Scripture. What is considered Scripture?


Well-known member
Matt 11:11 is the height and breath of mans truth still seeking in vanity Matt 11:3.


Well-known member
I do not know how to help you with that. Was your post in response to my post? Is it okay to ask questions of anyone?

Certainly ask you're Father who isn't a man! you need no man to tell you the truth Galatians 1:12.


Well-known member
I saw Bill Clinton do that: “Deny, Deny, Deny.”
Which is why you do it? You remind me of a guy that says he 'LOVES his wife' then proceeds to tell me all of her faults, line itemed even.

Sorry buddy, as far as you know, my wife is perfect. If you try to tell me she isn't, I can then rightfully sock you in the eye.

So, you take something else I cherish and bad-mouth it "Next error." Nobody is going to like you or thank you for it, and that, is assuming you are right. You aren't. Bill Clinton denied his own sins. You mix profane with that which is holy and such is blasphemy. Learn from your betters. You are a bull in a china shop. I don't have a sacred cow. These letters and books are from God. You are blind and a brute. Luke 23:34


Well-known member
I do not know what you are saying or telling me.

He couldn't follow Christ or His scriptures so is looking for something easier and more preferable. He missed Matthew 11:29 and prefers the heavy burden of his own habits and sins :( I pray for him.

I do not know how to help you.
Prayer, Jacob. He is where only God can go.


New member
Which is why you do it? You remind me of a guy that says he 'LOVES his wife' then proceeds to tell me all of her faults, line itemed even.

Sorry buddy, as far as you know, my wife is perfect. If you try to tell me she isn't, I can then rightfully sock you in the eye.

So, you take something else I cherish and bad-mouth it "Next error." Nobody is going to like you or thank you for it, and that, is assuming you are right. You aren't. Bill Clinton denied his own sins. You mix profane with that which is holy and such is blasphemy. Learn from your betters. You are a bull in a china shop. I don't have a sacred cow. These letters and books are from God. You are blind and a brute. Luke 23:34
I didn’t mention any of your family.

You have really driven off the road.

I suppose that is easier than trying to defend your false, man-made doctrine.

Did the centurion come to see Jesus or not?

At least with the question about what Jesus told the disciples to bring, one animal or two, you did finally say one. And thus you declared Matthew in error.

What about the centurion?


Well-known member
I didn’t mention any of your family.

You have really driven off the road.
You are blind and a brute. Luke 23:34

I suppose that is easier than trying to defend your false, man-made doctrine.
You mix profane with that which is holy and such is blasphemy. Learn from your betters.
Did the centurion come to see Jesus or not?
Which is why you do it? You remind me of a guy that says he 'LOVES his wife' then proceeds to tell me all of her faults, line itemed even.

At least with the question about what Jesus told the disciples to bring, one animal or two, you did finally say one. And thus you declared Matthew in error.
Clinton denied his own sins
What about the centurion?
Sorry buddy... "Next error." Nobody is going to like you or thank you....


Well-known member
What we have is copies of and from the originals, the autographs.

Yes, and God still says in II Timothy 2:5 to rightly divide the word of truth, thus it is still possible, regardless of the fact that no originals exist but copies only, to rightly divide what we have

And I believe that and so does those who have been taught by the teachers of the Way, Jesus Christ


Yes, and God still says in II Timothy 2:5 to rightly divide the word of truth, thus it is still possible, regardless of the fact that no originals exist but copies only, to rightly divide what we have

And I believe that and so does those who have been taught by the teachers of the Way, Jesus Christ

I do not know what you mean.


New member
Lon, I noticed your post 589 is all recycled material with nothing new at all, yet you did not even try to address the question of whether the centurion came to Jesus himself or if he just sent emissaries.

I take that to mean that you have no reconciliation for the error. It joins all the other errors for which you had no explanation.


I do hope that you can keep your faith in God, even though your man-made tradition of inerrancy, a tradition never presented in scripture, has been shown to be inconsistent with scripture.


Well-known member
Well, for instance, Matthew the first generation IS 14. He was correct, that was all. Why does he then produce a genealogy that is different from his O.T. after that? We don't know. We can BUT assume after that. I always thought the reason is simply this: To establish that Jesus is the Messiah and not really give superfluous information. Another has suggested that non-Jews in the timeline are eliminated. Whatever the answer, "Because Matthew cannot count" is imho ABSOLUTELY THE WORST speculation. To think he made an error is simply shooting in the dark. When encountering ANY difference in the text, assuming a mistake is simply that: A rookie assumption with nothing but inclination as the only foundation for suggesting it. It comes from a secular assumption that "everybody makes mistakes." :nono: Find one in the dictionary, for instance. I completely, unequivocally disagree there is an error when the disciples and apostles wrote under inspiration.

Matthew 1:17
Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.

Including Abraham and David I counted 14 generations.

Including David and King Josiah (one the Kings of the time of the exile) I counted 14 generations.

Including King Jeconiah (the other king involved in the exile) to Jesus I counted 14 generation.

That's how it's done. The key is in the wording regarding the exile:

Matthew 1
11 and Josiah the father of Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon. 12 After the exile to Babylon.

Matthews is Joseph's genealogy and Luke's is Mary's.

I don't see any error there myself. However I have found parts of the NT that were added in at later times that shouldn't be there.
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I do not know what you mean.
Because of the ambiguity of the Way? It's a homonym. It's unclear what Oatmeal means when they say the Way.

