Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


New member
There is no possibility that God had ANYTHING to do with the Urantia book, since it discounts Jesus' sacrifice on the cross by teaching that His Blood is not necessary for salvation. That diametrically opposes Christianity, since our sins are ONLY washed away by His Blood and it is only through The Power of His Blood and the word of our testimony which gives us the victory over Satan.

Amen! I give thanks every day for what Jesus Christ did and accomplished at the Cross. I must add that He did it willingly out of a heart of love for us. There is no greater gift.


New member
And we keep coming back to this, since you are 'stuck' on the vicarious blood-atonement belief. We've covered the 'blood-atonement' issue here and elsewhere (see all linked commentary). Since this is going nowhere between us, as far as debate on this particular being 'exhausted' ....other readers can afford themselves investigating our dialogue to draw their own conclusions on the matter ;)

The blood-atonement concept is primitive, cruel and inhumane, to say nothing of human sacrifice.


You are stuck on a book of fiction - the ub. I feel sorry for you and others who fall for the ub deception. Christians could care less about the ub and the teachings of the urantia UFO cult. You're wasting your time and ours on this Christian forum.


New member
I must dispute the OP having placed me in the "saved by works" category, since the Catholic Church does not in fact teach that we are "saved by works." Sorry for your confusion.

Gaudium de veritate,



Is that supposed to be some sort of answer to the previous post, or are you just free-styling?

Free styling, the original gospel had absolutely nothing to do blood sacrifice. But his triumphant life was overshadowed by the new gospel of his death and resurrection.


Sure thing, friend. "Other" is right.

There wasn't an option for "disciple of the original gospel Jesus preached to the Jews" so I had to choose other. I find the human sacrifice of Pauls remixed gospel to be a grotesque theory held by primitive people on a savage world.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Jesus accomplished much more in his life then on the tragic cross.

In case anybody wanted to know specifically who all is headed for hell, here is one.

1 Corinthians 1

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


Eclectic Theosophist
Listen sonny, are the facts......

Listen sonny, are the facts......

You are stuck on a book of fiction - the ub. I feel sorry for you and others who fall for the ub deception. Christians could care less about the ub and the teachings of the urantia UFO cult. You're wasting your time and ours on this Christian forum.

I guess you missed the memo (being such a newer member here, and limited to your exposure of my religious studies),...I'm not stuck on the UB, its just one of many interesting and illuminating religious texts out there,....I'm very 'eclectic',...a student of universal spirituality, - that covers many schools and religious traditions.

You are also still misrepresenting the UB being a UFO cult....which is it is NOT. We've been thru this over and over again,....with the proper resources for your education, but you choose to be a ignoramous in this case. That's just the facts. You can choose NOT to be one, when you properly educate yourself.

Also, I've been on this forum for over 10 years and held my own as one of the more unique members here. If you think I'm all about the UB only you are pretty short-sighted, I've had threads on many different subjects here, but haven't really made any of my own in some time, my older threads being deleted in the last system upgrades, as older threads are regularly purged here. - past threads catalog here. (so many of the older ones are no longer extant).

There are a whole host of spiritual teachers from traditions other than a Judeo-Christian one that anyone could benefit from. Your 'religious belief-system' or 'denomination' is not the only valid or 'true' one, it just so happens to be the 'belief-system' you've adopted at this particular time. All things and positions are subject to change. - you could change your mind at any point in the near or far future.

There is also 'progressive revelation'.



In case anybody wanted to know specifically who all is headed for hell, here is one.

1 Corinthians 1

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

I don't find the cross to be foolishness, Jesus came down from the glory of heaven to experience all that man is called to experience, death being the final act. But I do find it foolish to teach that rejecting the original gospel and killing Jesus, was the gospel.
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New member
There wasn't an option for "disciple of the original gospel Jesus preached to the Jews" so I had to choose other. I find the human sacrifice of Pauls remixed gospel to be a grotesque theory held by primitive people on a savage world.

Jesus Christ willingly went to the cross and died for the sins of the world. The cross is the biggest and most important event in human history. You are lost because you reject God's greatest gift to mankind.


New member
I guess you missed the memo (being such a newer member here, and limited to your exposure of my religious studies),...I'm not stuck on the UB, its just one of many interesting and illuminating religious texts out there,....I'm very 'eclectic',...a student of universal spirituality, - that covers many schools and religious traditions.


I have no interest in ANY of the false religions you represent. I feel sorry for you because you fall for everything except the truth.
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Eclectic Theosophist
insights from a 'non-duality' perspective......

insights from a 'non-duality' perspective......

I have no interest in ANY of the false religions you represent. I feel sorry for you because you fall for everything except the truth.

