Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


New member
Quote Originally Posted by john w View Post
5th request:Chapter, verse, as I've asked you, where the LORD God commands that I answer any/all questions, especially from bible rejecting, bible correcting mystics/agnostics, satanists, like you.

Not a peep. He won't touch that request.
1 Peter 3.15
Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you
John W, I wanted to post this again to make sure that you did not miss it.

Maybe a little more of the passage will help you:
Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; 16 yet do it with gentleness and reverence. Keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who abuse you for your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame.

Or, if you prefer the KJV:
be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.


Well-known member
Are you saying Jesus was not speaking Aramaic?

That is the topic.

I said nothing about whether or not the Teacher was speaking Aramaic: however that "little technicality" which I mentioned will not be so little when it comes to your atonement doctrine and the Psalm 22 passage.
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New member
Not only that, it was not understood that Koine Greek was the language of the ancient manuscripts until the 1800s.

That is one reason that it is so irrational to view the 1611 KJV as especially relevant.
“One man is to be given the credit for the discovery of the Koine – a German pastor named Adolf Deissmann. Even though one or two perceptive scholars had noted the true character of NT Greek as early as the middle of the nineteenth century, their statements made no impression on general opinion. Deissmann, on a visit to a friend in Marburg, found a volume of Greek papyri from Egypt, and leafing through this publication, he was struck by the similarity to the Greek of the NT. He followed up this observation with continued study, and his publications of his findings finally led to general acceptance of the position that the peculiarities of the Greek NT were, for the most part, to be explained by reference to the nonliterary Greek, the popular colloquial language of the period. He first published his results in two volumes of Bible Studies (1895, 1897) and later on in the justly popular Life from the Ancient East (1908).”

- The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, pg. 486.

(Kind of makes you wonder why some Christians fight so fiercely for the KJV if the translators didn’t quite have a handle on the language.)



Well-known member
Those are valid points.

And some of that academic work identifies places in which the manuscripts upon which the KJV is based are now known to have been inferior, such as the book/tree error in the last chapter of Revelation.

Why are you silent on the error that the KJV is the one true Bible?

Why are you silent on the fact that the 1611 KJV had more than 66 books?
Because it isn't a fight I'm willing to die for. The ONLY KJV argument I've been against, is one where only KJVers are saved. I used to be against some insisting their members only read it, but a church member has to make that choice. It used to bother me, but again, just something not worth the fight over it.

I don't believe we have any of those here. What would be the point of arguing other than winning an argument? Does it hurt you? :nono: Does it hurt them? :nono: Nope.


Well-known member
1Cor 13:10KJV

Lon, glorydaz and John W thanked you post only because they did not understand it.

1Cor 13:10
But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.

This will happen at the end of the 1000 years when God makes a new heaven and earth. Then all imperfection will pass away, which includes the Bible and its 'discrepancy'. Yet God's Words will remain forever.


Well-known member
I will just quote you:
You both believe I worship a book (and I do, it is from Him!).
AND I showed you it is not an idol, but esteemed as from Him. AND I said insomuch as the Word is God, I worship Him.

See, if you are only going to quote a portion of what one says and use it for your own glory, regardless and to the detriment of your opponent, "even if it isn't true" and you well know it isn't, then it is something you know to be 'no quite right' or 'true' yet you print it anyway. Unscrupulous reporters with no regard for those they are reporting on how it might affect them, do that. They are self-interested. Story-interested. Careless and without scruples. How about you? Same? In bed with the unscrupulous or do you have some morality and ethics? :think: Again, post as you will for your own reputation and agenda. To me? Looks like a lie. "But I posted it exactly as you wrote it!" Exactly? :nono: Including all dialogue that went with it? :nono: I don't think so. It looks like purposeful misrepresentation, you know, like a purposeful and willful lie?

Post as you will.


Well-known member
Chapter, verse, where the LORD God promised to preserve His word in any language, including a dead language, such as the Koine Greek, which most Greeks do not even speak.

I thought so.

Scam artist.

Matthew 24:14 KJV And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

You: All the world, in the future, will speak the same language!!!!!!!

You're a clueless, bible correcting moron.

Gospel means good news. The good news is that Jesus provided a way for us to not go to hell. This is what is being preached to ever part of the world before He returns. But you have mistakenly thought gospel means Bible.

1 Corinthians 15:28
When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.


Well-known member
Gospel means good news. The good news is that Jesus provided a way for us to not go to hell. This is what is being preached to ever part of the world before He returns. But you have mistakenly thought gospel means Bible.

Lol, I have seen John say what you just said, "gospel means good news", (or something to that effect). I suspect you are biting off more than you can chew but it will fun to watch.


Well-known member
Lol, I have seen John say what you just said, "gospel means good news", (or something to that effect). I suspect you are biting off more than you can chew but it will fun to watch.

If so then he probably forgot in his drunkenness.

The word originated as a contraction from old English "god spel" meaning "good news", "glad tidings (of the kingdom of God)"
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Well-known member
I don't need the scripture in the "original language" since I have access to dozens of translations in English.
By comparing the translations, I am able to come to a closer knowledge of what was written than someone that thinks their misunderstanding of the KJV is right.

Word for word is better:



Well-known member
Oh, I agree. Anytime we use language. Ephesians 5:4 If you don't live by them, you live by your own code. Contrasts for thread posterity I'd reckon.

On top of that, you agreed to abide by the forum rules. I 'was' bothered by your coarse language. God calls us to something better. We either live by the book, or we don't.
1 Corinthians 13:11 Advice? Live by the book. Don't HAVE foul words in your vocabulary. Again, one lives BY the book or goes about correcting it. One of us is being remade in its image (perhaps the other, but if you don't esteem it like King David and I, I'm worried). :e4e:

Your underhandedness has hurt yourself more than me.
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Well-known member
Then by ALL MEANS, write what you think instead of what is said :noway:

Are you dishonest, illiterate, or both? :think:

Dishonest. You weren't being 'loving.' You are here for your own ego. You CANNOT listen to another or his/her theology. You are as despicable as your inability to read OR represent another clearly. AGAIN, you are NOT here for that. I wish that you were.

Worse? YOU would rather have enemies than friends over these matters and it shows. You attack and debate poorly, without regard for another, and without regard for truth EXCEPT what you THINK it is and are committed to. What you LOVE is your theories and your own lacking prowess which you esteem way and above what it actually is. You fail to deliver and are a poor communicator and likely a poor person for all this too. You came on TOL concerned MOST about YOUR agenda. Not making friends or actually caring about anybody. As I've said, I've prayed over your arrogance and ignorance. It isn't pleasing to God. He is capable of doing what He must, but YOU my friend, are only here to win a debate and your OWN way. :plain: And it IS plain. I don't have to be a mindreader, it is what this thread is producing by your own hand. YOU have done this. It is your work and the fruit of your labors. Worse? It is getting worse, not better. Sad days, that.

I've made TOL friends with cobra.

You vitriol is :vomit:


Well-known member
No, but you won't listen to anything not your opinion :( The 1611 is important for a number of reasons. I'm not KJVonly in that I would make everyone read only it. That said, I read it most specifically because it is a word-for-word rather than idea for idea endeavor. It also has the greater wealth of academic work having been around since 1611 than any other translation. You cannot, for instance, use a concordance as well for the NIV as you can for the KJV specifically because of the different ways both are translated. Most commentaries and theology works reference the KJV for those 400 years as well.

