With talk of celestials the only difference is that they didn't arrive on flying objects ? How did they get here ? Mentally ? Even without the UFO connection there iare E.T.s in the papers. They are like the papers of a small child with a vivid imagination and a decent vocabulary.
Remember the biblical record has God communicating to man thru dreams, visions, open voice, angelic/celestial visitations, even thru the mouth of an *** on one occasion. It looks like 'God' can speak to man in many ways, eh?
Sorry pj, but the papers cover fields of religion, science and philosophy that transcends what a child could understand, as far as the terms and their meanings are concerned, within the grander context of cosmology, the divine hierarchy, the various angelic orders, the dispensations of creation, the evolutionary progress and perfection of souls in their journey Godward, etc. I don't know where you're getting any 'childish' content, but your free to include those sections in the UB thread if you want to discuss them.
I challenge you to read the
Foreward of the UB, which is a synopsis of the theology/cosmogony revealed in the papers and tell me if that is on a child-level of comprehension or mentality. It far surpasses it. Then I challenge you to read the first 12 papers and show what is unintelligent or inconsistent therein. Again, we can take this to the UB thread and engage there.
I enjoy your posts freelight because you don't post much UB content. Whenever I see that I don't read much before I see blatant lies and false belief.

I am but a sentient being enjoying an earthly journey, but within a greater cosmos of ever expanding consciousness, as creation is but a process of life unfolding its potential. That is all that is going, matter, consciousness.....a universe engagement
I only quote or give commentary on passages in the UB if inspired to do so, but I would remind you that such passages will have meaning and value related to whatever subject is under discussion. You would also have to show what parts of what passages are 'blatant lies' and 'false belief'. The UB upholds only the highest most pure religious values and principles, so on this level, you cannot deny such, unless you would deny the religious values and principles found in the Bible, since there are one and the same in their Spirit-source.
If you would get a foretaste of what 'truth' is in the UB, go
here for starters. It would startle most to even consider that 'reality' may be something altogether different than what they've assumed, and abandoning their 'script' (prescriptions, opinions, beliefs, etc.) can be a very scary experience. When you drop all your concepts, opinions, beliefs...there is only reality itself, being what it IS. This is the greater/higher consideration of
non-duality, of which I may make another thread one day.