Scripture. What is considered Scripture?

john w

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Matthew 19:26
26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.​

You may find it impossible for God to deliver His message unless He creates a perfect translation of it.
God has proven that it is possible for Him to deliver His message across many centuries despite the errors that creep into each copy and translation of the written words.

It is not.

The Holy Bible does not claim to represent the full and objective truth about God.

1 Corinthians 13:12
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.​

The Holy Bible has no authority to rule over us.
A book does not rule over me, but the author of the book does rule over me.

The Holy Bible is not the word of God, but it does contain the words of God.

God never promised to preserve the scriptures, so He is not breaking His promise by not preserving "sure, true, sound, right scriptures".

Do you believe everyone is saved, do you believe God is "too impotent" to save everyone, or do you believe that there are other factors involved besides God's ability to save everyone?
If you are honest about it, you would accept that not everyone is saved despite God having the ability to save everyone.
In the same way, God has not provided any version of the Holy Bible without any errors despite Him having the ability to do so.

Don't you have faith that God has the power to preserve His true message to us despite the errors that have crept into the Bible with every copy and translation?

Confirmed- a bible rejecting, bible correcting devil child.

john w

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Hall of Fame
You are the one that has completely missed my argument and attempted to make up one of you own instead.

Name your infallible source authority, for correcting any alleged bible, including "the originals."

You're either too stupid to figure out the insanity, deceit, of your bible correcting, or too stupid to answer the above, since you don't even know you're own "argument."


1. Identify your infallible source authority, for correcting any alleged bible, and,

2. Prove that "the originals" had no errors.

When you are in a ditch, as all bible correctors/rejectors, eventually fall into, quit digging.

john w

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Hall of Fame
Why, have you no faith?

Why, have you no faith?

So, you cannot prove that "the originals" have no error, but you believe they did not, and yet, when others, take by faith, that the KJV,(fill in the blank) has no errors, you pound the table, do not believe any bible, correcting them all?And yet you believe in an inerrant book that you've never seen, or touched, and, even if you could, could not prove they were infallible.

Why, you wicked hypocrite, who, by this "argument," concedes that no one has the scriptures today,that he/she is able to press to his/her heart, and believe every word, w/o error(by definition) scriptures, as the LORD God is a bumbling, confused idiot, impotent, like you,unable to preserve His scripture, using idiots/his creatures, even though He created the universe, raises the dead, saves the over powering elements of the wind, heat, sun, rain, floods, dust................overcame Him, and He lost His masterpiece.

God honors faith, you bible rejecting/correcting con artist, not you talking others out of their faith, in the volume of the book.

You, and other bible correctors/rejectors: Here is the scriptures, that say we no longer have the scriptures.

If you are not careful, babes/sheep, you can turn spiritually blank, by listening to this bible correcting, bible pick pocketing insanity, and be talked out of faith, in the very book, which you initially believed, by which you were saved.


New member
You're either too stupid to figure out the insanity, deceit, of your bible correcting, or too stupid to answer the above, since you don't even know you're own "argument."
The word is "your", not "you're".

1. Identify your infallible source authority, for correcting any alleged bible,
Find a better translation of the Bible to correct the misinterpretations you have due to your misunderstanding of what was written in the one you are using.

2. Prove that "the originals" had no errors.
God alone has no errors.
Everything in His creation has errors.
Stop worshiping a creation (the Bible) and start worshiping the creator (God) instead.


New member
So, you cannot prove that "the originals" have no error, but you believe they did not
No, you're the one with the delusion that there exists a version of the Bible with no errors.
God alone has no errors, but every thing else in His creation has errors, including the Bible.

Your belief that the KJV is without error is the same mistaken belief as the Catholic Immaculate Conception belief that Mary that had no sin.

john w

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I have an infallible reference source.
The source is the author, not the book He wrote.

You can worship the creation instead of the creator if you want, but I will worship the creator and not the creation.
Deception. Sophistry. You'd have no objective knowledge, of this "an infallible reference source.The source is the author," the LORD God, w/o the book, by which He decided to reveal Himself, and demands that you believe.
The source is the author, not the book He wrote.

False dichotomy-what the book says, the LORD God says:

Exodus 9 KJV
16 And in very deed for this cause have I(The LORD God-my note) raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

Romans 9:17 KJV For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
Genesis 21 KJV
10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Galatians 4:30 KJV Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

I study the details of the book-you're not in my ballpark/league.

john w

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Hall of Fame
You poor deluded fool.

Yeh, right...a member of the boc actually believing every word of the book.

You're a bible rejecting, bible correcting wolf, not a bible believer,wanting to lord over the sheep/babes, attempting to talk them out of their faith in the book, just like your daddy the devil did in Genesis-Revelation, and does today.

