Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


New member
I am not familiar with the Urantia stuff. But I usually leave the list for those who could be confused with a real Christian and who could cause harm to CHrist and His work of saving people by grace through faith.

It is the "wolves in sheeps clothing" that I am most concerned with. That is why we don't worry about the cults like mormonism or JW's.

From my limited (and I mean very limited) knowledge of the urantia thread, most people would immediately write them off as looney and they are not a threat. They are not wolves dressed as sheep, they are like big hippo's, easily spotted as inconsequential.


I am not familiar with the Urantia stuff. But I usually leave the list for those who could be confused with a real Christian and who could cause harm to CHrist and His work of saving people by grace through faith.

It is the "wolves in sheeps clothing" that I am most concerned with. That is why we don't worry about the cults like mormonism or JW's.

From my limited (and I mean very limited) knowledge of the urantia thread, most people would immediately write them off as looney and they are not a threat. They are not wolves dressed as sheep, they are like big hippo's, easily spotted as inconsequential.

We will be paying for what we spread.

this is not such godly comment. Jesus is the judge of all His people, not you nor anyone else.

It could be easily taken you are the wolf wearing sheep's cloth.
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New member
We would remind you again, the UB has nothing to do with UFOs.
List of UFO religions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UFO religions, also referred to as "UFO cults" and "flying saucer cults", are groups which deal with alleged communication between humans and extraterrestrial beings. Forms of communication include telepathy and astral projection. Groups often believe that humanity can be saved after being educated by the aliens as to how to improve society. Alien abduction belief can lead to formation of a UFO religion. I AM Religious Activity, founded in 1930 by Guy Ballard, is seen, according to one author, as the first UFO Religion, though Aetherius Society founded by George King has also been given this distinction. Scholars identify the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident as a key event within the history of UFO spirituality. Melodie Campbell and Stephen A. Kent describe Heaven's Gate and Order of the Solar Temple as among the most controversial of the UFO belief groups. Scientology is seen by scholars as a UFO religion, due to its Xenu cosmogony and the presence of Space opera in Scientology doctrine.
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Name: Urantia movement Founder: Spiritual entities Founded: 1924 at the earliest and 1955 at the latest
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We would remind you again, the UB has nothing to do with UFOs.

We would secondly remind you to consider that your 'religious belief' or 'concepts' about 'God' or whatever could just as well be 'imaginary'.

Finally, the term 'Urantia' is the name this particular group of celestials have given to our planet 'Earth'. Hence the papers that were dictated or arranged are called 'The Urantia Papers', which in the public domain later became published as 'The Urantia BOOK' (UB). Its just a word. All 'words' are but symbols or referents to some thing, concept or subject. They all include using your 'mind' or 'imagination'.

As far as what is 'real' or not, do you determine that or prove it? This is an area of epistemology, or ontology. It pretty much looks like you're back to square 1, in providing any evidence that your 'belief' or 'concept' about 'God' is any more imaginary or real as any other.
I didn't say it was a UFO thing. Unfamiliar spirits is a spooky setup. Don't trust them. Don't just fall for it blindly cause they sound good. You already said the Bible doesn't sound good and flooded with errors and now you want us to hear the unfamiliar spirits along with you. No thanks !


New member
We will be paying for what we spread.

this is not such godly comment. Jesus is the judge of all His people, not you nor anyone else.

It could be easily taken you are the wolve wearing sheep's cloth.

I will not be paying for what I spread. I will be reaping rewards for spreading the gospel and marking lying heretics whimper wet the gospel to their own destruction.


I will not be paying for what I spread. I will be reaping rewards for spreading the gospel and marking lying heretics whimper wet the gospel to their own destruction.

We have to see what our Lord Jesus says on that day.

You are getting ahead of Him, dear. He does not even give us His judgment yet.

Jesus is the Lord.

Peter says judgment begins with household of God.

You better watch out, usurping Jesus' authority.


New member
We have to see what our Lord Jesus says on that day.

You are getting ahead of Him, dear. He does not even give us His judgment yet.

Jesus is the Lord.

Peter says judgment begins with household of God.

You better watch out, usurping Jesus' authority.

I am sealed and saved. No need to wait. Just believe what Jesus says in spite of your fleshly desire to save yourself.


List of UFO religions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UFO religions, also referred to as "UFO cults" and "flying saucer cults", are groups which deal with alleged communication between humans and extraterrestrial beings. Forms of communication include telepathy and astral projection. Groups often believe that humanity can be saved after being educated by the aliens as to how to improve society. Alien abduction belief can lead to formation of a UFO religion. I AM Religious Activity, founded in 1930 by Guy Ballard, is seen, according to one author, as the first UFO Religion, though Aetherius Society founded by George King has also been given this distinction. Scholars identify the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident as a key event within the history of UFO spirituality. Melodie Campbell and Stephen A. Kent describe Heaven's Gate and Order of the Solar Temple as among the most controversial of the UFO belief groups. Scientology is seen by scholars as a UFO religion, due to its Xenu cosmogony and the presence of Space opera in Scientology doctrine.
. . .
Name: Urantia movement Founder: Spiritual entities Founded: 1924 at the earliest and 1955 at the latest
. . .

A celestial being named Gabriel suddenly appeared to Mary to inform her that his master, also a spirit being, was growing inside of her as a human baby. Gabriel also appeared to Johns mother, Elizabeth. Then Johns father had a visitation in a dream.

Celestial beings appeared to Abraham and can be found in other areas of the bible. You guys need to come down off your high horse, because you've got weird stuff to explain as well.


New member
A celestial being named Gabriel suddenly appeared to Mary to inform her that his master, also a spirit being, was growing inside of her as a human baby. Gabriel also appeared to Johns mother, Elizabeth. Then Johns father had a visitation in a dream.

Celestial beings appeared to Abraham and can be found in other areas of the bible. You guys need to come down off your high horse, because you've got weird stuff to explain as well.

We don't actually have to explain it or even understand it. We just believe it.

If God chose to give new revelation it would be accompanied by signs and wonders of the one being used to transmit the new information.

Until then, we are to try and test the spirits and mark those that teach contrary to the revealed gospel of Jesus Christ.


We don't actually have to explain it or even understand it. We just believe it.

If God chose to give new revelation it would be accompanied by signs and wonders of the one being used to transmit the new information.

Until then, we are to try and test the spirits and mark those that teach contrary to the revealed gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus proved that miracles and wonders are overrated. People saw and experienced miracles and wonders but still didn't believe. The Urantia Revelation has the original Gospel that Jesus lived and preached 3+ years before the cross and Paul's new gospel.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus proved that miracles and wonders are overrated. People saw and experienced miracles and wonders but still didn't believe. The Urantia Revelation has the original Gospel that Jesus lived and preached 3+ years before the cross and Paul's new gospel.

I see you're still a "Nut!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We have to see what our Lord Jesus says on that day.

You are getting ahead of Him, dear. He does not even give us His judgment yet.

Jesus is the Lord.

Peter says judgment begins with household of God.

You better watch out, usurping Jesus' authority.

You don't know what you're talking about sweetie.