went on to talk about the sower and the reapers, well, I was pondering on it all yesterday and asking God questions in my heart about whether what you said and what I believed to be right was right, and if I had been right regarding some things that I had been thinking about.

And last night my husband and i went to our house meeting, and I couldn't believe it, without me saying anything, someone brought up Eve the woman, the one who was deceived is like the flesh that we are to deny. And we then read Matthew 13 (which someone else has been reading) about the sower and the reapers, and all my questions were answered without me saying a word, so I know that God heard me. And that what you said about Eve is the truth. I couldn't believe it.

Also, I take people for myself and not because of what others say about them. So I don't care about what others say about you, I know that if you live by what you say on here, then you're of God and you are my brother in Christ.