
New member
Luckily I'm blessed to have a godly man and as I said, he is the head of the house. He has the final say. But I'm blessed as he has a good heart and we get on really well, and we've been together since we were young and we are still happily married and have a close family, and I know that it's only possible because of God as he had changed our hearts and we put God first in our lives.

Firstly the term godly is a mistranslation. The correct word is reverent or venerate.

Secondly you placed a provision on man being head. Just as you put a provision on grace. You may think that you are obedient when in fact you are far from being so. You blindness prevents you.


New member
Firstly the term godly is a mistranslation. The correct word is reverent or venerate.

Secondly you placed a provision on man being head. Just as you put a provision on grace. You may think that you are obedient when in fact you are far from being so. You blindness prevents you.

PS if he were the head then you wouldn't be stepping into his place on here.


Well-known member
Firstly the term godly is a mistranslation. The correct word is reverent or venerate.

Secondly you placed a provision on man being head. Just as you put a provision on grace. You may think that you are obedient when in fact you are far from being so. You blindness prevents you.
See again you judge me without knowing me, I've always told you I live by the will of God as does my husband. We live according to what is taught in the Bible, and we've never been happier in our marriage.

I'm telling the truth, you believe what you will!


New member
He's been on here :) and I'm not stepping into his place, he can post whenever he likes!

You are stepping forward and offering twisted doctrine every day. Neither of you is in obedience. You are just making it up to suit yourselves.


New member
See again you judge me without knowing me, I've always told you I live by the will of God as does my husband. We live according to what is taught in the Bible, and we've never been happier in our marriage.

I'm telling the truth, you believe what you will!

I have never heard you speak a single truth. You always oppose the truth and you are doing so now.


like marbles on glass
When Elohim created Eve, He gave her to Adam, and her sole purpose for existence was to serve and to help her man (Genesis 2:18). How does that compare to the attitudes and goals of most wives today? It’s well worth noticing that Elohim did not create Eve to do anything for Himself. It was Eve's sole purpose in creation to help her husband.

Today, hardly any wives are willing to accept their Biblical role in marriage. It is the hardness of women's hearts that is causing so much divorce.

Are you married?


Well-known member
You are stepping forward and offering twisted doctrine every day. Neither of you is in obedience. You are just making it up to suit yourselves.
All as I can say to that is, take a look in the mirror!

Remember it is you who said I am wicked and evil because I believe it is right to live by the will of God and obey him. To do the will of God is to live according as he teaches through his people in the Bible and in our hearts each day also. And i do so, I do fall but I go to him when I do and I pray for forgiveness.

I've told you I agree with you (in this instance) and you still say that I'm wrong?

You don't see anything right in anything that anyone else says because you're full of the gospel of Truster.

Think of me what you will, I'm only worried what God thinks of me, only he knows my heart!

Anyway I'm going out shopping now, to buy food for my husband's? tea :)


Well-known member
If you really were smart you wouldn't be questioning the wisdom of the Almighty. You've just proven how stupid you are.

Firstly the term godly is a mistranslation. The correct word is reverent or venerate.

Secondly you placed a provision on man being head. Just as you put a provision on grace. You may think that you are obedient when in fact you are far from being so. You blindness prevents you.

PS if he were the head then you wouldn't be stepping into his place on here.

Are you not allowing your own "helpmate" of the flesh to speak for you out in the open right here in this thread? breaking the very admonishments and commandments of Paul and the Scripture which you presume to be upholding? He is speaking in allegorical terms of the flesh. Your "helpmate" is deceived, her typological name is Chavah, (Eve), lol. Every sentient being that is in Messiah is neither male nor female, (that is, the "inner man", in Messiah, of which Paul speaks), but every sentient being has a "helpmate", (the body of the flesh). Bring her into submission, subjection, as even Paul teaches when he writes the following:

"Therefore I run accordingly, not with uncertainty: thus I fight, not as one who beats at the air, but I punish my body and make it my slave; (bring it into subjection), lest having proclaimed to others, I myself should be a castaway, (reprobate)."