The last scripture was written in the first century AD, stands for anno domini. Year of our Lord. Jesus. Jesus is our Lord, our years start with Him, AD 70, AD 1889, and AD 2017 start counting from His birth, to a virgin, named Mary, His mother.

So what happened after the first century, I had to stitch together, best I could do. The Scripture is reliable, but since it ends in the first century AD, I had to do some work to figger out what Scripture means today. It's not the same as simply, reading what's written. Connotations aren't in the scriptures, we know what all the words mean, but we don't always know key connotations the words possess.

The Holy Catholic Church, and the Holy Orthodox Churches, and some much smaller families of ancient Christian Church traditions, are trivially traced all the way back to the beginning, to the Lord Himself, and to His Apostles. Just because of record keeping, and not exotic record keeping, just enough to prove that the institution or corporation or nongovernmental organization known as the Christian Church existed in the first half of the first century AD, we know that these families of ancient Christian Church traditions actually began at the beginning.

The pope succeeds the Apostle Peter, as our Lord's (AD) vicar, the Church's supreme pastor, who minds the fold for the Shepherd, while He sits at the right hand of the Highest, Who is making the earth into His footstool as we speak, according to Holy Catholicism, and to Holy Catholicism only.

Yes, I fully explored the other option, that the papacy is illegitimate. There are only two options, and I tell you from personal experience, that the popes are vicars.

Scripture, because it ended in the first century, is like the tip of a pencil, but I need to know what the whole pencil is, and all I know for sure about the pencil from Scripture is its lead, I needed extrabiblical, and unbiblical sources (beyond Scripture) to identify the whole pencil, that is visible today, but is hidden, because nobody integrates together all the facts the right way.

The sources and citations beyond Scripture must have one very crucial feature, they all must be authored after the New Testament's canon was authored, because nothing written in the first century can tell us anything about what happened in the second century, and it doesn't take many centuries before you can be confident that the Holy Catholic Church and Holy Orthodox Churches were together the Church in the first millennium AD.

That's not what Oatmeal means by the Way. They mean something that was made up very recently, wrt Holy Catholicism, and Holy Orthodoxy.


Because of the ambiguity of the Way? It's a homonym. It's unclear what Oatmeal means when they say the Way.

The last scripture was written in the first century AD, stands for anno domini. Year of our Lord. Jesus. Jesus is our Lord, our years start with Him, AD 70, AD 1889, and AD 2017 start counting from His birth, to a virgin, named Mary, His mother.

So what happened after the first century, I had to stitch together, best I could do. The Scripture is reliable, but since it ends in the first century AD, I had to do some work to figger out what Scripture means today. It's not the same as simply, reading what's written. Connotations aren't in the scriptures, we know what all the words mean, but we don't always know key connotations the words possess.

The Holy Catholic Church, and the Holy Orthodox Churches, and some much smaller families of ancient Christian Church traditions, are trivially traced all the way back to the beginning, to the Lord Himself, and to His Apostles. Just because of record keeping, and not exotic record keeping, just enough to prove that the institution or corporation or nongovernmental organization known as the Christian Church existed in the first half of the first century AD, we know that these families of ancient Christian Church traditions actually began at the beginning.

The pope succeeds the Apostle Peter, as our Lord's (AD) vicar, the Church's supreme pastor, who minds the fold for the Shepherd, while He sits at the right hand of the Highest, Who is making the earth into His footstool as we speak, according to Holy Catholicism, and to Holy Catholicism only.

Yes, I fully explored the other option, that the papacy is illegitimate. There are only two options, and I tell you from personal experience, that the popes are vicars.

Scripture, because it ended in the first century, is like the tip of a pencil, but I need to know what the whole pencil is, and all I know for sure about the pencil from Scripture is its lead, I needed extrabiblical, and unbiblical sources (beyond Scripture) to identify the whole pencil, that is visible today, but is hidden, because nobody integrates together all the facts the right way.

The sources and citations beyond Scripture must have one very crucial feature, they all must be authored after the New Testament's canon was authored, because nothing written in the first century can tell us anything about what happened in the second century, and it doesn't take many centuries before you can be confident that the Holy Catholic Church and Holy Orthodox Churches were together the Church in the first millennium AD.

That's not what Oatmeal means by the Way. They mean something that was made up very recently, wrt Holy Catholicism, and Holy Orthodoxy.

I will let him answer me if he wants to.

Did you know that the Bible says that Jesus is at the right hand of God?

I do not know why you talk about years and other the way that you do with the order you gave them.





I like to give a person the chance to explain what they mean if I do not know what they mean.


What if they can't explain it? I just take a crack at what I think they mean, and if it's not what they mean, then they'll let me know right quick; it's efficient. And if they don't let me know that I'm wrong, then I can assume I'm right, or that they're playing a game, in which case, I'll walk right into the trap, because I censored games.


What if they can't explain it? I just take a crack at what I think they mean, and if it's not what they mean, then they'll let me know right quick; it's efficient. And if they don't let me know that I'm wrong, then I can assume I'm right, or that they're playing a game, in which case, I'll walk right into the trap, because I censored games.

I do not know what you mean. If I don't know or they can't or don't answer no harm I am not demanding an answer to say that I do not know. I would rather not be wrong than assume something or put words into people's mouth. If I do not know what someone is saying or telling me I would rather they tell me if they want to than me try to tell them what I think they mean if I do not know.

I do not know what you mean about a trap and censoring or censoring games or whatever you or that means.