I'm not falling for anything,...but if you would consider what 'truth' or 'reality' is, is what actually exists, what is here now as what is actually being (the source of all that IS and is to come). The nature of truth or reality is 'God', 'God' is the essence, being and presence that IS. - all else in the context of creation is but a movement of consciousness. This is All There IS. Remember,...'truth' is what originally, eternally and infinitely exists at the 'core' or the 'heart' of all. This living 'God' is the essence of our own 'being' (and all beings), as encompassing all that is within and without.

Now as we dive into the mind's occupation and sometimes obsession with 'denominations', 'dogma' and religious formulas,...we may get caught in a role as 'heretic hunters', this thread being a prime example (but hey, as we shared before, this is entertaining).

Remember, your quest for 'God' or 'reality',....all concepts, beliefs, ideas, assumptions must be dropped, order to let 'God' BE. - and then 'God' or 'reality' will shine forth on its own, because IT is what Alone really IS (as absolute), as unborn, undying, eternal, infinite, timeless, everlasting, omnipresent, etc.

One discovers that their own true 'being' is not seperate from the one universal BEING that is 'God'...since there is Only That ONE.

There is a whole realm and diversity of exploring theology in metaphysical and philosophical terms that are beyond those limited to traditional-orthodox Christianity, which you might do well to afford yourself some discovery. But suit yourself. One's true Self will be realized in time or eternity anyways, the only 'reality' existing,....from which it is impossible to separate from 'God', since there is no other but 'God', One Omni-presence :) - the 'veil' of separation must be dissolved at some point in the primal unity.



New member

One word: baloney. I don't spend my time on baloney. God's Word (The Holy Bible) is the truth, and that's where I'll spend my time.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
I'm not falling for anything,...but if you would consider what 'truth' or 'reality' is, is what actually exists, what is here now as what is actually being...
I confess, P.J., I'm not following you're conversation here, and I haven't finished reading you're whole post even.

But this sentence popped out at me. I recognize this thinking anywhere, as it is mine too. We are dedicated to taking the step back, checking our gut, and never veering too far from what is the most obvious explanation for what is continually right in front of us. If they'res a rainbow in the wide sky, thats what we call it; we understand about 42 degree angle's1 and such, but its a rainbow.
And the rainbow that I'm talking about is the Church. We are those who believe in Jesus Christ. We have almost all of us been baptized with water, in the name of the Trinity, even if we do not currently subscribe to the Trinity. Our most prominent feature is the Holy Catholic Church, headquartered in the Holy See; the Roman particular Church, and the named recipient of the Apostle Pauls single lengthiest New Testament epistle.

Some of us even specifically identify ourselve's with the rainbow.

The Jewish faith in which the Church is rooted precede's the Church by between about 1,500 and 2,000 year's, depending upon whether you trace it back to Moses or back to Abraham. The Muslim faith is also rooted in the same Jewish faith, and Islam believe's that Jesus Christ will judge us at the resurrection.

Between three and four billion people are Christian, Muslim, or Jewish.
...(the source of all that IS and is to come). The nature of truth or reality is 'God', 'God' is the essence, being and presence that IS. - all else in the context of creation is but a movement of consciousness. This is All There IS. Remember,...'truth' is what originally, eternally and infinitely exists at the 'core' or the 'heart' of all. This living 'God' is the essence of our own 'being' (and all beings), as encompassing all that is within and without.

Now as we dive into the mind's occupation and sometimes obsession with 'denominations', 'dogma' and religious formulas,...we may get caught in a role as 'heretic hunters', this thread being a prime example (but hey, as we shared before, this is entertaining).

Remember, your quest for 'God' or 'reality',....all concepts, beliefs, ideas, assumptions must be dropped, order to let 'God' BE. - and then 'God' or 'reality' will shine forth on its own, because IT is what Alone really IS (as absolute), as unborn, undying, eternal, infinite, timeless, everlasting, omnipresent, etc.

One discovers that their own true 'being' is not seperate from the one universal BEING that is 'God'...since there is Only That ONE.

There is a whole realm and diversity of exploring theology in metaphysical and philosophical terms that are beyond those limited to traditional-orthodox Christianity, which you might do well to afford yourself some discovery. But suit yourself. One's true Self will be realized in time or eternity anyways, the only 'reality' existing,....from which it is impossible to separate from 'God', since there is no other but 'God', One Omni-presence :) - the 'veil' of separation must be dissolved at some point in the primal unity.



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God's Truth

New member
Man how I love God's Word. The Holy Bible has always been to me without question the written Word of God in my life, always, even when I did not understand a word of it.

As a young child, I would take the family Bible in my room and read, knowing that all the words written in it were God's words. I have struggled with God and man and am overcoming, just as Jesus tells us to do.