The writings of Paul are just as spiritual as the sayings of Messiah, (and Torah). :)


New member
Are you not allowing your own "helpmate" of the flesh to speak for you out in the open right here in this thread? breaking the very admonishments and commandments of Paul and the Scripture which you presume to be upholding? He is speaking in allegorical terms of the flesh. Your "helpmate" is deceived, her typological name is Chavah, (Eve), lol. Every sentient being that is in Messiah is neither male nor female, (that is, the "inner man", in Messiah, of which Paul speaks), but every sentient being has a "helpmate", (the body of the flesh). Bring her into submission, subjection, as even Paul teaches when he writes the following:

"Therefore I run accordingly, not with uncertainty: thus I fight, not as one who beats at the air, but I punish my body and make it my slave; (bring it into subjection), lest having proclaimed to others, I myself should be a castaway, (reprobate)."

The writings of Paul are just as spiritual as the sayings of Messiah, (and Torah). :)

It's "help meet" not help mate you dimwit.


Well-known member
It's "help meet" not help mate you dimwit.

Broaden the horizon of your studies: H5048 נֶגֶד neged (neh'-ghed) is "counterpart" as in "mate".

Genesis 2:18 YLT
18 And Jehovah God saith, 'Not good for the man to be alone, I do make to him an helper--as his counterpart.'

Does not matter what your favorite English rendering tells you that it says.
Think and learn for yourself: exercise your mind to the glory of Elohim.


New member
Broaden the horizon of your studies: H5048 נֶגֶד neged (neh'-ghed) is "counterpart" as in "mate".

Genesis 2:18 YLT
18 And Jehovah God saith, 'Not good for the man to be alone, I do make to him an helper--as his counterpart.'

Does not matter what your favorite English rendering tells you that it says.
Think and learn for yourself: exercise your mind to the glory of Elohim.

So why use the term help mate? You were wrong in using it but instead of admitting it you've sought a way to try and disprove the truth. Literally translated it would be a "suitable aid" a help meet. You won't find that on Google.


Well-known member
So why use the term help mate? You were wrong in using it but instead of admitting it you've sought a way to try and disprove the truth. Literally translated it would be a "suitable aid" a help meet. You won't find that on Google.

Go learn the scripture according to the Spirit of the Testimony of Messiah, and then come back and perhaps try teaching again, because for now you are breaking even the simple commandments of Paul by allowing your flesh to speak out for you: and she is here with every word you speak or write, trying to teach other men, (and she is making you look foolish while at the same time causing you to curse people without reason or cause, lol). And I already told you, just as Paul tells you: your flesh is deceived, put her into submission, and no, these things do not have to do with you putting a literal female human being into subjection or submission, O carnal minded man. You might also therefore be guilty of perverting the words of Paul and wresting them to your own destruction, just as our beloved brother Peter has forewarned you. :chuckle:

Malachi 2:14-15
14 Yet you say, Wherefore? Because YHWH has been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not He make one? And yet He has the remnant of the Spirit? And wherefore one? Because He seeks an elohim seed: therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

So I suppose no elohim offspring for you until you change your mindset.
And if you do not bear fruit in the kingdom then you are likened to a dry branch.
And the Master tells us what happens to trees and branches that do not produce. :chuckle:


New member
Go learn the scripture according to the Spirit of the Testimony of Messiah, and then come back and perhaps try teaching again, because for now you are breaking even the simple commandments of Paul by allowing your flesh to speak out for you: and she is here with every word you speak or write, trying to teach other men, (and she is making you look foolish while at the same time causing you to curse people without reason or cause, lol). And I already told you, just as Paul tells you: your flesh is deceived, put her into submission, and no, these things do not have to do with you putting a literal female human being into subjection or submission, O carnal minded man. You might also therefore be guilty of perverting the words of Paul and wresting them to your own destruction, just as our beloved brother Peter has forewarned you. :chuckle:

Malachi 2:14-15
14 Yet you say, Wherefore? Because YHWH has been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not He make one? And yet He has the remnant of the Spirit? And wherefore one? Because He seeks an elohim seed: therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

So I suppose no elohim offspring for you until you change your mindset.
And if you do not bear fruit in the kingdom then you are likened to a dry branch.
And the Master tells us what happens to trees and branches that do not produce. :chuckle:

There is nothing that you have to say that I want to hear. The is nothing I have to say that you could hear. You have visceral grasp on doctrine.


