...(the source of all that IS and is to come). The nature of truth or reality is 'God',....as 'God' is the essence, being and presence that IS. - all else in the context of creation is but a movement of consciousness. This is All There IS. Remember,...'truth' is what originally, eternally and infinitely exists at the 'core' or the 'heart' of all. This living 'God' is the essence of our own 'being' (and all beings), as encompassing all that is within and without.
Now as we dive into the mind's occupation and sometimes obsession with 'denominations', 'dogma' and religious formulas,...we may get caught in a role as 'heretic hunters', this thread being a prime example (but hey, as we shared before, this is entertaining).
Remember,....in your quest for 'God' or 'reality',....all concepts, beliefs, ideas, assumptions must be dropped,...in order to let 'God' BE. - and then 'God' or 'reality' will shine forth on its own, because IT is what Alone really IS (as absolute), as unborn, undying, eternal, infinite, timeless, everlasting, omnipresent, etc.
One discovers that their own true 'being' is not seperate from the one universal BEING that is 'God'...since there is Only That ONE.
There is a whole realm and diversity of exploring theology in metaphysical and philosophical terms that are beyond those limited to traditional-orthodox Christianity, which you might do well to afford yourself some discovery. But suit yourself. One's true Self will be realized in time or eternity anyways,...as the only 'reality' existing,....from which it is impossible to separate from 'God', since there is no other but 'God', One Omni-presence

- the 'veil' of separation must be dissolved at some point in the primal unity.