Nothing like a bible nut/fool, believing every word of the scriptures, ruining a "the bible" study....

Side bar, LORD God...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Not true.
Many of us are able to believe and follow what God has said...

Catch that deception-believe "what God has said!"

What would that be, bible corrector? Does it have a name? You believe what "God has said"-does it have a name? You decide "what God has said," yet you correct "what God ha said?"

See the insanity of these con artists, audience? He says he believes "what God has said," yet he cannot produce "what God has said," and, if he does, he corrects it, if he disagrees with it/his interpretation.

The idiot does not even know the difference between objective revelation, given by objective words,and interpretation/illumination.

LEAVE THE OBJECTIVE WORDS ALONE, bible corrector/rejector. Become a bible believer.

john w

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Hall of Fame
No, you're the one with the delusion that there exists a version of the Bible with no errors.
God alone has no errors, but every thing else in His creation has errors, including the Bible.

Your belief that the KJV is without error is the same mistaken belief as the Catholic Immaculate Conception belief that Mary that had no sin.

So, you cannot prove that "the originals" have no error, but you believe they did not.

Prove that:

- God alone has no errors,
-the originals had no errors


You: "the scripture of truth" is one of the errors.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, you're the one with the delusion that there exists a version of the Bible with no errors.
God alone has no errors, but every thing else in His creation has errors, including the Bible.

Your belief that the KJV is without error is the same mistaken belief as the Catholic Immaculate Conception belief that Mary that had no sin.

Slower:False dichotomy-what the book says, the LORD God says:

Exodus 9 KJV
16 And in very deed for this cause have I(The LORD God-my note) raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

Romans 9:17 KJV For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
Genesis 21 KJV
10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Galatians 4:30 KJV Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

I study the details of the book-you're not in my ballpark/league.

So, if the book has errors, you "argue" that the LORD God has errors=on record satanic assertion, not backed up by the book, coming from your mind, your on record, final authority.



New member
So, Moses, the scribes,Tertius...................because they were "imperfect" men, could not be used by the LORD God, to write/preserve His scriptures. Even though he used Balaam's a__, Peter, who denied the Lord 3 times, Paul, a murderer, the harlot Rahab ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

You: The second set of 10 commandments, since it was written down by Moses, after the first set were destroyed, are in error.

You're not only a devil child, but a moronic devil child.

I'm done with this satanist-promise.
Ah, this is a classic technique people uninterested in honesty use:

They pretend if a person sees that God did not do a particular thing then that person believes God is not capable of doing that particular thing.

Did God make the moon out of cheese? You don’t think so? Then you don’t believe God is capable of making the moon out of cheese!

See how silly your position is?

Yes, God could have made men write perfect documents. He didn’t. Lying about the documents is not doing God’s work.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, this is a classic technique people uninterested in honesty use:

They pretend if a person sees that God did not do a particular thing then that person believes God is not capable of doing that particular thing.

Did God make the moon out of cheese? You don’t think so? Then you don’t believe God is capable of making the moon out of cheese!

See how silly your position is?

Yes, God could have made men write perfect documents. He didn’t. Lying about the documents is not doing God’s work.

No, satanist, demon, you "argued," on record, that since we are "imperfect" men, it is impossible for an all powerful LORD God to use such men to give us a perfect book.

He did gives us a perfect, pure....scripture, despite your satanic assertions that He did not.

Matthew 3:9 KJV
9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

You: No, He cannot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We smell your sulfur, admitted devil child, despiser of the scriptures, and the LORD God.


New member
You answered too quick to have read that post. As I already knew, you don't want answers, you want to mock God. I realize you can't comprehend the post but you should at least read it it, rube.

I remembered it from before, that is why it did not take long.

It is a wishing away what the text actually says.

Your seeming to grasp at this nonexistent straw is a bad reflection on you.

No wonder you did not try to reword it. It is difficult to honestly reword a denial of the text hidden in spiritualized nonsense.


New member
=no scripture from God was/is true, sure, pure, sound, perfect, right.................

Yes, we heard you, admitted satanist-on record.

=on record satanic assertions from a devil child.


The scriptures do not claim to be from God. They are either anonymous or claim to be written by people.

Why do you want to add to the text?


New member
I can. Joseph, the legal stepfather of the Lord Jesus, was the descendant of David's son Solomon.

Yet Luke says Joseph was a descendant of Nathan, Solomon’s brother. So there is an error in the genealogies.

Luke 3 Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his work. He was the son (as was thought) of Joseph son of Heli, 24 son of Matthat...son of Mattatha, son of Nathan, son of David, 32 son of Jesse, son of Obed, son of Boaz,