Well-known member
Go learn the scripture according to the Spirit of the Testimony of Messiah, and then come back and perhaps try teaching again, because for now you are breaking even the simple commandments of Paul by allowing your flesh to speak out for you: and she is here with every word you speak or write, trying to teach other men, (and she is making you look foolish while at the same time causing you to curse people without reason or cause, lol). And I already told you, just as Paul tells you: your flesh is deceived, put her into submission, and no, these things do not have to do with you putting a literal female human being into subjection or submission, O carnal minded man. You might also therefore be guilty of perverting the words of Paul and wresting them to your own destruction, just as our beloved brother Peter has forewarned you. :chuckle:

Malachi 2:14-15
14 Yet you say, Wherefore? Because YHWH has been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not He make one? And yet He has the remnant of the Spirit? And wherefore one? Because He seeks an elohim seed: therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

So I suppose no elohim offspring for you until you change your mindset.
And if you do not bear fruit in the kingdom then you are likened to a dry branch.
And the Master tells us what happens to trees and branches that do not produce. :chuckle:

Hi Daqq :)

We believe similar to you, we believe the the woman is the church and also a picture of the flesh whilst the Holy Spirit is the inner man, he whom should always have the dominance over our flesh, God must come first. So in our house meetings, we believe that we are to keep our flesh, under subjection and let the inner man, (Christ made manifest by the power of the Spirit) live and speak through us. God is the true husbandman of both my husband and I, and he comes first, Christ is the head of us, and God is the head of Christ. (God the husbandman, Christ the vine and we are the branches living by the will of God and ready to produce the fruit of the Spirit in our season as God gives it)

Also, we don't believe that there is any male or female in God (spiritually) because we all have the inner man and we are equal in Christ. So either male or female (in the flesh), can be strong in God, but in our meetings, the man opens first then we all read together and speak about the things of God. Men and women. The women staying silent is also a picture of not speaking fleshly things when we get together. Us women can sometimes by tittle tattlers and talk nonsense, :) so that must be kept under subjection, the the men also, and only God should be coming through.

As for my husband, he's a good man, and godly, he doesn't domineer me, he's very caring and I know that he would only put his foot down, so to speak, in a godly way. If he wasn't right, and tried to go against God, and told me to do something wrong, I wouldn't listen, God comes first. And I wouldn't take him being cruel or wicked, just because he's the head of the household, that doesn't make me a doormat. Thank God he has a good heart. As I said, God had changed both of us, and we get on better than ever. :)


Well-known member
Hi Daqq :)

We believe similar to you, we believe the the woman is the church and also a picture of the flesh whilst the Holy Spirit is the inner man, he whom should always have the dominance over our flesh, God must come first. So in our house meetings, we believe that we are to keep our flesh, under subjection and let the inner man, (Christ made manifest by the power of the Spirit) live and speak through us. God is the true husbandman of both my husband and I, and he comes first, Christ is the head of us, and God is the head of Christ. (God the husbandman, Christ the vine and we are the branches living by the will of God and ready to produce the fruit of the Spirit in our season as God gives it)

Also, we don't believe that there is any male or female in God (spiritually) because we all have the inner man and we are equal in Christ. So either male or female (in the flesh), can be strong in God, but in our meetings, the man opens first then we all read together and speak about the things of God. Men and women. The women staying silent is also a picture of not speaking fleshly things when we get together. Us women can sometimes by tittle tattlers and talk nonsense, :) so that must be kept under subjection, the the men also, and only God should be coming through.

As for my husband, he's a good man, and godly, he doesn't domineer me, he's very caring and I know that he would only put his foot down, so to speak, in a godly way. If he wasn't right, and tried to go against God, and told me to do something wrong, I wouldn't listen, God comes first. And I wouldn't take him being cruel or wicked, just because he's the head of the household, that doesn't make me a doormat. Thank God he has a good heart. As I said, God had changed both of us, and we get on better than ever. :)

How blessed the both of you are, (as one), and in that way also both may become "sons of Elohim", (being "sons of the resurrection"), in the times appointed of the Father. :)


Well-known member
There is nothing that you have to say that I want to hear. The is nothing I have to say that you could hear. You have visceral grasp on doctrine.

It is found in the Testimony of Messiah whom you claim to know: those who receive the seed of the Word sown in the good adamah-soil of the heart are they that hear the Word, accept it, and retain it: and they bear fruit, thirtyfold, and sixtyfold, and a hundredfold. And so also is the kingdom of Elohim, as if a man should cast seed into the soil; and he sleeps and rises, night and day, but how the seed germinates, sprouts, and grows up, he knows not. For the earth brings forth fruit of herself: first the garden foliage, (which is feminine), then the stalk, (which is masculine), and then the full head of grain in the stalk. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he sends in the sickle of the reaper; for the harvest stands ready.