That is because some misguided soul taught Ehrman the false doctrine of inerrancy.
:nono: Else "SCRIPTURE" isn't true. 1 John 2:19 is the REASON. You definitely are more of an open theist than you'd like to think of yourself: one where you are in control and God is not. Psalm 40:1-3 Romans 14:4; 8:58
He might still be a Christian if someone had not presented the teachings of man as a position of God.
:nono: It was arguing with unbelievers about these very things that caused him problems. He spent more time on academics than actually knowing the Savior. See the above scriptures. Dr. Daniel Wallace, btw, debated Eerdman OVER inerrancy. The KJV-only crowd got a hold of some of Dr. Wallace's comments and took those out of that particular debate to make it look like he wasn't an inerrantist. He is adamant on his site that he is very much an inerrantist.
Read it. I come to inerrancy similarly by both the high and low road, as he calls it. I'm happy to have been corrected by Dr. Wallace over your erroneous idea that he isn't an inerrantist. I 'think' some of his grace toward those who aren't inerrantists is good. Dr. Wallace, for instance, has a lot of grace toward Bruce Metzger who is not an inerrantist. It is also, perhaps, that grace, that allows for confusions such as is seen in this thread.
Because this false doctrine was a core doctrine of his, his faith crumbled when the foundation was found to be a lie.
:nono: When your own reading skills and study integrity are in question in thinking Wallace believed the scriptures are errant, then of course you are nobody to go to determine if something more important has errors. Why? Because YOU made the first error. It is SAFER to assume you also make one here. I'm pretty much on page with Dr. Wallace. I may not be as gracious to those who do not espouse inerrancy that I'd have one speak at a conference of mine (not sure how I would cast that vote). At any rate, while I can live with the disagreement, I'm very adamant that you are wrong on this. Disfellowshipping? No, but I'll ever beat the inerrancy drum specifically because scripture does. I stand by my convictions that those who believe in errancy, really haven't read their bibles enough. I realize some of you might contest such, but I'm fairly committed to my attitude that the Bereans had it right AND were 'more noble.' Scripture, which I believe, says so.
I see you continue to avoid the question of whether Jesus told the two disciples to bring one animal or two.
:chuckle: Sorry. Ahem...<cough>... Go ahead, tell me again how I 'avoid' your question...

I'll say this again: Listen more, speak less. This is wrong. Because you are NOTED now for making mistakes like with Dr. Daniel Wallace, then I, we, you can assume you make them again and so I'll be looking for those logical disconnects like here.
While you are beating one of your kids (by analogy) I'm enjoying their stories the SAME way I enjoy all 4 gospels. Sorry one of those naught disciples messed it up for you. While you are off beating kids and Apostles, I'm not even remotely bothered. So, yeah, I guess correct, Phillip, but I'm not 'avoiding' I'm leaving you to fret and beat kids while I 'enjoy' and look for ways I can be more like my Lord. See the difference?
How many donkeys did Jesus ride into Jerusalem, Phillip? :think: How many did He need? You keep thinking there is a mistake. Forgive me for thinking you a simpleton for it AND for making it a big deal.
You wrote:
I disdain the thinking that men are smarter than God
You seem to think your position is God’s position.
Because I think I'm smarter than these others? Yeah, guilty. I'm arrogant. I really work on it, but I generally KNOW I make less mistakes than others in academic circles any more. Some of it comes with degrees, some with the GPA along with it, some of it when I find those with PhD agree with me too (or I with them).
I wonder if you realize how inappropriate and wrong that is
Luke wrote that the Bereans were more noble because of their study prowess. Inappropriate? Well, they probably had big heads the rest of their lives. Scripture recorded that they did something others did not. Yes, I've a big head for my study habits. "Scripture" calls it more noble. You not liking it? That green-eyed monster may be more inappropriate than having a bit of pride in being scripturally studious and diligent AND know it.
You have declared the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. The Bible never claims that.
Your friend, Dr. Wallace, in the same link I've given, said he proved you were wrong in his paper, that 2 Timothy 3:16 proves that the Bible claims that. Interesting, no?
Did Jesus tell the two disciples to bring one animal or two? If you don’t know, admit it.
Okay, let me turn it around: "IF" I don't know, THEN you don't know either. By THAT token, NEITHER OF US could know if it were true or false, only what our trust is, in the word of God. To me? One. How many did Jesus ride? One. "Oh, what about the second one?" What about it Phillip? He didn't ride it. It ISN'T part of this story other than incidental. One donkey. You: Mistake. Me: Nope.
You wrote:
Question for you: Matthew 4:4 Can you live without the word of God? Is it possible?
I think you have a misunderstanding of the term “Word of God.” The Word of God is the Message of God, and it is the message that gives eternal life. The term “Word of God” is not interchangeable with “Bible.” There is no scriptural justification for that error.
Actually, the term Word of God means:
1) The Message of God for mankind
2) A message from God or
3) The Message of God incarnate, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.
Pretending it means Bible is the source of many errors.

lain: Matthew 4:4 was/is clear and you are quite wrong. Read it, Phillip. READ IT.
Now answer, having read and been corrected and informed: Can you live without the word of God? Easy question. ODDLY, for someone who says I haven't answered, you didn't here. That is, you answered from a wrong assumption. Again, now that you have been corrected, can you live without the word of God? What is 'written?' :think: